
Can't finish spitting out phlegm in your throat? It may not be pharyngitis, it may be this disease! Don't be careless

author:Pediatrician Fan Zhuanjian

Whenever throat discomfort becomes a part of our daily routine, we tend to blame it on common laryngitis or colds. However, sometimes, even after we have tried various treatments, the phlegm in the throat is still present and cannot be completely eliminated. This condition may not just be the result of a simple pharyngitis, but a manifestation of some deeper, underlying health problem. This article will delve into the possible causes of phlegm in the throat that is difficult to clear, and help readers better understand the reasons behind these symptoms so that they can take effective treatment and preventive measures.

Can't finish spitting out phlegm in your throat? It may not be pharyngitis, it may be this disease! Don't be careless

A common cause of phlegm in the throat

Having a lot of phlegm in your throat is often uncomfortable and affects your quality of life and productivity. Here are some common reasons that can cause this:

Upper respiratory tract infections: colds and flu are the most common upper respiratory tract infections and are usually accompanied by the production of sputum. This type of phlegm is mainly caused by viruses or bacteria and manifests as a thick secretion that clogs the throat and chest.

Allergic rhinitis: When the nasal mucosa is irritated by allergens (such as pollen, dust mites, etc.), excessive secretions are produced, which can flow into the larynx, resulting in phlegm in the throat.

Sinusitis: Sinus infection or inflammation can cause secretions to flow from the back of the nose into the throat, irritating the pharyngeal mucosa and triggering a sensation of increased sputum.

Digestive problems: Acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause stomach acid to enter the esophagus and throat, irritating the mucous membranes to produce phlegm, especially at night or after meals.

Smoking: Smokers often experience increased sputum, where the chemicals in tobacco irritate the mucous membranes of the larynx, resulting in excessive production of sputum.

The mechanisms behind these common causes vary and require targeted treatment and management.

Can't finish spitting out phlegm in your throat? It may not be pharyngitis, it may be this disease! Don't be careless

An underlying problem that should not be overlooked: possible diseases

In addition to the common causes mentioned above, symptoms of phlegm in the throat can also be a manifestation of some underlying conditions. Here are some health issues that may require special attention:

Chronic bronchitis: People who smoke for a long time or are exposed to pollutants for a long time may develop chronic bronchitis, a disease that causes chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the airways and difficulty in removing sputum.

Bronchiectasis: The bronchial tubes are damaged or dilated, resulting in an increase in secretions, especially if the patient is infected or irritated, and the sputum is significantly increased.

Asthma: People with asthma often have a feeling of blockage with sputum, especially during an asthma attack, when inflammation and mucus production increase.

Lung infections: such as pneumonia or bronchitis, sputum is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever and difficulty breathing.

Tuberculosis: Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection can cause chronic cough and blood in sputum.

Lung tumors: including lung cancer or other malignancies, which may cause blood streaks or blood clots in the sputum.

For these underlying health problems, early diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid disease progression or complications.

Can't finish spitting out phlegm in your throat? It may not be pharyngitis, it may be this disease! Don't be careless

Differential diagnosis and treatment

For the symptoms of excessive phlegm in the throat, a correct diagnosis is the key to effective treatment. Your doctor may use the following differential diagnoses:

History and physical examination: a detailed history of the patient, particularly the duration of throat discomfort and the severity of symptoms, and relevant physical examinations such as auscultation and laryngeal examination.

Imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans or MRIs, can help doctors look for the lungs or other potential lesions.

Laboratory tests, such as sputum cultures and blood tests, can help identify infectious causes or other systemic problems.

Based on the diagnosis, your doctor will prescribe a personalized treatment plan:

Antibiotic therapy: for sputum in the throat caused by bacterial infections, such as bacterial pharyngitis or bronchitis.

Allergy medications: such as antihistamines, are used to treat phlegm caused by allergic rhinitis.

Antacids: such as proton pump inhibitors, used for excessive sputum in the throat caused by acid reflux.

Can't finish spitting out phlegm in your throat? It may not be pharyngitis, it may be this disease! Don't be careless

Prevention and health advice

Whether it's recovery after treatment or routine prevention, the following measures can help reduce the occurrence and recurrence of phlegm in the throat:

Quitting smoking and avoiding harmful substances: Especially for smokers, quitting smoking can significantly improve phlegm in the throat.

Keep indoor air clean: Clean air conditioning and ventilation systems regularly to avoid mold and other allergens.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet: Boosts immunity and physical health, reducing the risk of respiratory infections.

These precautions are not only beneficial in reducing the occurrence of phlegm in the throat, but also have a positive effect on overall health.

Excessive and difficult removal of phlegm in the throat may not be the cause of pharyngitis, but may be a manifestation of some underlying condition. Proper diagnosis and treatment can help reduce the discomfort of symptoms and prevent the further progression of the disease. If you or a family member suffers from this symptom on a regular basis, it is important to seek medical attention for professional advice and treatment. With the right health management and preventive measures, we can better protect our throat health and enjoy a higher quality of life.

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