
Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

author:Princess, please talk about entertainment

Photo/Princess, please talk about entertainment

Editor/Princess, please talk about entertainment

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!


The news that Bi Xia's injury is serious and he needs to recuperate for half a year is very distressing. As a young man full of energy and enthusiasm, he showed infinite charm and talent on stage, deeply touching the hearts of the audience. It has only been a year since Zhang Hengyuan left us. His sudden death made fans and friends feel unacceptable and sad. Today, let's walk into the story of Bixia and Zhang Hengyuan.

Bi Xia posted that he was discharged from the hospital, and netizens speculated

July 1st was originally a happy day, but there was worrying news in the entertainment industry that "The Voice" singer Bi Xia was unfortunately injured. She lamented on her video account: "About this person is going to be discharged from the hospital. ”

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

Netizens speculated that Bi Xia may have been injured for a while, and her account has been suspended for more than half a month, indicating that her injury may be quite serious. The footage shows Bi Xia still wearing a bandage on her head, although she appears to be in a decent state of mind and has no obvious scratches on her face, suggesting that the condition may not be as serious as it seems.

After the news was made public, the promotional account announced an important decision for Bi Xia: she decided that the next six months would be used for recovery, so the live broadcast scheduled for tomorrow had to be canceled. This decision shows that Bixia's injury may be quite serious, otherwise it would not have taken up to half a year to recover.

Why Bi Xia was injured was not revealed, but some netizens speculated that it might be related to locomotives based on her hobbies. Many netizens believed that Bixia may have accidentally fallen while riding a motorcycle, but her promotional account denied this speculation. The woman's son, who is less than two years old, still needs her to work hard to earn money, and this kind of life is touching.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

Zhang Hengyuan unfortunately passed away last year at the age of 36, leaving behind his son Xiao Jiuping, who was less than a year old. As a widow, Bixia had no time to rest, and chose to return to work after dealing with her husband's aftermath, working hard to make money wherever she was. Lack of mental support can easily lead to problems.

On the surface, Bisha seems to be calm, but if she had really let go of everything, she wouldn't have gone to Kailash in Tibet alone to pray. Although the promotional account has denied claims that riding a motorcycle caused injuries, Bisha should indeed reduce this behavior, even if it seems cool, but for the sake of her son, she should avoid such dangerous activities, especially considering that the motorcycle she rides was left behind by her late husband.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

My husband died of illness a year ago

In 2012, The Voice of China programs rose day by day, opening the way to fame for many singers. In the second year, Zhang Hengyuan chose to continue to participate in the second season. He used his emotional singing voice to attract the turn of the four mentors, and finally chose to join Wang Feng's team.

Under the careful guidance of Wang Feng, Zhang Hengyuan lived up to expectations and finally won the runner-up of The Voice of China. He met Bixia during the competition, and the experience became an unforgettable memory for their lives. Although the two later published their own works, they failed to replicate the sensational effect of the show, and their lives gradually returned to dullness.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

Years later, they decided to return to the small city to settle down, and life was relatively stressful. Day after day, Zhang Hengyuan and Bi Xia grew up together in music, occasionally accepted invitations to perform commercially, and lived a full and peaceful life. However, as time passed, they faded out of the public eye.

Until last year, they announced the good news on social media - they got married. The news once again put them in the spotlight. Soon after their marriage, they welcomed their own children and were blessed by relatives and friends. On May 2 this year, Zhang Hengyuan also participated in the music festival with his mentor Wang Feng.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

However, what is unexpected is that only a month later, Zhang Hengyuan unfortunately passed away due to illness. On the evening of June 13, Bi Xia posted her husband's obituary on Moments. After this news came out, everyone was very curious and didn't understand what disease Zhang Hengyuan had in just one month, which led to such a result. Some say he was killed by melanoma, while others mention cancer. However, Bixia did not respond publicly, perhaps in order not to cause trouble to others.

The white-haired man sends the black-haired man

When people mention Zhang Hengyuan, they will inevitably sigh that he has been absent for a year. The young musician's sudden death when his son was less than a year old was hard to accept. What's even more heartbreaking is that the white-haired man sent the black-haired man, and his mother and family still can't calm down.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

On the video account, a netizen shared a clip of himself bringing flowers to mourn Zhang Hengyuan. The comments in the message area brought tears to people's eyes, revealing the precious friendship that Zhang Hengyuan has. "Brother, you have been away from us for almost half a year (actually more than half a year), and I still can't accept your departure. The weather is getting cooler, please keep warm, you in heaven. Life is impermanent, Bi Xia must be strong. ”

In front of the tomb, a bouquet of white and yellow flowers is placed, and the interweaving of colors reveals a faint sadness. Bi Xia expressed her infatuation and future plans in six simple big characters: "Tomb of Husband Zhang Hengyuan".

To this day, Zhang Hengyuan's mother still shares her feelings of missing her son. Her words were full of helplessness and despair: "My baby, my good boy, my mother misses you so much." Your departure has deprived us of happiness and joy, and now we are left with only sorrow and tears every day. My heart feels sorry for my child, and Mom just hopes that you will be okay wherever you are......"

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

It is understood that Zhang Hengyuan's mother has shared some news of mourning her son almost every week since August. The saddest thing in life is that a white-haired person sends a black-haired person. But fortunately, it may be because of the existence of his grandson Xiao Jiuping, he did not completely crush the pain of his family. Every time I see him, it's like seeing the shadow of his father Zhang Hengyuan.

As for Bi Xia's recent situation, she seems to have slowly come out of the shadow of her husband's death. However, she still cherishes that precious memory in her heart. It can be seen from Bi Xia's social account that she spends most of her time performing commercially, and she likes to play with her son in her free time. Occasionally, she would ride Zhang Hengyuan's motorcycle to Tibet in search of a moment of peace. The smile she hadn't seen for a long time often hung on her face. Because of inheriting the musical talents of Bi Xia and Zhang Hengyuan, Xiao Jiuping's musical sense is also extremely keen. Back in October, Bi Xia shared a video of his son playing the piano.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!


Life, sometimes so fragile and unpredictable. An accident, a momentary mistake, can change a person's fate, bringing a heavy blow and infinite regret to family, friends and fans.

In the face of such a reality, what we can do may be to cherish the people in front of us and care for every important existence around us. Whether it is a star shining on the stage or an ordinary person in life, everyone's life is unique and deserves to be respected and cared for.

Singer Bixia is injured! I still need to recuperate for half a year, and my husband just passed away last year!

May Bi Xia recover soon, and may Zhang Hengyuan rest in peace. Let us remember their brilliance and brilliance, and at the same time learn to cherish and care for the people around us more in our daily life, because every moment of life is so precious and rare.

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