
Wait until you are old to wake up, the only person you can really rely on is this person, don't be confused when you are young

author:Wimpy kid


A few days ago, I went to the hospital to get medicine, and saw two seventy or eighty-year-old people, the old man should be sick, unable to walk, grandma carried grandpa to walk two steps and take a step, when he was about to walk to the door, grandma was ready to put grandpa down to rest for a while, when grandpa's right foot may have arrived, there was no support and almost fell, I quickly reached out to help, and asked the two old people to wait, I went to rent a wheelchair, I pushed the wheelchair over after the two old people thanked again and again.

Wait until you are old to wake up, the only person you can really rely on is this person, don't be confused when you are young

Watching my grandmother push my grandfather inside, I felt sad for a while, how many human sufferings can be seen in the hospital, whose father and mother are this? Whose grandparents? Tears poured out unconsciously, God gave me the heart to have compassion for sentient beings, but did not give me the ability to save sentient beings, and it is not easy for ordinary people to survive.

Such situations can be seen everywhere in hospitals, and there are mostly two elderly people who are hobbling to each other to seek medical advice. At the same time, as I grew older, I gradually understood what marriage is and what is a partner. Wait until you are old to wake up, the only person you can really rely on is this person, don't be confused when you are young.

Young couples are old companions, and their partners are their biggest support in their old age

Wait until you are old to wake up, the only person you can really rely on is this person, don't be confused when you are young

After entering the marriage at the age of 30, I realized that no matter whether you have a boy or a girl, you can't prevent old age, you still have to have a good wife, you have savings, and support each other for a lifetime.

Therefore, regardless of men and women, when they choose a partner to start a family when they are young, they must treat their other half well and put each other first, and the relationship between husband and wife is more important than all relationships. Our parents gave us sickness, and it was enough for us to fulfill the most basic filial piety. No matter how close the brothers and sisters are, they will live their own lives behind closed doors, and their children will go their separate ways when they have their own homes.

Partners are the biggest and longest investment in our lives, manage the relationship with the other half when we are young, have children together, earn money to support the family, love each other, and store friendship. As the children become families, our bodies are gradually weakening, our partner is our last retreat and dependence, when the children are not around, when we can't take a break, our partner supports us and solves the loneliness in life together, when we are sick, our partner can pay attention to our situation at any time, and when we are thirsty and uncomfortable, we are handed a glass of water, and the husband and wife go first, who enjoys happiness.

Wait until you are old to wake up, the only person you can really rely on is this person, don't be confused when you are young

And even if the children are filial, but once they have their own small family, the focus is on their own small family, they have their own partners and children to take care of, and love is downward, and many times they have more than enough power for their parents, and they have to rely on their partners at critical moments. You must know that children are inheritance, and partners are real. So when you are young, don't be confused and break your children's hearts repeatedly.

Therefore, the meaning of marriage is not to pass on the ancestry, but to support each other until old age. Why do you want to call your life partner, why do you want to call your wife? It's a pity that most of us put our children first.

[Topic discussion: What do you think?] 】

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