
Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

author:Fresh citrus FPIWn
Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

It is said that I have a koi physique, and those who pay attention to me will not have too bad luck! If you want to have a lot of money, start by paying attention! I wish you a lot of money and money!

Wang Tianyi, the "evergreen" in the chess world, is deeply mired in the quagmire, can the myth of the chess world in the past continue?

On the chessboard, black and white are clear, and there are no regrets, this is not only the rules of chess, but also symbolizes an honest and frank attitude towards life, but a recent news has cast a shadow on this field that was originally full of wisdom and competitive spirit: Wang Tianyi, the "alien" who has been sitting firmly in the first place in the country in the chess rating for 11 consecutive years, was actually caught in a bribery scandal and was taken away by the police in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province for investigation

Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

Wang Tianyi, the name for the Chinese chess world, can be described as thunderous, he became famous at a young age, with extraordinary chess skills and keen insight, left countless wonderful moments on the chessboard, over the years, he almost won all the major chess competitions at home and abroad, its exquisite layout, sharp offensive, dripping defense, have become a topic of conversation among chess fans, now this former "chess pride", but in prison, had to face the trial of the law, which can not help but make people sigh

From "National Idol" to "Prisoner of the Order", what did Wang Tianyi do wrong?

It is reported that Wang Tianyi's suspected bribery case, mainly involving some commercial competitions and endorsement activities, as the "top stream" in the chess world, Wang Tianyi has a huge commercial value, all kinds of business invitations come one after another, in the face of the temptation of interests, he seems to have lost his way, forgot his original intention, and finally embarked on a road of breaking the law and committing crimes

Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

For a long time, as a traditional cultural project, Xiangqi has been loved by people for its fair and just image full of wisdom, and with the continuous development of commercialization, the chess world has gradually exposed some problems, such as fake chess, black whistle, gambling and other phenomena have been repeatedly banned, which has seriously damaged the healthy development of chess

Netizens incarnate "Sherlock Holmes", "science and technology theories", and "conspiracy theories" emerge in endlessly

Wang Tianyi's incident is like a boulder dropped on the calm lake, stirring up a thousand waves, on the Internet, netizens are talking, all kinds of speculation and analysis are flying all over the sky, some people ridiculed, Wang Tianyi's chess skills are so superb, could it be that he "opened up technology"? Some people also think that Wang Tianyi is low-key on weekdays, never accepts commercial advertisements, and does not participate in live broadcasts, so how can he be greedy for money? Could it be that he was framed and became a victim of the struggle in the chess world?

Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

In recent years, there has been a lot of negative news in the chess world, from Xu Yinchuan's retirement turmoil to other chess players' gambling incidents, all of which have exposed the huge "black hole" hidden behind this seemingly calm field, if the relevant departments do not take measures to crack down on these violations of laws and regulations, then the final damage will be the image and future of the entire Chinese chess

There is a long way to go to restore the "truth", and the chess world urgently needs a "bone scraping to cure poison"

We must also see that the case is still in the investigation stage, and the specific situation is not yet clear, and we cannot just rely on a few words on the Internet to make a "presumption of guilt" against Wang Tianyi, the law is fair, and I believe that the public will eventually give a satisfactory explanation

Scandal in the chess world! Wang Tianyi's bribery scandal was exposed, chess fans were heartbroken and helpless, and netizens were hotly discussed!

Regardless of the final result, this incident has sounded the alarm for the Chinese chess community, as a national quintessence, carrying the wisdom and culture of the Chinese nation, it should become a symbol of fairness, justice and integrity, and the relevant departments should take this opportunity to strengthen the supervision of the chess industry, severely crack down on all kinds of violations of laws and regulations, and also strengthen the ideological and moral education of chess players, guide them to establish correct values and outlook on life, and jointly maintain the purity of chess. Let this ancient art shine more brightly in the new era

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