
Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?

author:Explanation of the human world


The problems in wildlife conservation were discussed, emphasizing that conservation should be a two-way street, while opposing some irresponsible releases. Especially for highly venomous animals, it should be treated with more caution. Wondering how to balance the relationship between humans and wildlife? Come and see what the author suggests!

Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?

Protection should be two-way

Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?

From a very young age, we have been exposed to the promotion of wildlife conservation, which has been carried out for many years in the big eastern countries, and it can be said that the propaganda work is very well done, and even many remote rural areas are able to receive information about wildlife conservation. However, there are many problems with the development of this work, such as the tendency of human beings to put priority in the process of dissemination, as if it is the duty of human beings to protect wild animals, and wild animals must show the courage to do the good of mankind, even if it costs them their own lives.

Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?

We are very opposed to this kind of biased propaganda, and the premise of human protection of wild animals should be as little as possible not to pose a threat to human beings, and the safety of both should be guaranteed, which is the law of equality. But in real life, this is often overlooked, and after a lot of conservation work is carried out, it has brought a lot of trouble to human life, such as the problem of uncontrolled species caused by animal release.

Another example is the designation of nature reserves, most of which are inaccessible, but after a period of conservation work, these nature reserves often become a spiritual home for human beings, because the wildlife in them has proliferated to the extent that they can rival zoos.

What's more, some highly poisonous wild animals have also settled in these places, and after leaving the confines of nature reserves, humans face a direct threat to life, because many times we do not know where these animals are breeding.

If they are allowed to develop, then, as we said earlier, certain areas may become the absolute sphere of influence of these animals, and once they break into these areas, there is almost no possibility for humans to escape. In fact, even in a normal area, the occasional attack of these animals has already caused a lot of damage, let alone if they do "return to nature" as some propaganda departments say.

So from our personal point of view, it makes perfect sense to oppose the return of these animals to nature, because nature is natural, and the safety of human life is also very important. But more importantly, we can't disrupt the order of wild animals' lives because of our own interests, which is very unfair.

After all, these animals did not live in the environment of the human jungle in the first place, and we humans ourselves inadvertently changed the trajectory of their lives. In this sense, even if we put them back where they were, it was not a gift, but only a restoration. But even so, we must not allow them to threaten human life.

It would be more prudent to keep the more dangerous animals in inaccessible places, such as extremely remote mountains or swamps, where humans are unlikely to go anyway.

Although the current state of technology is not yet complete and accurate to control the range of movement of these animals, it is still relatively safe. In this way, it can not only ensure the survival safety of wild animals, but also prevent them from becoming a cancer in the human living environment.

This practice has also been proven in practice, and in some pilot nature reserves, the dangerous animals listed as key conservation objects are placed in inaccessible areas, and there is a clear separation between the two.

This is also very good news for those villagers who live nearby, and they can farm with peace of mind without worrying about animal attacks. Because of this layer of protection, they rarely see these dangerous animals anymore. And even if it does appear occasionally, it is only in the mountains far from the village.

In contrast, some illegal releases are much more dangerous, and most of the participants have not thought carefully about the survival of the animals after the release, and only know that they deserve a release tablet.

But after the release is over, they can leave the place, and the released animals will continue to stay in this strange environment, and if they cannot adapt to the rules of survival here, then the result is likely to be death. To make matters worse, some of these released animals are highly venomous.

Although we can't be sure that the location of their release is actually some distance from the human living area, even if it is relatively far away, it does not mean that it is completely safe. Because these animals themselves have a strong sense of territory, as their numbers increase, they are likely to attack a wider territory.

If a nature reserve does not have enough space for them to reproduce, they are likely to choose to come to a human settlement. Although the state has now begun to strengthen the management of animal release activities, after all, this work has been carried out for many years, and the problems that have arisen before cannot be solved overnight.

Coupled with the fact that some criminals are always trying to take advantage of loopholes, they will choose to secretly release these highly poisonous animals in the dead of night. This is nothing more than trying to achieve the goal of hurting people in the lowest cost way. Because of the presence of these people, the negative impression that the release activities bring harm to human beings has always existed.

Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?

Protected Lists

We are opposed to releases, especially for highly poisonous animals. Animals that threaten our human lives to this extent must be as far away as possible. But in real life, accidents happen, and we don't know for sure when we're going to be attacked.

Animals like snakes are especially difficult to guard against, and they can attack without you even noticing. Even more worrying is the growing trend of snakes becoming more and more common.

Especially in some rural areas, snakes can no longer be seen in mountains, forests and fields, but can also be seen in some densely populated villages and small towns.

If these snakes are ordinary snakes, the key is that they are also mixed with all kinds of poisonous snakes. Due to the lack of medical resources in rural areas, it is difficult to obtain timely and effective treatment measures after snake bites.

Although our country has established a corresponding community medical service system, and has made great achievements, it has been able to be fully competent in some common diseases and daily accidents. However, for an acute and severe disease such as a snake bite, it is difficult to provide effective support to patients in the first place.

More seriously, there are more and more life-threatening snake incidents, and such attacks are likely to happen to you when the snake population has become large.

Although we haven't seen a lot of snakes in our daily lives, they have been living in the neighborhood for some time, and if one day they feel hungry or dissatisfied with the size of their territory, they can attack the inhabitants of the village. This is already happening in some places.

Faced with the reality that the infestation of snakes threatens human safety, we really feel that it is no longer enough to ban the release of snakes and kill them. It is clear that more stringent and effective measures are needed to control snake populations.

But with all the different types of snakes, it's hard to tell which one they belong to. Even experienced farmers may not be able to do this completely.

What's more, even if we know that a certain snake is one of the most venomous snakes, we don't dare to kill it at will, because they already have their own definite legal status. The two snakes have been listed on several conservation lists, including the National Conservation List and the Red List of Biodiversity.

Original In the countryside, cobras are infested, who will protect the safety of rural people?


Protecting wildlife is an important task, but it does require a balance between humans and wildlife. The practice of segregating dangerous animals can indeed ensure the safety of humans to a certain extent. I hope that everyone can also consider the living environment and safety of human beings when protecting wild animals. What do you think about this? Come and leave a comment to share your views!

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