
Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

author:Mt. Wandering

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Ventu / Stray Dog Kanshan

Editor/Stray Dog Kanshan

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Today's topic: Have you ever encountered such a situation, using WeChat, QQ or other Tencent products to have a problem, and want to find a customer service to ask, only to find that you can only talk to the robot, but you can't find a real person? What's going on?

In the wave of the digital age, Tencent, a tech giant, seems to be everywhere, but when we really need help, we find that Tencent's human customer service seems to be "invisible".

Tencent is known for its large user base and rich product line, but when we encounter problems, we often have to find answers only through self-service or online bots.

This "unmanned" way of service has confused and dissatisfied many users.

Tencent chose this approach because, on the one hand, with the development of technology, self-service and online bots have been able to handle most common problems; On the other hand, it is also to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

However, this kind of technical logic ignores the real needs of users.

Let's take a look at what netizens are complaining

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Call Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan customer service, second answer! Then let him figure it out for you

There is also a way to scold that Zhi Zhang robot, I couldn't find it for a long time and came out after a few words of scolding.

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Not long ago, I called Baidu's manual customer service phone, and the robot prompted that none of them were manual customer service, and then asked 12345 to let Baidu give an explanation, Baidu manual said, you enter from that elderly channel is manual customer service, I ™ ...............

I directly said that my water meter was upside down, and people came in five minutes

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Recently, I saw QQ music stealing the main song of station B, and then complained that there was no way to give feedback, live broadcast and manual work, and he was asked to find intelligent customer service, and the feedback system and pictures could not be submitted, just such a hooligan, all WeChat cards have been unbound

Originally, I thought that WeChat and Alipay were similar, but after reading your comments, I felt so insecure about using WeChat. [covers face]

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Tencent: What? Does the farm still have a customer service channel? Thanks for the feedback, we'll go get rid of him in a few days

It can't be said that it can't be contacted, it can only be said that it is almost unreachable.

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

For more than ten years, Tencent gamers said: Tencent has customer service, but you have to charge money, just charge the Xinyue members. [smiles]

There used to be.,10 years or so.,I remember that at that time, the cf number was stolen and the account was banned.,It's online communication with customer service on QQ.,The efficiency is pretty good.,And then there wasn't.

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

The three major operators can definitely find manual customer service, and it is insulting to compare Tencent with these three

I don't deserve to have the luxury of manual service, I'm just a small 9 dish [decay]

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Domestic electronic payment is only Alipay. If you are deceived by a mistake in WeChat, you can't find anyone at all, which is why scammers like to use WeChat for transfers, let him try Alipay, and contact customer service to return your money.

WeChat is a chat software, I will put a little money for daily use, and Alipay credit card software is financial software

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

It's useless, they will keep saying that this is a minor refund line, and other questions need to be transferred to other lines, please help you transfer now

This is a bit troublesome, so it's better to go to the WX bot customer service and send something, and then there will be a surprise. As for what can be Baidu on its own

Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching

Customer service is really hard. But Ali Jingdong has a lot of business, and Tencent is surprisingly indifferent.

Tencent also has manual customer service?? WeChat Pay has a little doubt and can't find the customer service entrance

Experts point out that good customer service is one of the keys to business success.

A study also showed that businesses that offer human customer service perform better in terms of customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These data undoubtedly provide a powerful reference for Tencent.

As a technology giant, Tencent undoubtedly has advanced technology and huge resources.

However, while pursuing technological innovation, we also hope that Tencent can return to the essence of human beings and pay attention to the needs and feelings of users.

After all, the ultimate purpose of technology is to serve people.

What else do you have to say about this? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Why does Tencent have almost no human customer service? Where did the customer service go? Reading the comments of netizens is depressed and heart-wrenching
