
When Ling Yun went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, he stressed: Be cautious and do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work from the beginning

author:Huangshan Online

When Lingyun went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, he stressed that he should adhere to the principle of not loosening the thinking, not lowering the standards, not reducing the intensity, and always doing a good job in the flood prevention and disaster relief work from the beginning

On the afternoon of June 29, Ling Yun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood control and disaster relief work, and visited and condoled the cadres and masses who were fighting on the front line. She stressed that it is necessary to uphold the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, persist in not slackening our thinking, not lowering our standards, and not reducing our intensity, and prudently and consistently grasp all aspects of flood prevention, emergency rescue, and disaster relief, so as to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property and the overall stability of society. City leaders Wu Chunhong and Zhang Wei participated.

When Ling Yun went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, he stressed: Be cautious and do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work from the beginning

Lingyun first came to Fengle Reservoir to learn more about the water level and reservoir capacity and the safety of the dam, and stressed the need to strengthen scientific scheduling, clean up the floating debris caused by the flood in a timely manner, and give full play to the flood control and drainage efficiency of the water conservancy project. When inspecting the water damage of the road embankment in Changwu New Village, Fuxi Township, Lingyun asked to strengthen traffic diversion, repair the water-damaged road sections and facilities with high quality and high standards, and ensure the safe travel of the people. Walking into Baishan Natural Village, Ling Yun inquired in detail about the rescue and disaster relief situation, inspected some of the collapsed houses on the spot, and asked to further strengthen the investigation of the disaster situation of the farmhouses, carefully study and analyze the situation of the mountain in combination with the mountain conditions, formulate scientific treatment measures, and do a good job in the transfer and resettlement of the masses.

When Ling Yun went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, he stressed: Be cautious and do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work from the beginning

"Is there a flood in the house? How is life here? Lingyun came to the temporary resettlement site of Fuxi Central School to inspect the transfer and resettlement of the masses, and saw that the milk, bread and all kinds of disaster relief supplies donated by the guarantee unit and volunteers were very rich, and the accommodation, life and medical treatment of the affected people were guaranteed. Seeing that the mud and gravel were still slipping at a landslide site opposite the road in Shichuan Village, Chengkan Town, Lingyun asked the relevant parties to further strengthen the monitoring, analysis, inspection and control of the mountain and the surrounding areas, deal with the danger in a timely and effective manner, and ensure the absolute safety of the people.

Ling Yun stressed: Flood prevention, emergency rescue, and disaster relief are the top priorities of the current work, and it is necessary to maintain a state of actual combat, tighten the strings of preventing major floods, rushing into major dangers, and providing relief from major disasters, establish a firm sense of the bottom line, and think to the limit, and pay close attention to all aspects of flood prevention, emergency rescue, and disaster relief with a sense of responsibility of "always being at ease" and a posture of being ready to fight, and pay close attention to all aspects of flood prevention, emergency rescue, and disaster relief, and there must be no slackening or sloppiness.

It is necessary to keep the bottom line of safety, strengthen monitoring and early warning, think about risks first, make plans first, and do work first, promptly investigate and eliminate potential safety hazards, strictly prevent secondary disasters, and resolutely and decisively transfer personnel from risk areas.

It is necessary to be good at making overall plans, comprehensively advancing the work of emergency rescue and disaster relief, health and epidemic prevention, nuclear disaster reporting, environmental remediation, post-disaster reconstruction, people's livelihood protection, and economic and social development, and accelerate the restoration of normal production and life order.

It is necessary to pay attention to the guidance of typical examples, widely publicize the advanced models and touching deeds that have emerged in the emergency rescue and post-disaster reconstruction, fully display the fine work style and spiritual outlook of the cadres and masses in Huangshan, and create a good social atmosphere.

It is necessary to strengthen organizational guarantees, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of grassroots party organizations and the majority of party members, encourage the majority of party members and cadres to shoulder heavy burdens, be pioneers, and take the lead in flood prevention, emergency rescue and disaster relief, and drive the whole city and all walks of life to form a strong joint force and strive to win a comprehensive victory in flood prevention and disaster relief and post-disaster recovery.

When Ling Yun went to Huizhou District to supervise the flood prevention and disaster relief work, he stressed: Be cautious and do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work from the beginning

Author: Hu Lilong News Submission Email: [email protected] Editor: Wang Zhenlong Second Review: Wang Cuizhu Final Review: Jin Yimei

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