
100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

author:Golden Sheep Net

On June 29, the 220 thousand volt power transmission and transformation project, the highest altitude in the country, was completed. The transmission line is 210 kilometers long, starting from the Wutong 220 thousand volt substation in Moyu County, Hotan Prefecture, crossing the Kunlun Mountains with an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters, and finally ending in Hongliu Town, Hotan County. After the electrification, it will improve the problem of unstable electricity consumption for some farmers and herdsmen in the Hotan area.

The smooth completion of the line has brought light and hope to people in remote areas. Behind this is also the silent dedication of countless power builders.

Walking into the construction line of Hetian's 220 thousand volt power transmission and transformation project, you will always see a busy figure, which is the chief engineer of the project. He hadn't seen his family in more than half a year. Although he and his wife Wang Meng have already received their marriage certificates, their wedding has been delayed again and again.

Wang Meng had to take a plane for more than two hours from Urumqi to the place where he worked, and then he had to take a car for more than eight hours to go up the mountain.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

Wang Meng, Pu's wife: I haven't seen him for more than half a year, and I don't know if he's thin or dark.

Early the next morning, Wang Meng took a car to the project department where Jupu worked. At this time, Pu and her colleagues were ready to leave for work.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

The place where they went to work was Tower 10, which was more than 5,000 meters above sea level. When the vehicle reached the bottom of the mountain, it was impossible to drive up, so they had to climb to the top of the mountain on foot with heavy measuring equipment, and the snow on the road was already thigh-deep, making it very difficult to walk, and the severe high reaction made it difficult to breathe.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

On the 100-meter mountain road, she and her colleagues walked for nearly 20 minutes to reach the top of the mountain, and they didn't bother to rest before they started working. On the majestic Kunlun Mountain, they carefully and carefully checked every procedure for the line to be connected.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

Bai Jianlong, Safety Director of the Construction Project Department of State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.: I haven't been home since the fifth day of the Lunar New Year.

State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Construction Project Department Chief Engineer Xupu: I haven't been home, I can't help with many things at home, and I'm very anxious.

Reporter Zhang Min: Do you want a daughter-in-law?

State Grid Xinjiang Electric Power Co., Ltd. Construction Project Department Chief Engineer Lu Pu: I really want to.

Reporter Zhang Min: Then you look behind you now.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

Pu, who was still feeling guilty just now, didn't expect his wife to surprise him.

100 meters of mountain road for 20 minutes, they "chase the light" on Kunlun Mountain.

Kunlun Mountain has witnessed the love between Ru Pu and Wang Meng, and they are just a microcosm of thousands of power builders, who give up their small homes for everyone and send power energy to thousands of households.

Editor: Shu Mengqing

Source: CCTV news client