
Flexible commuting for teachers has been implemented on a trial basis, and measures to reduce the burden on teachers have been introduced in many places


With the deepening of education reform, reducing the burden on students and teachers has become a key task of the education department. The Ministry of Education (MOE) and local education authorities have introduced measures to optimise teaching resources, alleviate students' learning pressure, and improve the working environment for teachers.

Among them, the "double reduction" policy, as an important measure, has been effectively implemented in Beijing. By increasing the after-school tutoring time, that is, the 5+2 model, the extended service of two hours a day, five days a week, not only broadens the learning channels of students, promotes the balanced development of education, but also provides more convenience for parents. This policy reflects a deep concern for students and parents, and at the same time places higher demands on teachers.

Flexible commuting for teachers has been implemented on a trial basis, and measures to reduce the burden on teachers have been introduced in many places

However, with the strengthening of after-school services, the work pressure of primary and secondary school teachers has gradually increased. In order to alleviate the burden on teachers, the education department has come up with an innovative home visit system. As a face-to-face communication method, home visits can help teachers have a deeper understanding of students' family background, learning environment and psychological conditions, and provide more accurate guidance for education and teaching. However, home visits have also brought about an increase in teachers' workload, especially in terms of time management and work intensity.

In order to balance educational resources and teachers' workload, various localities have begun to try to implement a flexible work system. This system allows teachers to flexibly arrange their working hours according to their actual situation on the premise of ensuring that they can complete their teaching tasks. The flexible working system not only improves teachers' job satisfaction and quality of life, but also helps to stimulate teachers' motivation and creativity. In Beijing and other places, through the implementation of the teacher rotation system, the treatment of teachers in public primary and secondary schools has been further improved, and at the same time, more development opportunities and promotion space have been provided for teachers.

Flexible commuting for teachers has been implemented on a trial basis, and measures to reduce the burden on teachers have been introduced in many places

However, there are some challenges to the implementation of the flexible working system. How to reasonably arrange teachers' working hours under the premise of ensuring the quality of education and teaching is a problem that needs to be continuously explored. In addition, the reduction of teachers' workload does not mean that the requirements for the quality of education and teaching are relaxed. On the contrary, teachers should pay more attention to the innovation of teaching methods and the improvement of teaching effectiveness to meet the needs of students and parents.

To address these challenges, the education sector needs to further strengthen communication and collaboration with teachers, parents and students. By understanding their needs and expectations, we can formulate more scientific and reasonable education policies and work systems. At the same time, the education sector should also strengthen the training and support of teachers to improve their professionalism and teaching capacity to respond to the changing educational environment and student needs.

Flexible commuting for teachers has been implemented on a trial basis, and measures to reduce the burden on teachers have been introduced in many places

In short, reducing the burden on students and teachers and optimizing teaching resources are important directions for education reform. Through the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, the strengthening of after-school services, the implementation of the home visit system and the flexible work system and other measures, we can gradually improve the educational environment, improve the quality of education and teaching, and create better conditions for the all-round development of students. At the same time, we need to continue to explore and innovate to meet the challenges and opportunities facing education.