
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

author:Kawako Films

Do you remember Yang Ying, who shines under the spotlight, followed by Huang Xiaoming to protect flowers, and every smile can make headlines? And now, everything has quietly changed...

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Since the controversial Crazy Horse show, Yang Ying seems to have been pressed the pause button by the entertainment industry, and although she has seen her figure in public, it is difficult to be elegant.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

No, she recently appeared in the live broadcast room of Internet celebrity Simba, and the scenes made people feel mixed.

"Metamorphosis" in the live broadcast room

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

On the evening of June 29, Yang Ying walked into Simba's live broadcast kingdom with a new identity, a brand spokesperson.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Once upon a time, her name was close to big brands such as Tiffany & Co. and Audi, where would she have thought that one day, she would be here, facing the camera, one by one, "Mr. Xin", working hard to bring the goods, and even at the expense of putting down her figure, just to win that moment of sales climax.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Simba's "roll", whose dream was shattered?

Just as Yang Ying tried to fit into this live feast and half-jokingly said, "I also want to come here to work", the air suddenly froze.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Simba, the giant in the live broadcast industry, mercilessly threw out the word "roll", causing an uproar inside and outside the live broadcast room. At that moment, Yang Ying's smile stiffened, and the starlight of the past seemed to have dimmed a lot.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Yang Ying's humility and Simba's "praise"

Even so, Yang Ying still thanked Simba for his "compliment" in an almost humble gesture, calling herself "good to serve". This scene makes people sigh, why is the once traffic flower so compromised now?

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

From the top stream to the helpless turn of the live broadcast room

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

This series of events makes people have to think about Yang Ying's "sinking", is it an initiative to change or a helpless move? After all, without the spotlight of the running man and the invitation of the script, she was born as a young model in the past, and it seems that she has no other "hardcore" skills except beauty.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

What is the way forward?

Perhaps, for Yang Ying, live streaming is a way out at the moment, but can this road really allow her to regain her past glory? Could it be that this move accelerated the end of her acting career?

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

This is not only Yang Ying's thinking question alone, but also a common problem faced by many celebrities across borders.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed
Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed

Yang Ying's story is a wake-up call and a revelation: no matter what height you are, self-discipline and prudence are always the best armor to protect yourself. Together, let's cheer for those who are working hard in difficult situations, and add more food for thought to our lives.

Yang Ying lowered her body to bring goods live, humbly pleasing Simba, Simba's words made her embarrassed