
Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

author:Kawako Films

The entertainment industry has a big doxxing, Li Chen: From a tough guy on the screen to a frequent guest of variety shows, do you know the story behind it?

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, new faces emerge all the time, and old actors have to do their best to keep their "status in the rivers and lakes". Among them, the name Li Chen used to be the acting role in the hearts of countless people, and his figure has almost become synonymous with high-quality dramas.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

Do you remember the "Soldier Assault" that was popular all over the country? Xu Sanduo played by Li Chen, the simplicity and tenacity, I don't know how many people's heartstrings have touched. How many nights have we stayed in front of the TV just to see how he goes from youth to maturity step by step.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

But suddenly, like the rain in summer, stop when you say stop, Li Chen's new drama seems to have pressed the pause button. The audience wondered: Is this acting school really going to "wash his hands in a golden basin"?

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

While rumors were spreading, Li Chen ran out of a new world in another battlefield - "Run, Brother". His sense of humor and affinity have made him gain a wave of fans in the variety show industry. But this can't help but make people ask: Why do the former screen tough guys appear more as variety show guests now?

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

Some people say that the wind in the entertainment industry has changed, and acting is no longer the only way out; Some people also regret that Li Chen's talent was "wasted" in variety shows. In the hearts of this part of the audience, they are still eager to see him put on the costume again and shock their hearts with the role.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

It is undeniable that everyone has the right to choose their own stage. Li Chen's choice may be the result of his careful consideration. But in the hearts of fans and audiences, the expectation of good works has never been extinguished.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

As spectators, we prefer to believe that each artist has their own rhythm and schedule. Li Chen, the actor who once conquered us with his acting skills, if he could return with a well-prepared role at some point in the future, what a beautiful scene it would be!

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

Here, let us cheer for those artists who have the courage to explore and change, and also send our most sincere blessings to Li Chen. If you are also touched by Li Chen's story, you might as well move your fingers, like and retweet, and let this expectation and encouragement pass on.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

After all, in this era of entertainment supremacy, we still believe that true talent will never be buried, and every turn is for a better encounter.

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

Let's look forward to Li Chen's next gorgeous turn, which will bring us new surprises and touches!

Can you believe it? Li Chen, no longer an actor!

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