
When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

author:Rhythmic flow
In the solemn halls of the law, the sentencing and the calculation of sentences are a matter of concern to every offender and his family. Have you ever wondered when the sentence began? How is the length of criminal detention calculated? Next, we will unravel these legal fogs, understand the types of punishments in mainland criminal law and the post-sentence visitation regulations, and discuss the enforcement organs of criminal punishments.
When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

When does the sentence start?

According to Article 41 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the time of sentencing is calculated from the date of enforcement of the judgment. This means that whether it is controlled release, criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment, as soon as the sentence is officially in force, the sentence will start to run. It is important to note that if you have been detained in advance before the sentence, the time spent in detention will be deducted from the sentence. In addition, one day of detention can be deducted from two days of controlled release, or one day of short-term detention or fixed-term imprisonment.

When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

How is the length of criminal detention calculated?

Criminal detention is a temporary coercive measure taken by the public security organs against a criminal suspect during the course of investigation. The duration of criminal detention varies from case to case. Under normal circumstances, within 3 days of detaining a criminal suspect, the public security organ needs to request the procuratorate to approve the arrest. Within seven days of receiving the request, the procuratorate is required to make a decision on whether to approve the arrest. Therefore, the duration of criminal detention is usually 8 to 10 days. However, under special circumstances, such as wandering or committing multiple crimes, the detention period may be extended to 37 days.

When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

What are the types of penalties in mainland criminal law?

The types of punishments in mainland criminal law are rich and diverse, including two categories: principal punishment and supplementary punishment. The main penalties include controlled release, criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment and the death penalty, which are mainly aimed at restricting or depriving the offender of his or her personal liberty. Supplementary penalties include fines, deprivation of political rights and confiscation of property, which are mainly used to restrict or deprive the offender of his or her economic or political rights.

When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

How Long After Sentencing Can I Visit?

Mainland law has clear provisions on the issue of visitation by offenders. After the verdict is delivered to the offender himself, if the offender does not appeal and the first-instance procuratorate does not protest, then the family can visit the detention center or prison with the proof of kinship and the original verdict. However, it is important to note that the time and frequency of visits may be limited, and the specific regulations vary by region and place of execution.

When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

What are the enforcement agencies of criminal punishment?

The organs for enforcing criminal punishments mainly include police stations of public security organs, prisons of people's courts at all levels, community corrections establishments under the management and guidance of judicial-administrative organs, and detention centers of public security organs. These organs are responsible for sending the offender to the appropriate place of execution for execution, depending on the type of punishment to which the offender is sentenced and the specific circumstances.

When does the sentence begin? What is the length of criminal detention? How long after sentencing can I visit

Through the above introduction, I believe you have a deeper understanding of the calculation of the time after being sentenced, the calculation of the time of criminal detention, the types of punishments in the criminal law of the mainland, and the provisions of post-sentence visits. At the same time, we should also be aware of the solemnity and fairness of the law, and it is the duty of every citizen to abide by the laws and regulations. Let us work together to maintain social harmony and stability, and work hard to create a better tomorrow!