
Tian Fuzhen's performance at the Music Festival is on the hot search, is this planning to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

author:Entertainment looks forward

got up early in the morning, and suddenly found that Tian Fuzhen was on the hot search, click in to take a look, it turned out that she participated in the Hong Kong Music Festival platter performance last night, and several entertainment big Vs are using the same words to promote her, what "good state", "beautiful and cute", people who don't know, still think that Tian Fuzhen has opened an independent solo concert.

Tian Fuzhen's performance at the Music Festival is on the hot search, is this planning to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

can look at the attitude of ordinary netizens, but it is completely different, everyone is basically boycotting Tian Fuzhen, and I can't figure out why a person who is so suspected of being a Taiwan D can be invited to the Hong Kong Music Festival. The previous Tianjin Music Festival, because of the pressure of public opinion from netizens, finally returned Tian Fuzhen, how could there be an official invitation to her, is there any hidden meaning in this?

Tian Fuzhen's performance at the Music Festival is on the hot search, is this planning to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

Interestingly, Luo Zhixiang himself also participated in this music festival, and he also went on stage on the same day as Tian Fuzhen.

Back at the performance site of Tian Fuzhen Music Festival, judging from the videos and photos uploaded by netizens, Tian Fuzhen cut his hair short, and his whole temperament looked good. She sang highly sung works such as "Nobody Knows" and "You Don't Think of Me", and also interacted with the audience cordially.

However, Tian Fuzhen's words mean something, she said: "Everyone must stay in good shape, wait slowly, and one day we will be able to see each other again", does this mean that you are going to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

Tian Fuzhen's performance at the Music Festival is on the hot search, is this planning to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

Speaking of which, Tian Fuzhen was able to participate in the music festival platter performance, and it was in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which does not prove that she will be able to easily return to domestic entertainment next. Everyone also knows how sensitive the entertainment industry is to these things today, Tian Fuzhen's ambiguous attitude will really have a great impact on her image, basically no capital dares to invite her to perform in the mainland, this risk is too great.

In comparison, the other two members of SHE are much smarter, Chen Jiahua and Ren Jiaxuan's career development in the mainland is good, a big reason is that when they encounter some position problems, even if they don't express their position, they will not say some yin and yang weird words.

Tian Fuzhen's performance at the Music Festival is on the hot search, is this planning to return to the mainland entertainment circle?

And Tian Fuzhen is different, when he has a successful career, he always likes to make some strange things, and when his career is ruined, he puts down his posture and wants to develop in the mainland, is it really the bottom line of netizens to touch it so casually? What do you think of Tian Fuzhen's idea of wanting to make a comeback?

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