
What is Wusheiling?

author:China Gansu Net
What is Wusheiling?

What is Wusheling Ridge?

"The wind rises in the middle of summer, and the snow is everywhere"

It's the Black Sheath Ridge

"Mountains and mountains are connected, and the passes are natural"

It's the Black Sheath Ridge

"Since ancient times, soldiers have fought for land, and the road is cool in the west"

It is also the Black Sheath Ridge

What is Wusheiling?

When you stand at the Wusheling Observation Deck at an altitude of 3,052 meters

As far as the eye can see, the snow-capped mountains stretch for thousands of miles

Divine thoughts have been connected to thousands of vicissitudes of life

That's when you really understand

Wushei Ridge

It's not just a mountain

What is Wusheiling?


Wusheling is located in the northeast of the Qilian Mountains

The central part of Tianzhu Tibetan Autonomous County, Gansu Province

It is about 17 kilometers long from east to west

It is about 10 kilometers wide from north to south

The main peak is 3,562 meters above sea level

The average annual temperature is -2.2°C

What is Wusheiling?

When you open the map of China

In the territory of Gansu

Find Wusheling in the west direction along Lanzhou

You will find out

It looks east to Longdong and west to the west of the river

The desert is in the north and Qilian is in the south

It is in and out of the hinterland of the Northwest Interior

Important geographical coordinates

What is Wusheiling?

"The ground chokes the east and west holes, and controls the throat of Hexi"

It is said that the special geographical location of Wusheling Ridge

Topographically, Wusheling is located

Loess Plateau, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, Inner Mongolia Plateau

The confluence of the three major plateaus

In terms of topography, the Wusheling Ridge is

The boundary between the first and second steps of the continent

In terms of climatic zoning

Plateau sub-arid zone, mid-temperate sub-arid zone, mid-temperate arid zone

The three major climatic zones intersect at the Wusheling Mountains

What is Wusheiling?

Although it is not outstanding among the major mountain ranges in China

But Wusheling is like a stocky northwest man

Standing at the east gate of the Hexi Corridor

In the perennial "tug-of-war" with the warm and humid air currents "delivered" by the Pacific Ocean

has created a kind of "maverick" cold character

What is Wusheiling?

"Looking back, I am more suspicious that the road is near, and I am suddenly in the white clouds"

Qing Dynasty poet Yang Weichang's Wusheling Ridge

It is a traffic artery of the magnificent shore

Lin Zexu, who was assigned to Ili, passed through Wusheling Ridge

Left a record of "the ridge is not very steep, but its ground is very cold".

What is Wusheiling?

In Jin Yong's novel "Book of Swords and Enmity".

Wusheling Ridge is "the famous steep place on Ganliang Road"

"In September, snowflakes fell by themselves"

"Mountains on one side, cliffs on the other, bottomless valleys"

The folk are also complex and changeable because of the climate of Wusheling Mountains

It is known as the saying that "a mountain has four seasons, and ten miles of different days".


Historical Wusheling Ridge

Reverberated with a heroic song

Full of passionate arias

Every stroke is a strong bone

Every sand and dust has the echo of the years

What is Wusheiling?

There are soldiers and merchants

The literati chanted, sang and danced

Zhang Qian, Huo Quzhi, Tang Xuanzang, Zuo Zongtang, etc

Leave hot and deep footprints here

Let Wusheling be in the minds of the world

With an extraordinary reputation

What is Wusheiling?

The highest Great Wall in China - Wusheling Great Wall. (Photographer @ Wei Yuezhong, source Planetary Research Institute WeChat public account)

It is also a place where civilizations mingle and blend

Different products, different civilizations

Shuttle back and forth, collide with each other

The highest section of the Great Wall of Han and Ming Dynasty meets here

Through the wind and frost, watch the stars

Let the Wusheling Ridge be in the mountains, rivers and moonlight

More enthusiasm for the ancient road

What is Wusheiling?

The picture shows the steam locomotive slowly moving towards Wusheling Ridge. (Data map)


For thousands of years, the steep geographical environment of the Wusheling Mountains

It can't stop the ancients' desire for communication

Today, people are reshaping time and space with modern means of transportation

50s of the last century

New China went from the interior to Xinjiang

The construction of the first railway, the Lanxin Railway, began

What is Wusheiling?

Oil painting "Road to Urumqi"

May 1954

As a key project of the Lanxin Railway

The first generation of the Wusheling Tunnel was completed and opened to traffic

At that time, the famous painter Ai Zhongxin

Take the Qilian Mountains to the majestic and Lanxin railway construction site

The scene of labor in full swing

Created the oil painting "Road to Urumqi"

This is a magnificent picture

It has witnessed the development of the railway industry in New China

It also praises the great strength of the working people

What is Wusheiling?

On March 30, 2003, the national "Tenth Five-Year Plan" key project Lan (Zhouxi) Wu (Weinan) additional second-line railway construction project officially started.

Enter the 21st century

The construction of the second line of Lanwu began

August 2006

The second generation of Wusheling Tunnel——

The Wusheling extra-long tunnel is double-lined

"Asia's longest tunnel" was born

What is Wusheiling?

In August 2006, the double line of the Wusheling Tunnel of the Lanzhou-Wuwei Second Line of the Lanzhou-Singapore Railway was opened.

The "bottleneck" on the passage of the Eurasian land bridge was broken

3651 kilometers from Lianyungang to Urumqi

All of them have been opened to traffic on two lines

This is another monument in the history of China's railway development

What is Wusheiling?


The Lanwu section of the Lanzhang high-speed railway was officially put into operation

After opening to traffic

Wuwei was connected to the national high-speed rail network for the first time

What is Wusheiling?

Wuwei's grape wine

Lamb from Gulang

The white yak of the heavenly blessing

The bitter water rose of Yongdeung

It can also make more people "one-click accessible"

What is Wusheiling?

Still in Wusheling Ridge

High-speed trains travel at speeds of up to 250 kilometers per hour

The third generation of Wusheling Tunnel——

Lanwu section of the Lanzhang high-speed railway, the new Wusheling Tunnel

What is Wusheiling?

Three generations of Wusheling Tunnel changes

The ancient Silk Road

Modern railways

Faster high-speed rail

On the Wusheling Ridge, they complement each other

Traffic changes are condensed here

They are old and new

It is a link between time and space between the past and the present

It is also a chapter of the times at the right time

What is Wusheiling?

Wushei Ridge

He once wrote the dream of his family and country

He once greeted a fierce and high-spirited figure

It has witnessed the fiery era of burning passion

From the national integrity of self-improvement

to the steady and far-reaching firm pace

Every metamorphosis on the Witch Ridge takes place

It's like a train passing through a tunnel

Wind and rain

Always forward