
Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

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Wow! Dong Mingzhu and Lei Jun are going to set off a war of "household appliances in the rivers and lakes"?

At the shareholders' meeting of Gree Electric Appliances, Dong Mingzhu directly "opened" Xiaomi air conditioner, questioning its technology and sales, "The first place depends on others to make it, where is the technology?" This statement is really intriguing. Xiaomi is not idle here, although it did not respond positively, but hinted that everyone should look at the sales data of "Double Eleven" and "618". It seems that a "battle for air conditioning" has been staged. In this "Gree VS Xiaomi" gunpowder confrontation, who can have the last laugh? Who can win the throne of "Brother Air Conditioner"?

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

Dong Mingzhu's remarks at the Gree shareholders' meeting can be described as "concise and to the point", pointing directly to the "key" of Xiaomi air conditioner. She boldly questioned: it is even more clear, "Who is the first in the industry, consumers have rods and scales in their hearts". These words not only made the shareholders at the scene nod frequently, but also sparked heated discussions on the Internet.

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

Although there was no positive response from Xiaomi, an insider revealed that Xiaomi's senior management had paid attention to Dong Mingzhu's remarks, and specially asked everyone to take a look at the sales data of "Double Eleven" and "618". It seems that Xiaomi is quite confident in the performance of its own air conditioner. In this "war of words", it is really hard to say who will kill the deer. In fact, Dong Mingzhu and Lei Jun's "exchange of fire" is not groundless. It is reported that Gree has recently reported to the relevant departments, saying that hundreds of self-media accounts have reprinted a false article, fabricated data to mislead the public, deliberately belittled Gree, and elevated Xiaomi. It seems that the fuse of this battle has been planted a long time ago.

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

So, does the Xiaomi air conditioner in Dong Mingzhu's mouth have the strength to become the "industry boss"?

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

Let's take a look at the data. According to the data of Jingdong "618", in the field of air conditioning, Gree, Midea, and Xiaomi are among the top three, followed by Oaks and Hualing. Tmall's data shows that the top three air conditioner sales are occupied by Haier, Midea, and Gree, and Xiaomi ranks sixth. Let's look at the situation from January to May this year. The data shows that the online sales growth rate of head brands such as Gree and Midea is negative, and only Xiaomi has risen 58% against the trend. In the offline market, Xiaomi is growing at an astonishing rate of 14,952%, far surpassing other brands. Of course, Xiaomi's ability to achieve such a high growth rate is not unrelated to its low base. From the perspective of revenue scale, Gree and Midea's air conditioning revenue last year exceeded 150 billion, Haier also had 45.6 billion, and Xiaomi's total revenue of smart home appliances was 80.1 billion, and the specific air conditioning business revenue was not disclosed. Xiaomi's air conditioner shipments last year were 4.4 million units, and in the first quarter of this year, it was 690,000 units, with a gratifying growth rate, but compared with industry giants, there is still a big gap in scale.

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

However, it is full of confidence in the air conditioning business. Lu Weibing, president of Xiaomi Group, said at the financial report that Xiaomi air conditioners have achieved 100% self-development, and the number of single-day installations has hit a new high of 67,000 sets. It can be seen that Xiaomi is accelerating the pace of catching up with traditional home appliance giants.

Behind Dong Mingzhu's "opening" Xiaomi air conditioner: Xiaomi ships 4.4 million units a year, and the revenue gap is not small

So finally, I want to ask: The home appliance industry has always been fiercely competitive, and now the cross-border Xiaomi air conditioner has sprung up, which is stirring up this originally calm "spring water". In the face of the up-and-coming star, can the traditional giants still sit on the "top spot"? What do you think about this?

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