
The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

June 28th

Videos circulating on the Internet say

A tourist in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area in Sichuan

When participating in a trekking race

Scratched and bitten by more than a dozen monkeys

Resulting in leg injuries

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

▲Monkeys on Wawu Mountain. According to the scenic spot

Tourists take part in hiking competitions

was besieged and bitten by more than a dozen wild monkeys

According to relevant media reports, on the 28th, Ms. Liu, a tourist, participated in a hiking check-in competition in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area. When she reached the third check-in point, more than a dozen monkeys suddenly rushed towards her, scratching and biting her. Ms. Liu said that the whole process lasted more than three minutes, and there were no staff on site, and other tourists arrived to help drive the monkeys away.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

After Ms. Liu was freed, she continued to walk up, and after meeting the staff, she went to the infirmary to disinfect the wound. Ms. Liu said that at that time, the scenic spot promised to compensate for the relevant expenses, but the follow-up did not fully fulfill it.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

▲ Ms. Liu's leg was scratched by a monkey. Screenshot of the online video

The scenic spot promises to assume corresponding responsibilities

The medical expenses incurred have been paid

On the 29th, the reporter contacted the relevant person in charge of the Shangwawu Mountain Scenic Area for verification. The person in charge said that the incident of tourists being scratched and bitten by monkeys in the scenic spot on the 28th was true, and after the incident, the staff carried out emergency treatment for the tourists' wounds.

Regarding the issue of compensation, the above-mentioned person in charge said that the medical expenses incurred by the other party have been paid, and if there are related medical expenses in the future, the scenic spot will continue to bear them in accordance with laws and regulations.

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

▲The guardrail on Wawu Mountain is hung with a warning sign of "Wild monkey infested area, please do not play with monkeys". Tourists take screenshots of the video

For the transportation expenses, lost work expenses, mental damage expenses and other claims claimed by tourists, the scenic spot will bear the corresponding responsibilities in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. In addition, the staff of the scenic spot said that there have been staff patrolling the scenic spot, and they will increase patrols in the future to avoid similar incidents from happening again.

Wild monkey populations are difficult to manage

The scenic spot looks forward to netizens providing "golden ideas"

It is understood that there are 890 kinds of wild animals in the Wawu Mountain Scenic Area, among which the wild monkey is the Tibetan chief monkey, which belongs to the national second-class key protected wild animals, mainly in the area of Gufoping and the Grand Canyon, and is not raised in the scenic spot. As for the management of the monkey group, the scenic spot said that it was also a headache.

"Like many scenic spots with monkey populations, our scenic area also has problems that are difficult to manage in the wild. They are also protected animals, and even if they want to be driven away, they must be reported to the relevant departments for approval before relevant measures can be carried out. The person in charge of the scenic spot said that the scenic spot respects the living habits and activities of all wild animals, and currently mainly reduces the occurrence of accidents by strengthening patrols, signs and warnings, broadcasting safety tips and other measures, and also hopes that tourists and friends will take care of wild animals, watch monkeys in a civilized manner, appreciate monkeys scientifically, and keep a safe distance from monkeys.

The person in charge said: "We also hope that the majority of netizens, tourists and friends can contribute to the scenic spot to manage the monkey group of 'golden ideas', to avoid the recurrence of such problems, for those good golden ideas, the scenic spot will give corresponding rewards according to the situation."

Netizens also expressed different opinions on this matter

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...

Friends, what do you think about this matter? Do you have any management ideas?

Source: Cover News (Reporter Wang Yuexin Li Qing) Editor: Qianqian

The woman was besieged and bitten by more than 10 monkeys! Well-known scenic spots: It's too difficult to manage, ask netizens for help...