
A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

author:Maleonn talks about history

In 1937, China was in a turbulent period, with wars raging and people struggling to make ends meet. In the late autumn of that year, the landlord Wang Xuewen found an unconscious female soldier in his manor, and she had a newborn baby by her side. The female soldier was covered with scars, apparently from the war. Her face was pale and her breathing was weak, but in her eyes, there was still a glint of longing for life and yearning for freedom.

Although Wang Xuewen was a landowner, he was not a greedy and cruel person. He has a kind heart, and he always tries his best to help the people around him. When he saw the female soldier and her baby, his heart was filled with sympathy. He immediately ordered his family to carry the female soldier into the house and bring in a doctor to treat her.

The female soldier woke up in a coma, and she looked at Wang Xuewen, her eyes full of gratitude. She knew her injuries were serious and she might not be able to continue caring for her children. She asked Wang Xuewen to adopt her child and named him Wang Jizeng. The name pinned her hopes on her child, hoping that he would inherit his will and continue to fight for the freedom of the country and the happiness of the people.

Wang Xuewen did not hesitate, he agreed to the request of the female soldier. He knows that this child is not only an extension of life, but also the hope and belief of female soldiers for the future of the country. He decided to raise Wang Jizeng as an adult, let him receive a good education, and become a knowledgeable, moral, and capable person.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

With the passage of time, Wang Ji gradually grew up under Wang Xuewen's care and education. He is intelligent and studious and has a keen interest in knowledge. Wang Xuewen not only taught him to read and write, but also taught him the principles of life, telling him to have a kind heart, to care about the people around him, and to contribute to the prosperity of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

When Wang Jizeng was growing up, Wang Xuewen constantly told him the story of the female soldier and told him about his mother's greatness and sacrifice. This made Wang Jizeng establish a firm belief since he was a child, he wanted to become a brave and strong person like his mother, and make his own contribution to the country and the people. His growth also witnessed the perseverance and unremitting pursuit of a better life by the people of that era.

In that era of gunpowder, Red Army soldier Zeng Risan and his wife Wu Zhonglian fought side by side, and their lives were full of danger and uncertainty. Zeng Risan is a brave warrior, Wu Zhonglian is a strong woman, the two met and fell in love in the war, and together they experienced countless life and death tests.

However, the brutality of the war forced the couple to face a difficult choice. After a fierce battle, Wu Zhonglian found out that she was pregnant. The news was supposed to be joyful, but in those turbulent times, it became a heavy burden. As the fighting intensified, the conditions in which they live have become increasingly harsh, with food and water sources scarce, not to mention health care and security.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

Zeng Risan and Wu Zhonglian knew that under such conditions, the arrival of the child was undoubtedly a great test for them. They do not want their children to be born with the fear of war and the threat of hunger. After careful consideration, they made a painful decision: to give the child to Wang Xuewen to raise. Wang Xuewen is a caring and responsible person, and they believe that their children can live a stable life under the protection of Wang Xuewen.

On the day the child was born, Zeng Risan and Wu Zhonglian handed the child into Wang Xuewen's hands with endless reluctance and tears. They told Wang Xuewen that this child was their hope for the future and their desire for peace. They begged Wang Xuewen to protect this child no matter what, so that he could stay away from the war and grow up healthy and happy.

Wang Xuewen was touched by this heavy trust, and he promised to do his best to give his children a warm home. He named his child Zeng An, hoping that this name would bring him peace and happiness for a lifetime.

Zeng An grew up under the tutelage of Wang Xuewen, and he did not know who his biological parents were, nor what sacrifices they made for his future. Wang Xuewen buried the story of Zeng Risan and Wu Zhonglian deep in his heart, and only at the right time, would he reveal some heroic deeds about his parents to Zeng An.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

Over time, Zeng An has shown remarkable ingenuity and strong will. Under Wang Xuewen's teaching, he learned to read and write, and also learned how to be a responsible and compassionate person. Zeng An's growth is not only the pride of Wang Xuewen, but also the comfort of Zeng Risan and Wu Zhonglian's souls in the sky. Their children, although they did not grow up with their biological parents, were loved and cared for in another family, and are growing up healthy and strong.

In the winter of 1937, the wind was bitter cold and the snow was falling. Wu Zhonglian, the wife of a Red Army soldier, struggled through the flames of war and the bitter cold, holding her and her husband's Zeng Risan child tightly in her arms. Her heart is full of reluctance, but more than that, she wants to find a safe harbor for her child to keep him away from the smoke of war.

On that snowy night, Wu Zhonglian finally came to Wang Xuewen's door. She knocked on the door, trembling and eagerness in her voice. The door slowly opened, and Wang Xuewen and his wife appeared in her sight, their eyes full of doubt and vigilance. Wu Zhonglian didn't have time to explain too much, she just briefly stated her identity and intentions, and then handed the child in her arms to Wang Xuewen's wife.

Wang Xuewen and his wife looked at the infant baby, their eyes changed from doubt to sympathy, and from sympathy to firmness. They know the story behind the child and the sacrifices the parents have made for the sake of their child's future. Without hesitation, they took over the child and a heavy responsibility.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

Since then, Wang Xuewen and his wife have treated this child as their own and poured all their love and care into it. They named the child Wang Jizeng, hoping that he could inherit Zeng Risan's legacy and become a responsible person. Wang Xuewen's wife, despite the pain of childbirth, did not hesitate to feed the child with her own milk, giving his mother warmth and nourishment.

Wang Xuewen worked hard outside to provide material security for the family. They taught Wang Jizeng to walk and speak, and taught him to read and behave. Under the careful care of Wang Xuewen and his wife, Wang Jizeng grew up healthily, he was lively and cute, smart and clever, and soon became a beloved child in the village.

As time passed, Wang Jizeng grew up, he began to go to school, began to learn knowledge, and began to understand his own background. Wang Xuewen and his wife did not hide his past, they told him that his biological parents were heroic Red Army soldiers who made great sacrifices for the revolutionary cause and in order for more children to have a peaceful world.

Wang Ji listened to these stories, and his heart was full of admiration and longing for his biological parents, and at the same time, he also cherished the warm family and loving adoptive parents in front of him even more. He knows that no matter where he goes, there will be two homes in his heart, one is the home of blood and the other is the home of nurturing grace. He aspires to be a useful person who lives up to the expectations of all who love him.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

Zeng Risan died heroically in the line of duty, and his figure was forever frozen in that battlefield filled with gunpowder. His wife, Wu Zhonglian, was also a strong Red Army soldier, who was unfortunately captured by the enemy during the battle and imprisoned in a dark and damp cell. Although he is in prison, Wu Zhonglian's heart is always concerned about the child who was entrusted to Wang Xuewen - her own flesh and blood.

Wang Xuewen, an ordinary landlord, has extraordinary feelings. He knew Wu Zhonglian's thoughts about his child and her desire as a mother. Although he is not the biological father of the child, his heart is full of sympathy and understanding for the mother and son. Wang Xuewen decided to help Wu Zhonglian realize this wish no matter what, even if it was at a huge risk.

Wang Xuewen began to run around, and he used his social connections to secretly contact some influential people, hoping that they would come forward to mediate, so that Wu Zhonglian could at least meet the children once. He knew it was a race against time, because every day of Wu Zhonglian's imprisonment could be his last.

After countless days and nights of hard work, Wang Xuewen finally found an opportunity. On a stormy night, he, together with a few reliable friends, secretly took the child out of the house. They passed through many checkpoints, evaded the pursuit of the enemy, and finally came to the outside of the prison where Wu Zhonglian was being held.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

On that stormy night, Wang Xuewen and his companions carefully took the child under a prison wall. They whispered Wu Zhonglian's name, their voices full of anxiety and anticipation. Finally, Wu Zhonglian heard the call, and she moved her steps with difficulty to the wall.

In the dim light, Wu Zhonglian saw his child, and the familiar little face made her heart melt instantly. She reached out and felt the child's cheek through the cold bars. At that moment, all the suffering and bitterness turned into tears and slipped from the corners of her eyes. Although the child was still young, he seemed to be able to feel his mother's grief and stretched out his little hand to try to wipe away his mother's tears.

This brief reunion, although it could not change Wu Zhonglian's fate, gave her endless comfort and strength. She knows that even if she can't accompany her children to grow up, at least her children will have a warm home and a bright future under Wang Xuewen's care. And Wang Xuewen also used his actions to prove his deep love and commitment to the mother and son.

The smoke of war has finally dissipated, and the dawn of peace is shining on the earth again. Zeng Risan, the Red Army soldier who was thought to have died on the battlefield, miraculously survived. After the war, he returned to the army with scars and unhealed psychological wounds. After confirming his identity and history, he began to search for his family, especially the child who had been forcibly separated during the war.

A landlord adopted the son of a female soldier, and more than ten years later, the female soldier came to claim it, and the landlord's actions were very touching

After some twists and turns, Zeng Risan found Wang Xuewen's home. He stood in front of the door, his heart full of mixed emotions. Here, his children lived, as well as the pair of benefactors who raised them. He knocked on the door, and when the door slowly opened, Wang Xuewen and his wife looked at the uninvited guest in front of them in surprise, they could hardly believe their eyes.

The arrival of Zeng Risan made Wang Jizeng's life waves. He was both pleasantly surprised and confused to learn that his biological father was still alive. Under the care of Wang Xuewen and his wife, Wang Jizeng has grown up, and he has a deep affection for this family. However, faced with the sudden appearance of his biological father, he had to make a difficult choice.

After careful consideration, Wang Jizeng decided to follow his biological mother and return to her. This decision was not easy, because he knew that it meant leaving the Wang Xuewen family that gave him warmth and love. On the day of farewell, Wang Jizeng stood in front of Wang Xuewen and his wife, with tears in his eyes, he bowed deeply and expressed his deep gratitude.

"Mom and Dad, although I am not your biological child, in my heart, you are my parents. Over the years, you have given me life, given me education, and given me the warmth of home. I will always remember this kindness. Wang Jizeng's voice was choked, but his words were firm and sincere.

Wang Xuewen and his wife listened to these words, and their hearts were also mixed. They know that this child is no longer the infant baby, he has grown into a young man with a sense of responsibility and responsibility. They are proud of his accomplishments and feel understanding and respect for his choices.

"Child, wherever you go, this will always be your home. We are proud of you and wish you well for the future. Wang Xuewen held Wang Jizeng's hand tightly, his eyes were full of love and reluctance.

Wang Jizeng nodded, he knew that although he was leaving this home, the love and memories here would stay with him for the rest of his life. He will take the teachings and expectations of Wang Xuewen and his wife to meet new challenges and pursue his own life path. For Wang Xuewen and his wife, they will always cherish this unforgettable time and the child they regard as their own.