
At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

author:Take a look and talk about the world

In the glorious history of the Northern Song Dynasty, there is an unknown heroic general. He is Fan Tingzhao, a legendary figure who embarked on a military career from the road of revenge. Today, let's unveil the mystery of this military general and explore his extraordinary life.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

Fan Tingzhao, a strong man in Jizhou, suffered a great change in his life when he was young. His father, Fan Duo, was brutally murdered by local bullies, which planted the seeds of revenge in his heart. Time flies, and Fan Tingzhao has grown to eighteen years old, burly and powerful like an ox. Finally, one day, he stabbed the bully and avenged his father. This heroic act became a good story in the local area, and Fan Tingzhao became famous.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

However, after revenge, Fan Tingzhao did not stop. He chose to join the military and use his strength to defend his family and country. In the Later Zhou period, he enlisted as a soldier and began a military career that lasted for more than 40 years. He was brave and good at fighting, and soon distinguished himself in the army. In the Battle of Gaoping, he performed well and was promoted to the commander of the palace, becoming a leader in the army.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

With the establishment of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Tingzhao continued to fight in the south and the north, and made great achievements. He participated in the suppression of the rebellion of Li Yun and Li Chongjin, and followed Zhao Kuangyin to attack Taiyuan. His bravery and loyalty were appreciated by the imperial court, and he was repeatedly promoted to become an indispensable general in the army.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

Fan Tingzhao's military career didn't stop there. In the early years of the Taiping Rejuvenation of the Kingdom, he participated in the war to destroy the Northern Han Dynasty as the commander of the Japanese cavalry. Subsequently, he waved his army north and participated in the Battle of the Gaoliang River. Despite some setbacks, his military prowess and courage are still remarkable. In the third year of Yongxi (986), when Song Taizong planned the Northern Expedition, Fan Tingzhao was entrusted with an important task and held the first important position of the Mabu Army.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

In the battle with the Khitan army, Fan Tingzhao showed amazing courage and wisdom. He charged bravely and fearlessly, even when shot by a stray arrow. In the Battle of Xuhe, he defeated the Khitan army, beheaded thousands of ranks, and defeated the famous general Yelu Huge. This achievement not only shocked the enemy, but also won high praise from the imperial court.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

With the continuous accumulation of military achievements, Fan Tingzhao was appointed as the commander of the forbidden army, responsible for guarding the frontier. In the Dangxiang rebellion in the northwest, he once again showed outstanding military talent. He won a great victory at the Battle of White Pool, capturing a large number of enemy weapons and armor. Since then, he has made many military exploits in the northwest and has been promoted to important positions such as the commander of the guard horse army.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

In the Khitan invasion in the second year of Xianping (999), Fan Tingzhao fought side by side with Qin Han and defeated the enemy army again in the west of Yingzhou. Their heroic performance caused the Khitan army to flee, beheading tens of thousands of people and capturing a large number of people who had been plundered by the Khitan. After the war, Fan Tingzhao received a generous reward and high honors from the imperial court.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

However, heroes also have their twilight years. In the fourth year of Xianping (1001), the seventy-five-year-old Fan Tingzhao was seriously ill and dying. Song Zhenzong personally visited him after learning about it and expressed his deep respect and care for the veteran. After Fan Tingzhao's death, the imperial court posthumously awarded him as a servant in recognition of his outstanding military exploits and selfless dedication throughout his life.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

Fan Tingzhao's life is full of legends. He grew from a vengeful boy to the commander of the forbidden army, and used his strength and wisdom to make great contributions to the prosperity and stability of the Northern Song Dynasty. His story inspires us to continue to strive for progress and growth, and to contribute to the prosperity of our country and nation.

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

Looking back on Fan Tingzhao's life, we can't help but sigh: It is really brave and invincible, and his achievements are impressive! Such heroes deserve to be remembered and learned forever. So, what do you think Fan Tingzhao admires the most? Is it his bravery and skill, or is it his loyalty and wisdom? Come and leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

At the age of eighteen, he killed his father's enemy with a sword, and later became a famous general in the Northern Song Dynasty, breaking tens of thousands of Liao troops

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