
A rake? Married men say that blind dates are all for their wives, and now the princess is terrified when she hears that she is married

author:Xiao Jing Entertainment

Since the popularity of the program "Wang Po Says Media", all kinds of people have emerged on the platform. From the initial Internet celebrity traffic, to the later talent show, there are even married men who show their love on stage as singles. All these phenomena have made the original intention of the show out of shape and caused widespread discussion among the public.

In the episode of the show on March 30, a seemingly innocent guy attracted everyone's attention for a while because of his handsome appearance and straightforward words and deeds. He said that for the sake of love, he was even willing to abandon his existing job and follow his beloved woman to Sichuan. However, just as everyone was blessing this possible marriage, the reversal appeared - it turned out that he was already married.

A rake? Married men say that blind dates are all for their wives, and now the princess is terrified when she hears that she is married

After seeing the video, the young man's wife angrily posted the marriage certificate of the two. What's even more shocking is that the guy tried to get his wife to help hide the truth afterwards, and even had a chat record of insulting his wife. This undoubtedly caused public outrage, and his wife became the most innocent victim.

In the face of netizens' doubts and condemnation, the guy's response was even more laughable. He claimed that he came to power so that his wife could return to China as soon as possible, but such an explanation is obviously unconvincing. Especially when he appropriated public resources, deceived the audience, and even made an innocent girl mistakenly think he was single.

More worryingly, such actions may pose a threat to the personal safety of those involved. There have been cases of ex-husbands threatening their ex-wives with knives. Therefore, everyone reminded the wife to pay attention to safety and make contact with her ex-husband while ensuring her own safety.

And the program of "Wang Po Says Media" has also been greatly affected because of this incident. Whenever a guest mentions an object, the host of the show will look very nervous, and even have a little heart palpitation. This also reflects the impact of this incident on the show.

A rake? Married men say that blind dates are all for their wives, and now the princess is terrified when she hears that she is married

To sum up, no matter what the purpose, you should respect the facts and others, and do not act against ethics and the law for the sake of momentary traffic and attention. I hope that similar programs in the future can pay more attention to authenticity and moral bottom line, and truly build a platform for people to find true love.

A rake? Married men say that blind dates are all for their wives, and now the princess is terrified when she hears that she is married