
Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

author:Rural four-pot
Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

How much do you know about the extraordinary road of the mysterious actress

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

In the bright galaxy of the entertainment industry, there is such an actress, her story is full of mystery and legend, which makes you curious! She is Cleo Goldsmith, and today we will take a look at her wonderful life!

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

One: From the budding of dreams to the road of acting

Cleo Goldsmith was born in France on June 16, 1957. When she was a child, she was different from us ordinary children, and she planted the seed of her dream of acting early in her heart. We ordinary people may have wanted to play around when we were young, but she recognized the matter of acting with one mind. How determined she is!

People have paid too much for this dream. Since the age of a few years, when other children are still running around outside, she has been imitating various expressions and movements in the mirror at home. When I was a teenager, I started to participate in various acting training classes, which cost money and time.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

2. Professional training achieves extraordinary acting skills

If you want to talk about this professional acting training, it is not a joke. Every day, I have to get up before dawn to practice basic skills, and no one is missing any voice, body, and lines. This practice is several hours, and I am so tired that I want to die.

And, ah, she has to study all sorts of characters. A character has to ponder for months, analyze the character's personality, psychological activities, and think about how to act like it. It's a lot harder than we have to go to work.

Just practiced, practiced, pondered, pondered, her acting skills were rising gradually. Finally, she has a chance to take the stage and show her strength.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

Three: Unique charm conquers the audience

Cleo Goldsmith, that's really fascinating. Her eyes, which are called a god, seem to be able to see directly into your heart. Her figure, that's called a good, standing that is a sight.

When she acted, she was even more dedicated. Once, she played a lovelorn woman, who cried so badly that the audience wiped their tears below. Another time, she played a strong woman, and her aura was so powerful that she felt that the whole stage was hers.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

Four: challenge yourself and break through the limit

This Cleo Goldsmith is restless in playing ordinary roles. She specializes in picking those difficult bones, others dare not act, she is on; If others think that the acting is not good, she wants to try it.

For example, if there's a character who's a psychopath, that's not easy to play, right? She was not afraid, she was stunned to play this role vividly. There is also a character who is mute, and he uses his eyes and body movements to express his emotions, how difficult it is! But she was stunned and gave three points to act.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

Five: Classic works create brilliance

Many of her works have become classics. Take that independent film, for example, in which she played a housewife who was tormented by life and was going crazy. As soon as this movie was released, the box office soared, and the audience said that she acted too seriously, as if this thing really happened to her.

There is also a drama in which she plays an ancient princess. The costume, the scene, and her wonderful performance, the audience was fascinated, watching one after another, and the venue was full.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

Six: Although it is not popular, it has also achieved extraordinary achievements

Although Cleo Goldsmith doesn't have the superstars who are surrounded by people asking for autographs everywhere he goes. But her achievements in the entertainment industry cannot be underestimated.

She has won a lot of awards, although it is not a particularly big international award, but it is also very important in the industry. Moreover, many directors and actors are full of praise for her, saying that she is a real performing artist.

Cleo Goldsmith: Unusual, Achieving a Unique Acting Life

The editor has something to say:

I was struck by Cleo Goldsmith's story. Her love and dedication to acting is really admirable. She is not afraid of hardships and challenges, just to realize her dreams. We usually do things, if we can have her energy, what else can't we do? Her experience also tells us that success does not have to be popular, as long as you shine in the field you like, it is a success. I hope we can all be like her, bravely pursue our dreams, no matter how difficult it is, don't give up!