
After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

author:Take a look and talk about the world

On a cold and windy night in 1703 AD, the ancient alleys of Beijing were empty. Only the moonlight, like a silent narrator, shone silently on the snow-covered roof. The whole city seems to be in a deep sleep, but under this calm exterior, there is a historical drama that is about to be staged. In the deep and cold cell of the Zongren Mansion, a once powerful nobleman, 68-year-old Suo Etu, is facing the darkest moment of his life.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

Suo Etu, the name in the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, was like the brightest star in the night sky. He was born into a noble Manchu family and received an elite education and training from an early age. His wisdom and courage soon attracted the attention of Emperor Kangxi in the court. Imagine standing among the courtiers in the resplendent palace chamber, young Suo Etu with a determined and deep look in his eyes, as if he could see the future of the country. When the Kangxi Emperor was faced with the thorny problem of the rebellion in the south, it was Suo Etu who stood up and proposed a solution with his unique insights. He suggested that the emperor should not only use force to quell the rebellion, but also pay attention to the pacification of the people, and this wisdom impressed the Kangxi Emperor.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

At that time, Suo Etu was like a trump card in the hands of Emperor Kangxi, whether it was a major national event or a court dispute, he could always give the most pertinent advice. Against the backdrop of that turbulent era, Suo Etu's resourcefulness and decisiveness helped the Kangxi Emperor stabilize the Qing Dynasty. His figure frequently appeared beside Emperor Kangxi and became an indispensable part of that glorious era.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

However, the good times were short-lived. As time passed, the Kangxi Emperor's trust in Suo Etu began to crack. Perhaps it was because Soetu's power was too prominent that it aroused the jealousy of the other courtiers; Perhaps it was the expansion of Emperor Kangxi's own desire for power that made him suspicious of the important ministers around him. In any case, the voices that once praised Suo Etu gradually turned into doubts and slanders. The wall of trust in Emperor Kangxi's heart also began to collapse little by little.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

Finally, that day has come. Emperor Kangxi ordered Suo Etu to be arrested and imprisoned in the cold and dimly lit cell of the Zongren Mansion. There was no more noise and fighting in the courtroom, only the sound of water drops and Suo Etu's own heavy breathing. He was deprived of everything, including the most basic food and water. The contrast between the glory of the past and the downfall of the present makes people sigh at the impermanence of fate.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

And Emperor Kangxi's punishment did not stop there. He ordered the raid of Suo Etu's home, and members of Suo Etu's family were also implicated. The most tragic thing is that all of Soetu's sons have suffered misfortune. Such a tragedy caused an uproar in the imperial court at that time.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

Even five years after Suo Etu's death, Emperor Kangxi still did not let him go. In the annals of the imperial court, Suo Etu was given the notoriety of "the first sinner of this dynasty". Such an evaluation is undoubtedly a great injustice and irony for Suo Etu, who once made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

Looking back on Suo Etu's life, we can't help but think: what caused his tragedy? Is it the temptation of power, or is it the complexity of human nature? The story of Suo Etu is not only the history of the rise and fall of a person, but also a microcosm of an era. It reminds us that in a game of thrones, there are no eternal winners, only eternal change and an unknown future.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

So, what do you think of Suo Etu's legendary life? Is it regret, emotion, or reflection? In any case, his story will be remembered by history and become the object of conversation and reflection for future generations.

After Suo Etu was starved to death, Kangxi was furious and immediately ordered to raid his home and kill all his sons

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