
The heart likes 3 exercises, as long as you keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart will be very young

author:Pediatrician Fan Zhuanjian

In our day-to-day lives, the heart is undoubtedly one of the most tireless workers. It's like a sophisticated engine, supplying our body with blood and oxygen, ensuring that every cell is functioning properly. However, with the passage of time and lifestyle changes, our hearts may become more and more stressed, and our blood vessels may gradually become unblocked for various reasons. But the good news is that with simple exercise, we can help keep the heart young and the blood vessels open so that it continues to beat healthily for us.

The heart likes 3 exercises, as long as you keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart will be very young

The first exercise: the magic of aerobics

The benefits of aerobic exercise for the heart and blood vessels cannot be underestimated. By enhancing the function of the heart muscle, they increase the pumping efficiency of the heart, making every heartbeat more efficient. Aerobic exercise also helps lower blood pressure, improve blood lipid levels, and reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries, thereby protecting the health of blood vessels.

Types and effects of aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise, including running, brisk walking, swimming, cycling, and more, not only strengthens the heart and lungs, but also boosts metabolism, helps with weight control, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity a week can go a long way toward heart health.

How to start cardio

For beginners, start with moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking for 30 minutes a day, and gradually increase to brisk walking or jogging. Getting regular check-ups to make sure you're in good shape before and after exercise is also an important step in preparing for cardio workout.

Long-term effects of aerobic exercise

Long-term adherence to aerobic exercise not only helps to keep the heart young, but also improves the quality of life, enhances mental health, and makes a person more energetic and energetic.

The heart likes 3 exercises, as long as you keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart will be very young

The second exercise: the strength of strength training

In addition to aerobic exercise, strength training is also an important part of heart health. Strength training strengthens muscles, including heart muscle, and increases overall metabolic rate, which in turn helps control weight and blood sugar.

Benefits of strength training

Strength training by using weights or body weights can increase muscle and bone strength, improve body posture and reduce the risk of sports injuries. These effects are positive for both the heart and blood vessels, as they reduce the burden on the heart during daily activities and improve physical performance.

Start strength training

Strength training can be done with free weights, equipment, or body weights, and for beginners, you can choose to use your own body weight for simple push-ups, squats, sit-ups, and more. Gradually increase the weight and reps to keep the challenge and effect.

How to arrange strength training wisely

Strength training two to three times a week is the ideal frequency and can be done on rest days for cardio. Each training session involves a different muscle group, ensuring overall development and balance.

The link between strength training and cardiovascular health

Strength training not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also helps to improve the flexibility and responsiveness of the cardiovascular system, increases the rate of fat metabolism in the body, and helps reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

The heart likes 3 exercises, as long as you keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart will be very young

The third exercise: the key to flexibility and balance

In addition to aerobic exercise and strength training, flexibility and balance exercises are also an important part of maintaining a youthful heart and healthy blood vessels. These exercises improve joint flexibility and stability, reduce the risk of falls and sports injuries, and improve overall quality of life.

Benefits of flexibility training

Flexibility training includes yoga, Pilates, stretching exercises, etc., which enhance the flexibility and comfort of the body by stretching and relaxing the muscles. These exercises help improve blood circulation, promote joint health, and reduce post-workout soreness.

The importance of balance training

Balance training isn't just a must-have for seniors, it's beneficial for people of all ages. By improving balance, the risk of accidental falls can be reduced, especially when performing other high-intensity or high-risk sports.

The heart likes 3 exercises, as long as you keep doing it every day, the blood vessels are unblocked, and the heart will be very young

How to start flexibility and balance training

Flexibility and balance training can be done two to three times a week and can be used as a supplement to cardio and strength training. Choose the type of exercise that suits you, whether it's in the gym, at home or outdoors, with just a yoga mat or simple equipment.

A relationship with heart health

Improved flexibility and balance not only contribute to the health of the heart and blood vessels, but also reduce the additional burden associated with sports injuries or instability. These forms of training not only extend our healthy lifespan, but also improve the overall quality of life.

Through aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility and balance exercises, we can help keep the heart young and the blood vessels open. Not only is this exercise easy to do, but it also has many benefits for the body, from reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to improving overall health. Therefore, let's continue to pursue the joy and benefits of exercise in our daily lives, and walk side by side with our hearts, so that it can continue to beat healthily for us and welcome a more fulfilling day.

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