
The national teacher asserted that the son of the world was destined to be killed by his wife in this life. So the prince does not favor his wife, but only loves beautiful concubines

author:Little Sister Library

The national teacher asserted that the son of the world was destined to be killed by his wife in this life.

So the prince does not favor his wife, but only loves beautiful concubines.

After the young lady married into the Guogong Mansion, she was left out in the cold.

But I only had the grace of the son, and I did not lack all kinds of honor and authority, and finally I was sealed as a concubine.

The young lady was very jealous of me.

On the day I was diagnosed as pregnant, I was pushed into the crowd.

I was humiliated to death, one corpse and two lives.

When she woke up again, the young lady gave up the phoenix crown and changed into the costume of the bridal maid:

"This time, it's my turn to be spoiled by the world."

The national teacher asserted that the son of the world was destined to be killed by his wife in this life. So the prince does not favor his wife, but only loves beautiful concubines


"What a frustration! Hurry up and put on your wedding dress."

Just freed from the extreme pain.

A familiar voice rang in my ears.

Seeing that I was sluggish, the young lady glanced at me, stepped forward and grabbed me by the collar and threatened:

"Remember, I'm the spring peach from today on."

"Your parents and brothers have all been enslaved, if you don't want them to have an accident, you can be obedient to me."

I looked half a palm shorter than in my previous life, and my posture was even more weak.

From the normal size of the soles of the feet to the feet of the three-inch golden lotus, and let me marry the young lady.

It was clear that she had also been reborn.

And the time of rebirth was a few years earlier than me.


Under the coercion of the young lady, I obediently changed into my wedding dress and covered my head.

Waiting for the matchmaker to take Zhao Wenduan's brother-in-law Zhao Wencheng to pick up his relatives.

The welcoming procession was blowing and beating outside the house, and there was a lot of jubilation.

I wore a wedding dress made of brocade and gold thread made by a dozen embroidery ladies day and night.

I never thought that one day I would really marry as the wife of my dreams.

When I was a child, my mother used to say:

"If you look like a fox, even if you are broken, no one wants to marry you as a lady, this is your life!"

Wait for my father and mother to sell me to Yihong Mansion for the bride price of my brother's wife.

The old bustard even said:

"It's all here, so don't dream of asking a benefactor to marry you."

"With a background like ours, if we are redeemed as concubines, we will be looked down upon, and it is our life to be tasted by thousands of people."

In the last life, I didn't accept my fate.

After finding out that the young lady knew that my uncle treated me differently and wanted to sell me back to Yihong Mansion, I climbed into my uncle's bed.

In this life, there is a better opportunity.

I have to change my life against the sky.


I don't!

I cherished the blood-red wedding dress.

Seeing this, the young lady who was already wearing a maid's costume sneered:

"A pheasant is a pheasant, and wearing a phoenix crown can't hide his own lowliness."

"Even if you become the wife of the prince, you will not have the favor of the prince, and the lives of your parents and brothers are in my hands, you will still bow down to me."

"This time, it's my turn to be spoiled by the world, see how arrogant you are."

I buried my head and resigned myself to pretending not to understand what the young lady was saying.

Before the dust settles on the marriage, I don't want to cause more trouble.

It's just that I'm glad in my heart that Miss is still so arrogant and naïve.

Mistaking pearls for fish.

Does she really think that becoming Zhao Wenduan's concubine is something of infinite honor?

Thinking of Zhao Wenduan's unknown habits in his previous life, I couldn't help but shudder.

At the same time, the hatred in my heart is also fermenting.

In my previous life, if it weren't for Zhao Wenduan's good show, I wouldn't have fallen into that fate at all.

This time, I not only want Li Xinrou to experience the pain I have experienced, but also to send Zhao Wenduan, a behind-the-scenes spectator, into hell.


I never expected that Miss's maid style would not last long before it broke down.

The welcoming procession had just walked halfway through.

The young lady shouted that her feet hurt and did not want to follow the sedan chair, and then climbed onto the sedan chair.

When she arrived at the courtyard assigned to Mrs. Shizi in Rongguo Mansion, she was even more out of control.

When he raised his feet, he put the three-inch golden lotus wrapped in the footcloth into the washbasin that was used to catch the wind and wash the dust for the bride, intending to clean it.

I pretended not to see Mama Shen, who was sent by the old lady of Rongguo Mansion to beat the bride, and let her move.

In the next second, the young lady was pushed to the ground by Mama Shen.

"You little girl who is against the sky, take the master's basin and wash your feet, I think you have a long life."

The young lady was caught off guard and was pushed down, with an angry face.

"I'll wash it, you old immortal dare to push me, believe it or not, I let the prince beat you to death and drive you out of the house!"

Mama Shen raised her eyebrows and said disdainfully:

"Just you? Like you, a girl with a two-point posture and a heart higher than the sky, the old slave has seen a lot. It seems that the old lady asked me to take care of Madame, and I will catch you, a girl who is rebellious today, and I must teach you a good lesson for Madame."

The young lady is the daughter of an official eunuch, when was she seen by the slaves and maids with such contemptuous and ridiculed eyes.

She wanted to say that her status as a distinguished official lady made Mama Shen jealous, and she was afraid that the news of her substitute marriage would leak out, and all her calculations would be in vain.

For a while, his face turned red with anger.

She turned her head to glare at me, her eyes full of threat, and she gritted her teeth and said:

"I am the maid chosen by my wife to give to the young lady, and even the young lady has to be polite to me in front of the lady. If I did something wrong, naturally it won't be your turn to teach the people of the Guogong Mansion a lesson, miss, don't you say?"

I smiled lightly and explained to Mama Shen:

"Chun Tao is right. She was the one I asked my mother to choose for me, and I was going to let the son of the world take her into the house in the future."

"It's just that this family affair is in a hurry to give the old lady Chongxi, and Chun Tao is the person that her mother bought from outside temporarily, so she has no time to train her, so her words and deeds are insignificant. It's not true that I'm the master who offended Mama, and I hope Mama Haihan."

I specially bought a girl with a bit of beauty from outside, just to fix my pet in the future.

When Mama Shen heard this, she glanced at Miss's terrifying three-inch golden lotus with disdain, and said:

"No wonder. The Li family's family is not high, and when she suddenly climbed up to the Guogong Mansion, Mrs. Li got carried away for a while."

"It's just that our son is not a cat or a dog, this kind of woman bought in Flower Street is not liked by the whole government anyway, and Madame should send it back as soon as possible."

The Great Zhou Dynasty was in its heyday, the folk customs were open, and the women all took Princess Changsheng, the sister of the founding emperor, as an example.

The foot-binding custom of the former official ladies who stayed at home has long been abandoned.

Only the lowest prostitutes remained, forced to conform to the preferences of their customers in order to survive.

Mama Shen, a slave like Mama Shen who is from a wealthy family and talks about Gao Jie, naturally knows that only prostitutes are keen to bind their feet these days, so they especially despise the young lady who is suspected of being from Huajie.

I lowered my eyes, with a faint smile on the corner of my mouth, and did not refute Mama Shen, who was obviously deliberately looking for fault.

I've heard these words once in my previous life.

At that time, in order to show her loyalty to the old lady, the young lady did not send me back, but sent me directly to Mama Shen.

The result?

I did my best in the old lady's courtyard and served with all my heart and blood for five years.

Because Zhao Wenduan talked to me a lot and was seen by the young lady, the old lady acquiesced to the young lady to send me back to Yihong Mansion.

This time, I won't send the young lady to Mama Shen.

If it is sent, with Mama Shen's temperament, she will definitely take strict care of the young lady, how can she have the opportunity to contact Zhao Wenduan again.

Five years is too long.

I can't wait.

Seeing that I lowered my eyebrows and pleasing my eyes, I looked like I was being suppressed.

Mama Shen sneered at the young lady and arched her hand to me:

"Madame doesn't want to, that is, the old slave is too talkative, and I hope that Madame will train this little hoof as soon as possible, so as not to collide with the son of the world in the future."

The grandmothers who served beside the old lady could shout at the bride.

It can be seen that this family affair for the purpose of rushing to be happy is not liked by the elders in the house.

The elders don't like it, and the husband doesn't love it.

The last young lady suffered a lot in the courtyard of the deep house.

But now, as soon as Mama Shen left, the anger on the young lady's face had long disappeared, and she couldn't hide her smile.

Xu thought of the appearance of Mama Shen bending over me after I was favored in my previous life.

The young lady couldn't help but say:

"When I become the favorite of the prince, it's too late for her to nod her head at me."

"As for you, just be a puppet housewife who has been climbed up to the head by slaves and maids, and enjoy the taste of being the wife of the prince."


"Hurry up and wait for me to freshen up, and the world will be over in a few moments."

The young lady slumped on the chaise longue and instructed the other three maids to dowry.

Summer fruits, autumn leaves, and winter branches glanced at each other, and then stepped forward to serve.

I'm glad to see that happen.

Zhao Wenduan didn't want to see Ke's own wife, and would rather let his wife worship with the rooster than show up.

But Rong Guogong didn't believe this.

On the wedding night, he will definitely ask someone to press Zhao Wenduan, who made him lose face for a day, into the cave room.

Late at night, Zhao Wenduan arrived as scheduled.

When he opened the door and saw me, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.

With a drunken flush on his face, he ripped off his collar and walked towards me.

Seeing that Zhao Wenduan didn't walk into a new house like in his previous life, he just went through the motions.

The young lady couldn't sit still.

She hid the jealousy in her eyes, stepped forward to stop Zhao Wenduan, and said in a soft voice:

"My young lady knows that the prince doesn't like this family affair, so in case the prince disturbs his interest, he specially asks the slave maid to serve you."

As she spoke, her slender boneless fingers hooked Zhao Wenduan's belt.

"Oh? Madame really mean that?"

The corners of Zhao Wenduan's mouth opened into a funny smile and looked at me.

I bowed my head and bowed to him.

As if shy, he whispered back under the sight of the young lady's death:

"If the prince is willing to let the concubine serve, the concubine will naturally not shirk."

Zhao Wenduan looked at me drunkenly, raised the young lady's chin again, looked at it carefully, and then slammed his mouth and said:

"The wife is in front, and the ugly concubine is in the back. Although this girl looks like a flower and jade, she has become a dull fish-eyed compared to her wife, how can a husband dislike her and let her stay alone in the empty room on the wedding night?"

My heart tightened.

At present, Zhao Wenduan is not playing cards according to common sense.

Fortunately, Miss reminded in time:

"Doesn't the prince want to let the slaves and maids serve? Half a month later, it will be spring, if the prince is restrained by my young lady at this time, it will cause nothing on the list——"

"Shut up!"

Zhao Wenduan's face changed.

suddenly remembered the prophecy of the national teacher.

Hurriedly took a few steps back and distanced himself from me, for fear of becoming a prophecy.

And I saw me standing behind the faint candle flame, like a mural of a beautiful woman.

Zhao Wenduan only felt a hot breath surging in his chest, and pulled the young lady into his arms.

"Since your young lady is ominous to me, it is up to you to serve your young lady."

There was a touch of smugness on the young lady's face, and her eyes were soft as water, like a hook.

Seeing Zhao Wenduan pick her up and walk out, the young lady hurriedly grabbed his shoulder and said:

"You might as well let the slave maid stay in the main house to serve the prince, and let the young lady sleep in the west wing, so that the young lady will not affect the luck of the main house and drag you down."

The next moment, I took the initiative to step out of the main house.

An Zhiruo walked to the west wing where the sundries were piled up.

In my last life, when I was taught a lesson by Mama Shen, I even lived in a stinking stable.

As long as I don't have to lie in the same bed with Zhao Wenduan, the west wing will naturally be fine.


The next day, Zhao Wenduan was refreshed and asked me to go to the old lady's yard to say goodbye.

It wasn't until I was beaten by an old lady who had just recovered from my illness that I went back that the main house was still quiet.

Wait until the sound comes from inside.

The silk and jewelry were moved to the young lady like flowing water.

It's just that Miss's face turned as pale as I expected.

When he saw me, he tried to put on a victorious posture.

I was relieved.

It seems that Zhao Wenduan's habits have not changed.

I still like to do some torturous tricks in bed.

Unfortunately, this fetish can only be regarded as the most normal of Zhao Wenduan's many quirks.

When the young lady was favored by Zhao Wenduan and was complacent, I knew that she had drawn a tragic boundary between her fate.

"The prince said that the main house will only be for me to live in in the future."

After playing with me, the young lady hurriedly took the maid to the old lady's courtyard to ask for housekeeping.

According to the young lady, Zhao Wenduan had promised her last night.

As I expected.

The young lady took advantage of the excitement and returned disappointed.

The old lady naturally refused to easily hand over the housekeeping to a woman who was not even a connected room now and was born in Fengyue Field.

Because it's ridiculous.


The reason why Zhao Wenduan married his wife in a hurry was not just because the old lady was sick and wanted to be happy.

is also because his mother, the Duchess of Rongguo, died early, and now except for the old lady who is already powerless in affairs, no one in the house can take over Zhongfang.

Zhao Wenduan's several sisters-in-law will grow up, and now they urgently need a prince and wife to enter the house to take care of the inner house, and by the way, they will welcome the sisters-in-law who are sent to help him see their husbands, strengthen the integration of the in-law relationship network of the Guogong Mansion in the court, and facilitate the paving of the official road for Zhao Wenduan after the imperial examination.

In my previous life, I served the old lady for five years, and then I was Zhao Wenduan's concubine for two years.

and saved the old lady's life because of an accident, so he got to take over part of the power of Zhongfei.

The young lady has just entered the house now, so she coaxed Zhao Wenduan to give money and power, but the old lady naturally refused.

So I knew that Miss was going to lose her trip.

But I don't want her to fail.

So I stuffed a silver ticket for Mama Shen, and when the old lady was amused by Zhao Wenduan's cousin Zhao Wencheng, she came to the door.

The old lady called me in and reprimanded me severely, saying that I could not suppress the people under me.

I should have said, "It's not that my granddaughter-in-law is incompetent. It's about marrying and following her husband, since her husband likes spring peaches, it's worth it for her granddaughter-in-law to be wronged."

Then, I mentioned the stewardship that the young lady had not asked for a few days ago.

Confess the mistake to the old lady for the recklessness of the young lady that day.

Then he said: "The son of the family married his granddaughter-in-law and entered the house, he should have let the old lady live in her old age, but she didn't want to share her worries, but she caused trouble for the old lady, which was the fault of the granddaughter-in-law."

I tried to tell the old lady that I wanted to take care of the backyard in my hands before the housekeeper was over.

The old lady was reluctant to hand over all the affairs of the house to me.

But she really didn't have the heart to take care of it.

I don't want her to be regarded as an outsider in the house, and her granddaughter who will marry in the future will intervene in her hands.

It is better for a wife to be in power than a dowry maid who comes from a dirty way.

After testing my mental accounting, the old lady sighed and finally gave me the ledger and the key to the treasury.

It's better to have someone take care of it than no one.

During this period of time, because she was unable to manage the affairs of the house, the maids and servants in the house were already in a mess.

Needless to say, the industry outside the Guogong Mansion is full of bad debts.


I took the ledger and the keys.

When he turned his head, he forgot the old lady's tapping words hidden in the needle.

In Zhao Wenduan's playful eyes, he handed over all the things in his hand to Miss.

Miss Zhao Wenduan here, the good days will definitely not be long.

I'm just worried that the Guogong Mansion won't collapse fast enough and let Zhao Wenduan turn his attention to me.

When I gave the lady full control of the things, she raised her chin and smiled and said:

"You know each other."

However, since the young lady took the stewardship, the people in the house began to worship the high and the low.

The size of my house has shrunk suddenly.

From the hot eight dishes and one soup to the cold four dishes and one soup.

The maid who served me in the west wing was the little girl of the Guogong Mansion.

The little girl was very unaccustomed to the behavior of other subordinates, so she sued the old lady.

I didn't think that the old lady was angry with me for handing over the housekeeper's right before, and turned a deaf ear to this matter.

After the young lady found out about the girl in my house.

Directly asked the subordinates to turn the reduced four dishes and one soup into a bowl of boiled tofu with rancid rice.

Even the little girl Cai'er, who was dedicated to protecting me, was also wiped out of her monthly money of two taels a month, and was bullied by other subordinates in the house.

I took a few pairs of jewelry and handed them to Cai'er, and asked her to quietly take them out of the house to sell them, and buy some food outside the house to cushion her stomach.

I didn't think that this girl looked reluctant:

"Now the front and back doors of the Guogong Mansion are all Aunt Chun's people, and the outside things will definitely not be brought in."

"Silly girl, then you can eat outside and come back."

Cai'er shook her head stubbornly, hugged my hand and said:

"I want to eat with my wife, not alone."

I nodded her forehead with a smirk.

When I was a child, I was disgusted by my parents, and when I grew up, I was sold into a green house.

I haven't suffered anything.

It's just a few hungry meals.

No big deal for me.

I hugged Cai'er, remembering that in my previous life, she died tragically with me in the chaos of the city tower in order to protect me, and my hand holding her couldn't help but tighten.

If there is anyone else in this world who is good to me?

Except for the younger brother who has faked his death to get out of slavery and leave the Li Mansion under my plan, he is the upright and simple little girl in front of him.

It's just that I didn't expect that the little girl was still insisting on bringing me things from outside the house to eat.

And he was quickly caught by the young lady's people.