
Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei put the plan to have a child on the agenda, and now Big S can't handle him!

author:Entertainment looks forward

Recently, Wang Xiaofei made a public wish to his wife Ma Xiaomei at her 43rd birthday party, hoping that the other party would give birth to a child for herself as soon as possible.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei put the plan to have a child on the agenda, and now Big S can't handle him!

Regarding Wang Xiaofei's wishes, some netizens said that he really likes children, so he wants Ma Xiaomei to give birth to a child for himself. Some people also believe that the main reason why Wang Xiaofei has been pinched to death by Big S in recent years is because of the child, if Ma Xiaomei is successfully upgraded, then Wang Xiaofei will be able to get rid of these demons.

Ma Xiaomei is very smart, she knows that Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan have been physically and mentally exhausted by Big S over the years, she just needs to be obedient and not toss. To be a good daughter-in-law who is filial and warm-hearted, who listens more and talks less, and is well-behaved and sensible is enough for his mother and son to like it, and then provide some emotional value, it is simply not too likable.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei put the plan to have a child on the agenda, and now Big S can't handle him!

Why does Wang Xiaofei love Ma Xiaomei so much, not only is the other party young and beautiful, but he hopes to meet a woman who looks up to him and can be a bird, Zhang Yingying is like this, Ma Xiaomei is also like this.

Interestingly, Ma Xiaomei did not give birth to a child for her ex-husband in her first marriage, so for her, in addition to giving people the image of a good wife, the most important thing is to complete the transformation to a good mother. It can also allow Wang Xiaofei to draw attention back from Taiwan, and when the time comes, it will not be so easy for Big S to rely on the two children to pinch Wang Xiaofei, which is also one of the reasons why Big S suddenly kept a low profile and did not file a complaint recently.

Big S understands his current situation very well, Wang Xiaofei is a newcomer who is better than an old person, if she does it again, Ma Xiaomei can make the next days of Da S even more sad with a little pillow wind.

Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei put the plan to have a child on the agenda, and now Big S can't handle him!

Let's talk about Gu Junye and Da S, we all know that Gu Junye is almost 60 years old, but he doesn't have a child, which is also a point that his mother is very anxious about, but Da S is unwilling to give birth to a child for the other party, or because of physical reasons, she doesn't dare to risk having a child, which is why she has never dared to go to South Korea to meet her mother-in-law.

is also a second marriage, the gap between Wang Xiaofei and Big S is slowly widening, watching Wang Xiaofei's life become more and more comfortable, but he wants to earn money all over the world to raise S, I don't know if Gu Junye will be dissatisfied?