
I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

author:Zihan Cottage

Under the verdant bamboo forest of our community park, Mr. Zhang Jianguo is concentrating on playing Tai Chi over and over again. The soft sunlight gently shone on his silver-white hair, and the ginkgo leaves next to him also fell to his rhythm, looking very harmonious. At the same time, an old lady named Li Guihua is alone in the flower bed, painting colors and enjoying her artistic creation.

The two old men met by an unexpected coincidence, and from a polite handshake and greeting when they first met, it slowly developed into a daily companionship of feeding cute pigeons by the lake and enjoying the beautiful sunset together. Ms. Li Guihua is particularly fond of painting and loves nature very much, while Zhang Jianguo is obsessed with gardening and physical exercise; Although their life trajectories are very different, their common pursuit of a happy lifestyle brings them together.

One day, they decided to hold a celebration in their small courtyard – a tea party with a warm atmosphere. Friends in the community came to congratulate and had a pleasant exchange. In the sound of gurgling water, everyone tasted a variety of tea aromas and delicious snacks and fruits. Ms. Li Guihua's dim sum was especially well received by everyone, while Mr. Zhang Jianguo was busy pouring tea and water for everyone.

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

Since the death of his parents, Mr. Zhang Jianguo has not been so lively for a long time. He deeply felt the family-like warmth and happiness brought by Ms. Li Guihua. At this moment, a faint singing voice came from the alley not far away: "You smile sweetly ......", the two of them looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of emotion.

As time went by, Ms. Li Guihua found that her husband had been recovering slowly after a minor operation, and considering her heart health problems, she began to study various heart-nourishing diet treatment programs: "Jianguo, I have consulted a lot of dietary therapy information, and I think that 'red bean lotus seed soup' should be very helpful for your body recovery." ”

When the uncle named "Lao Zhang" was comfortably leaning against the fire and fiddling with his favorite antique pipe in his living room, he was immersed in the warmth and warmth, no wonder he sighed: "Only the things made by the family can make me feel so at ease." ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

After dinner, the two of them would choose to sit quietly in the living room, snuggle up to each other, and share the little joys of life with each other, and such time has gradually become a part of their daily life. They always like to reminisce about the beautiful moments of the past, and every time they think about it, it seems extremely intimate: "Do you remember the moment when we first met? You're sitting there painting, concentrating on the cherry blossom tree in front of you......"

Once, when family member "Applejack" overhears that his mother and his neighbor "Uncle Jianguo" are very friendly, he feels a little admiration in his heart, because he has never seen his mother so happy and completely relaxed. He told his mother that he was envious of her for being able to make such a good friend, and that he hoped that he would have more opportunities to get close to this new partner in the future.

Neighbors also began to tell the story of the couple, and there were even hilarious histories: for example, when they were walking in the park, it suddenly rained heavily and disrupted their schedule......

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

As time went by, the relationship between Zhang Jianguo and Li Guihua became deeper and deeper and indestructible. One afternoon, "Lao Zhang" sat leisurely on the sofa reading the newspaper, while Li Guihua was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen, and the whole room was filled with the rich aroma of scrambled eggs with green onions.

At the dinner table, two people chatted while eating. "How's Applejack's work going?" Zhang Jianguo asked with concern, "Does he always work overtime?" ”

"Yes, he worked really hard. In the past, I also thought that it was not a big deal for young people to pay more......" Li Guihua paused for a moment, and then proposed, "Why don't you let Xiaojie come over on the weekend?" We went out for a walk as a family of three. ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

Another time, there was a chess competition in the community, "If I'm interested, I want to sign up and give it a try," said Zhang with a smile.

The next morning, when the first rays of sunlight poured through the windows on the floor, the only thing that broke the silence was the knock on the door, "Good morning, Auntie!" There was a crisp and pleasant greeting outside the door, oh, it turned out that Zhang Jie, the kid, came to visit in person. This made the old man Li Guihua very happy, and quickly opened the door and greeted him warmly: "Oh, Xiaojie, why are you here?" Come on in! How's your health lately? Still uncomfortable? ”

The moment when the family sat around the table to share lunch, the atmosphere was very warm and pleasant. At this moment, Zhang Jie suddenly came up with an idea: "Speaking of the warm atmosphere in our family...... Have you ever wondered if you should go to a resort for a few days of relaxation? ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

Li Guihua thought for a moment and replied: "To be honest, I have thought of a good place to go. There is a small village in our hometown called 'Sham Shui Du', where the environment is quiet and fresh, which is suitable for taking you there to sketch and paint and rest for a few days. ”

After lunch, the family began to chat about family life and reminisce about the past. Although most of the time was spent reminiscing about the good old days, rather than focusing on the actual situation of the present, everyone listened with relish, bursts of laughter and applause from time to time.

One evening a few weeks later, the whole family got together for a family reunion. This time, Zhang Jianguo showed his skills and showed his specialty dishes - authentic Sichuan dishes. "Wow, it tastes amazing!" The sisters ate with great pleasure and praised one after another.

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

During the meeting, Zhang Jie had a disagreement with the elders because of some of his views: he felt that the elderly should enjoy life more and not have to work too hard; However, Zhang Jianguo insisted that as long as his physical condition allowed, he should continue to do what he liked......

Despite a small episode, the conflict was resolved with a sumptuous dinner, which once again bound the hearts of the whole family. Even when night falls, on the way home, there is a lot of laughter.

That night, the Zhang family's spacious dining room was filled with all kinds of delicious dishes, and Zhang Jianguo and his wife, Li Guihua, were making final preparations for this warm moment. However, this harmonious atmosphere was soon messed up by an unexpected arrival - Zhang Jie walked into the house with a car key model in his hand, his eyes flashing, "Mom, I... There's something I want to discuss with you and my father."

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

When Li Guihua saw her son's appearance, she suddenly felt uneasy in her heart, "Zhang Jie, don't rub it off, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Zhang Jie turned his head to look at his mother, and then glanced at Zhang Jianguo with hesitant eyes, "I actually want to change to a new car, so that it will be more convenient to go to work... But the current economic situation is a little tighter. Mom, look... Can you ask your father for a favor? ”

After hearing this, Zhang Jianguo's originally kind face instantly became serious, he put down the chopsticks in his hand and was silent for a few seconds, "Zhang Jie... There are some things that can't be solved with money alone. Your request was so sudden. ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

"Lao Zhang!" Li Guihua hurriedly interjected and said, "This is just some trivial affairs in the family..."

However, Zhang Jianguo shook his head firmly: "In my opinion, borrowing money to buy a car is a big thing that affects the whole body. Was there a prior consensus within our family about this? I'm not alone. ”

At this time, there was a tense atmosphere in the room, as if a quarrel would break out at any moment. Zhang Jie's emotions gradually became excited: "Is it that when I encounter difficulties, my family still refuses to lend a hand?" ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

"There must be no problem helping you," Zhang Jianguo replied as calmly as he could, "But with such a large amount of money, can you easily take it out with just one word?" Things are far from simple. ”

"But I need to take on more clients to have a chance to move forward!" Zhang Jie still insists on his own point of view.

Li Guihua looked at the dispute between the father and son, and was full of emotion in her heart: "Before Zhang Jie asked you for help in this matter, he himself was trying to find a solution, there are always unsatisfactory things in life..."

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

The three of them walked slowly from the dining room to the living room couch together, and then sat down to chat. It's not just an ordinary small talk, it's more like people talking to their hearts as a way to reduce their tension and stress. At this moment, their family's view of money is very unusual, and this contrast is especially striking in this case.

When they talk about family finances, the complicated relationship between the three comes to light. Through in-depth discussions, the intimacy between the three of them has been significantly improved, and they have begun to change from close relatives to people who know Li'er like friends, and finally they gradually find the answers they want most in their hearts.

By the time their conversation ended, it was late at night. The bright moonlight filled the room, exposing the three hearts. Some people are concerned and worried about the future prosperity of their families. Some people's hearts are swelling with a deep sense of responsibility and fiery love; Others feel guilty and want to be able to protect the established rules in their home and try to do whatever is necessary.

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

When the morning sunlight poured into the room through the glass, the living room of the Zhang family seemed extraordinarily quiet. Li Guihua sat on a wicker chair by the window, holding a cup of hot tea in her hand, contemplating the past. Zhang Jianguo, who was sitting on the sofa opposite, also looked serious, obviously the topic of last night made him deeply troubled.

At this moment, Zhang Jie walked into the living room and looked at his parents who had caused disputes because of his decision, "Xiaojie, none of us were able to sleep well last night...... Li Guihua took her son's hand and said, "Your father is right." ”

"Mom... Am I a little too selfish? Zhang Jie's voice was full of self-blame.

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

"We are a family and we should support and understand each other in matters like this." Zhang Jianguo continued, "Buying a car is of course a good thing, but how can it be reasonable and appropriate? This is something we need to think about seriously. ”

"I was wrong, I should have talked to you first." Zhang Jie lowered his head and expressed his apology.

After a period of silence, Li Guihua slowly spoke: "We can take our time in that car, don't be in a hurry." ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

At that time, the three hearts of the family were so silently close to each other. The sunlight shines through the window and shines on their faces, and the feeling is like a tranquility and peace in life, as well as tolerance and acceptance of everything.

A few days later, on a weekend morning, the Zhang family held a family gathering, which could be regarded as a start to a new life, and put aside those past worries and anxieties for a while. Neighbors, relatives and friends gathered happily to eat authentic home-cooked food and celebrate the hard work of the past year while drinking wine.

At the party, Zhang Jianguo raised his glass with a smile and said, "Thank you for your continued support and help!" The future of our family will definitely get better and happier! ”

I'm 68 years old, and my wife asked me to buy a car for her son, and I didn't want to, she wanted to separate from me

By the time the evening meal was over, the moon had risen, and the two old men walked slowly on the path of the community, chatting softly and discussing their future plans. "Lao Zhang, what do you think?" "Huh? What's wrong? "Shouldn't we think about ourselves?" "Oh? Let's hear it. ”...

Conversations like these, with themes of equality, respect, and empathy, always pop up from time to time in this simple but loving family. After going through so many touching things, the relationship between the three of them seems to have risen to a whole new level, and the relationship has become deeper. It is because of this attitude that this warm care can become a beautiful scenery in their daily life in an unpretentious but incomparably precious way.