
Yang Xudong: The chip is almost the way!

author:China Automotive News

On the morning of June 29, at the 8th Jiwei Semiconductor Conference, Yang Xudong, President of China Electronics Standardization Institute, made a keynote speech, expounding the characteristics and significance of "ubiquitous" and "ubiquitous" in the integrated circuit industry, how to better promote the development of the industry under the current situation, and introduced the industry standardization work, which aroused positive responses from participants. Aijiwei compiled the speech record and released it with consent for the industry's reference.

Yang Xudong: The chip is almost the way!

Dear colleagues and friends in the industry: Some time ago, I changed jobs and no longer focused on the chip industry. With the residual memory of the chip industry, and more importantly, with the feelings that have not been cut in the industry, I still want to find a suitable occasion to tell you what I think is important, hoping to be inspired. The topic I want to talk about today is that chips are almost Taoist. The chip is not a "way", the chip is a "device", and it is a "device". But among all the "instruments", that is, the "utensils" as commonly understood, the chip is the "instrument" that is closest to the "Tao". From this point of view, the chip is close to the Tao. In order to make this truth clear, we need to go back to the debate between "Tao" and "instrument", the connotation of this pair of "opposite" propositions. In the general sense of primordialness, "the metaphysical is the Tao, and the metaphysical is the instrument." The "Dao" here is at the metaphysical spiritual level, sometimes called "one", "great one", "normal", and "li", which probably refers to the philosophical categories such as "origin", "meaning", "value" and "law" expressed in modern Chinese, similar to what Wittgenstein said "the ineffable", in the words of Lao Tzu, "the Tao is the Tao, the very Tao". Compared with the "Tao" with blurred semantic boundaries, "instrument" is relatively easy to understand and grasp, and roughly refers to the tangible "things" at the material level under the metaphysics. The ancients said that "Gewu Zhizhi", "Ge" is the tangible artifact, and the purpose of Gewu is to obtain and grasp the invisible "Tao". Starting from the origin of "metaphysical and metaphysical", there are many extensions of "Tao" and "instrument" in Chinese tradition, such as "the gentleman is not a device", "the avenue is not a device", "the instrument carries the Tao", "the Tao exists according to the instrument, and the Tao is destroyed when it is separated from the instrument" and so on. Okay, let's stop here, after all, this is not a retreat, let's get back to the topic of chips.

Yang Xudong: The chip is almost the way!

The above explanation of the propositions of "Tao" and "instrument" is still to show that "chips are close to Tao". Borrowing the method of ontology, I believe that the two essential characteristics of the "Dao body" are also expressed by the chip. Or to be more precise, the chip, as an artifact, exhibits to a greater extent the two essential characteristics of the "Dao body" than any other artifact. First, "it must be inseparable for a moment, but it can be separated from the way". This is said in the structure of time. The "Tao body" has no beginning and no end, and is always there. The "I am" of the "Tao body" is embodied in the whole process of participation, which can neither be got rid of nor can be shaken off. On the basis of informatization and digitalization, the current intelligent era that has kicked off, chips have gradually shown the characteristics of "inseparable". Some time ago, I visited a chip manufacturing company, and a promotional video they played was very typical. The promotional video chronologically describes the life and work of an ordinary office worker, from the bracelet alarm clock, voice-activated music, home control that wakes up in the morning, scanning the code bicycle on the way to work, navigation forecast, brushing face to punch in the unit, computer phone and office communication in the unit, ordering food and delivering meals for dinner, sports and fitness after work, shopping payment, listening to books and dramas, to health monitoring in sleep, such as SoC, ASIC, MCU, FPGA, MEMS, CPU, and GPU used in each scene in the promotional video, DPU, NPU, DSP, DRAM, NAND Flash, IGBT, CIS, AD/DA, LED, eMMC and other chip products are marked out one by one, vividly expressing the "inseparable" of the chip. All intelligent applications in the whole process of life and work are built on chips that are the underlying technologies and devices of computing, storage, big data, and big connections. In the foreseeable future, there should be no "artifact" that can replace this whole-process participation of chips. Second, "to the vast and the subtle." This is said in terms of spatial structure. The "Dao body" is no small or large, and it is everywhere. The "I am" of "Dao Body" is embodied in the participation of all fields. From the "quantum mechanics" and "uncertainty" of the atomic structure to the "gravitation", "relativity" and "certainty" of the cosmic nebula structure, although there are great differences in mathematical and physical expressions, the "Tao" is also among them. At present, physics has not yet been able to form a unified understanding of "the subtle" and "the great", that is, the grand unified theory pursued by Einstein has not yet been constructed, which can be understood as the current human ability is limited, and it has not yet reached the level of the more original and comprehensible "Tao". For chips, there is a similar performance, which is ubiquitous in the macro field of "to the vast" and the micro field of "as subtle" as possible with human participation. In fact, for chips, the above sentence is more accurate, "as subtle as possible". The history of the chip industry for more than 70 years has generally followed the "Moore's Law", with a structure of continuous miniaturization and subtlety, and has increasingly burst out of the powerful defining and enabling role of the macro world everywhere. The "quantum" of the microstructure of the chip directly or zigzagically determines the "gravitational force" of the intelligent performance of things and artifacts that we can experience in our current life and work. The above is the truth I want to say that "chips are almost Tao". After talking about the truth, it is always necessary to say something enlightening, and what is the use of understanding this truth. If we regard chips as a cause and mission that can be entrusted, we should treat chips with a "Taoist heart". If we just take the chip as a job to gain a foothold in society, and wait for it, and use the chip as a tool and task to eat, then it is another matter. What does it mean to treat the chip business with a "Taoist heart". First of all, "it must be inseparable for a moment", "only the essence is the only one", thinking about the morning and evening, thinking about the day and day, working for a long time, and persevering. I think this is very much in line with General Secretary Xi's sense of responsibility to treat the cause "always feel at ease". Forced by the internal and external situation, we can no longer be so calm, follow the rules, and follow the steps in the chip business. The "unconventional" I discussed for the first time at the Jiwei Conference is also applicable to the attitude towards the chip business, unconventional thinking and unconventional dedication, in order to obtain unconventional results. The worm has no strength of muscles and bones, digging into holes, and the heart is also the same. Mendeleev was inspired by the periodic law in his sleep, and Ramanujan wrote a huge number of formulas like a miracle, or because they were single-minded and thought about enough and deep enough. "Always rest assured", long-term concentration, awareness and potential will help us. Secondly, "to the vast and subtle", focus on the big picture, start small, both look up at the sky, but also bury your head in intensive cultivation. No matter which sub-industry we are engaged in in the chip field, we always have to understand and grasp the current situation, development, changes, and situation of the chip industry in China and the world, the general structure, system, and ecology of the industry, and the position of our work in this system and ecology. This is also one of the purposes for which we sometimes attend forums and conferences to listen to the opinions of experts. Then again, we don't need to look at the sky all the time and reason every day. Most of the time, we still have to return to our own division of labor roles, our own work scenes, "always rest assured" to play our roles well, our own nodes to bear well, push our work to the extreme, "as subtle". Then, through the market rules and cooperation with domestic and foreign ecological partners, coupled with our institutional advantages of the "new national system" overall coordination, our cause is of course promising, and the prospects are promising. In this process, with the spirit of "Dao Heart" and "Selflessness", we will promote the great achievements of the entire chip industry as "the great man of the country" and "the great self".

Yang Xudong: The chip is almost the way!

Ladies and gentlemen, more than three months ago, with the concern and trust of the organization, I was transferred from the Department of Electronic Information to the China Electronics Standardization Institute. Minister Jin Zhuanglong explained to us that we should implement the important responsibility of "managing standards" in the ministry, based on the main responsibility and main business of standardization, and give full play to the supporting and leading role of standards in new industrialization, so as to serve the industry and enterprises. I understand that in promoting new industrialization, building a modern industrial system, and developing new quality productivity, standards are used as yardsticks and rules to measure the rights and wrongs of our work results, and to define and maintain the order of the industry and the market, which is also the embodiment of the industry's international discourse, which is of course very important. Some time ago, I accompanied the leader to conduct research in Xi'an, and the leader raised a question, why is only Chinese civilization lasting for thousands of years? My answer is that Qin Shi Huang attached great importance to standards and implemented a standardization strategy, which made a foundational contribution. In addition to the political decision to change the "sub-feudal" to "counties and counties", in the management of economic and social operations, he decided, the Qin Dynasty's "Standardization Research Institute" implemented the "degree of the same system, the same track, the same book, the same line", here a few "same", in essence, several important industry standards, the first emperor's far-sighted "standardization strategy", laid the foundation of the Chinese civilization to continue to this day. Subsequently, "a hundred generations have practiced Qin politics and law", and the "standardization" system and mechanism that determines the identity of the nation, the country, and the civilization, although there have been twists and turns, there is no essential weakening, and on the whole it is being strengthened. As the only professional standardization organization in the system of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, our institute, China Electronics Standardization Institute, has accumulated profound industry experience and capabilities after 60 years of development. I joined the institute at the beginning of the second Jiazi, and in the face of the new situation and new requirements, I feel a great responsibility and a glorious mission. In order to better support the needs of the industry, in addition to the Beijing headquarters, we have also set up branches in Xiamen, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Shanghai and other industrial clusters, close to the local government, serving industries and enterprises. We look forward to working in the future, based on the main business of standardization, as well as the standard value chain of standard development, testing, certification, measurement, evaluation and evaluation, consulting and training, and communicate and cooperate with you more extensively and deeply, in order to achieve each other and work together. If I have the opportunity to come here next year, I will report to you on the experience and understanding of industry standardization work. That's it. Thank you!

Source: Jiwei Network Format: Liu Xiaoye

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