
Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

author:Bobo chats about entertainment

Photo/Bobo Chat Entertainment

Editor/Bobo Chat Entertainment

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!


Yang Mingna has risen all the way from the bottom of the small transparent, relying on her peerless appearance and superb acting skills, she has dominated the screen for many years. But at the peak of her career, a failed marriage completely overturned the trajectory of her life, and today we will talk about the story of Yang Mingna.

Extraordinary personal experience

In 1976, an ordinary family in Shanghai welcomed their little princess - Yang Mingna. Despite not being rich, the family is full of harmony and laughter. Yang Mingna is not only smart, but also has excellent academic performance. However, the trajectory of her life has changed unexpectedly, which stems from an unexpected encounter with opera. She was so drawn to theatre that she often sneaked out of her house to the theatre to watch theatrical performances.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

This enthusiasm was not suppressed by the family's financial difficulties, on the contrary, she received support and understanding from her parents. She made no secret of her desire to go from sneaking out to watch a play to telling her parents out loud about her dreams. Her frankness won the admiration of her family, and even her mother made a point of asking friends to confirm that it didn't cost much money to study opera.

With her talent and hard work, at the age of 18, Yang Mingna successfully entered the Shanghai Theater Academy. There, with her outstanding acting talent, she quickly won the favor of the director and opened her own path in the entertainment industry. Yang Mingna rose to prominence for her role as the "clam spirit" in "The Legend of Heaven and Earth: The Fish Beauty", and her charming acting skills attracted a lot of attention, even overshadowing the heroine Xu Huaiyu's brilliance.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

Yang Mingna is best known for her role as Huang Rong in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", and her innocent and lovely appearance and confident and demure acting skills bring this classic character to life. Subsequently, she continued to show her charm in costume dramas in many popular dramas such as "Smiling Proud Jianghu", "Living Color", "Glory of the Tang Dynasty", "Three Lives and Three Worlds Pillow Book" and "Qingyunzhi".

Yang Mingna not only has outstanding appearance, but also with excellent acting skills and rich performance experience, she has vividly interpreted each role and won the love of the audience. She was praised by many netizens as "the most beautiful teacher". In addition to TV series, Yang Mingna has also participated in some film works, such as "Crazy Stone" and "Taoist Priest Descending the Mountain". Her stellar performance adds highlights to these films.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

The emotional experience is still bumpy

Although Tian Liang's role in "Lakes and Mountains" is small, he has a love for the heroine Yang Mingna. When they met for the first time, Tian Liang was attracted by Yang Mingna's charm, and Tian Liang frequently communicated with Yang Mingna by taking advantage of the communication opportunities in the play. As they became familiar with each other, Tian Liang expressed his emotions to Yang Mingna.

Yang Mingna looked a little uneasy when she first talked about relationship issues. Although Tian Liang never gave up, he firmly pursued Yang Mingna and finally won her heart. In the development of their relationship, due to their busy careers, they did not talk about marriage. Yang Mingna told Tian Liang that she was still young and her career was thriving, and she didn't want to get married so quickly.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

Despite this, Tian Liang did not give up his love for her, but complied with her wishes. However, at this time, Tian Liang's heart has changed, and his feelings for Yang Mingna are no longer simple. Tian Liang is eager to be satisfied in love, and at the same time, he is also eager to get more attention and development opportunities. Tian Liang agreed without hesitation when Yang Mingna proposed marriage.

In 2017, they got married in Shanghai. Yang Mingna is 40 years old, she wants to build a happy family as soon as possible, and she is desperate to have a baby. In order to get pregnant, Yang Mingna decided to give up acting, and she went to many hospitals alone to seek conditioning drugs. In less than a year, she got her wish and became pregnant with a child.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

Although the stars shine in the night sky, they are sometimes overshadowed by the night. Yang Mingna faced conflicts and rifts in her marriage, which took a deep toll on her physically and mentally. In the face of Tian Liang's oppression and dependence, she finally made up her mind to get rid of this relationship that bound her. Tian Liang was unwilling to let go, and he cleverly used their children as a bargaining chip to limit Yang Mingna's choices.

He put forward conditions: if she agrees to divorce, Yang Mingna needs to pay 15,000 yuan per month in child support, and at the same time pay half a year's expenses in advance, totaling 90,000 yuan. What's worse is that he forcefully demanded that Yang Mingna lend 150,000 yuan, and there was no clear repayment period, otherwise the divorce could not be carried out. Faced with these unacceptable conditions, Yang Mingna reluctantly agreed. She transferred 240,000 yuan to Tian Liang's account, just to completely draw a line with him.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

However, she adheres to the principle of having child visitation rights at least seven days a month. She had privately advised Tian Liang to stop spreading rumors because she was worried that it would cause deeper harm to her children. But Tian Liang turned a deaf ear to this and continued to smear Yang Mingna on the Internet. In the end, Yang Mingna decided to stand up and clarify the facts, which gave many netizens a new understanding of the incident. Now, she has successfully won custody of her child and officially ended all contact with Tian Liang.

Now the bitterness has finally come to an end

Yang Mingna returned to work and began to show her acting skills in multiple high-quality crews. With her outstanding performance, she has successively played the heroine in several hit dramas, highlighting her talent. The audience also gradually reaffirmed her, praising her acting skills and charisma. At the same time, Yang Mingna also quietly adjusted in her life and regained her hobbies.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

She began to take her son on frequent trips to let him appreciate the beauty of nature and cultivate his interest. The relationship between mother and son grew stronger and more intimate. Just when Yang Mingna and her son were dependent on each other and their lives were gradually stable, fate brought her a turn for the better again. After the pain of a failed marriage, she and her son have now rebuilt a warm little family, and their lives are gradually getting back on track.

Yang Mingna's life is now more fulfilling and exciting than ever. She demonstrated true feminine power with tenacity and courage, and deeply touched the audience. We look forward to her continuing to bring more wonderful works to the audience in the future, and we also wish her and her son happiness and warmth forever. Everyone has their own journey in life and will experience ups and downs, but as long as you maintain perseverance and courage, the sun will always shine again. Yang Mingna's experience tells us that we must believe in life and ourselves at all times, and everything will usher in a turnaround.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

Recently, she shared the latest situation on the Internet, showing her excellent form. This makes people look forward to her continuing to shine in her acting career! Looking back on the first half of her life, her achievements in her career are remarkable. However, her personal life experience was also bumpy, which almost destroyed her. Through her own experience, she reminds us to be rational in choosing a partner and avoid impulsiveness affecting the future.


After divorcing Tian Liang, she faced a huge challenge: raising her son alone. At first, life was filled with countless hardships and difficulties. She had to play the dual role of a parent at the same time, both as a strong supporter and a warm mother. Day in and day out, she worked hard, took good care of her children, and never gave up.

Yang Mingna: After divorcing Tian Liang, she grew up with her son alone, and now at the age of 48, she finally has come to the end!

Today, at the age of 48, she stands at a new starting point in her life. She is no longer a single mother, but an independent and confident woman. She has learned to draw strength from setbacks and to find unwavering support in loneliness. Her story tells us that even if life has been difficult, as long as we have hope and move forward bravely, we can eventually find our own sweet fruits.

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