
I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

author:Interviews with real people


I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

This is the 4,193rd real story we have told

One day in 2014, the doctor took a razor blade and slipped it around my neck, and the area that had been cut was instantly bleeding and bubbling. The doctors and nurses quickly moved the ventilator from my mouth to the position of my neck and sewed it up with needles and threads.

With the exception of the head, the rest of the body is unconscious, slightly better than in a vegetative state.

The doctor felt that I was hopeless, and suggested that the family donate organs and get 100,000 yuan in compensation, but the family would not give up.

At that time, I also gave up on myself and tried to bite my tongue to kill myself, but found that even though I was like this, my mother still didn't want to lose me and stayed with me every day.

In order not to make my mother sad, I decided to live well.

Later, I not only survived, but also reaped happiness.

Because of the live broadcast, I met my wife, a kind, beautiful and healthy girl. She didn't dislike me, took care of my food, drink and Lazar, and took me to various competitions.

Although her family was initially against us being together, eventually they were moved by our love and agreed.

I am not afraid of any hardship or difficulty, and I believe that there will be a way to solve all hardships and difficulties. I'm just afraid that I won't even have a chance to solve this hardship and difficulty, and I'm afraid that I won't have any chance to work hard.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My recent photo)

My name is Jia Jiandong, and I was born in 1993 in a poor family in Xiji County, Ningxia.

When I was a child, my family was very poor and didn't even have decent furniture. Every day, when I was full, I went out with my children, ran to the mountains to dig tree holes, and didn't have to think about anything.

Playing for too long, my mother would call us back at the door and scare us with a small stick.

After going to elementary school, the teacher taught us to learn from Lei Feng to do good deeds and help others without expecting anything in return. When I grew up, I didn't hesitate to stand up to someone on the road when I saw someone in need. Every time I help someone, I feel happy.

The teacher also taught us to give up our seats. When I take the bus, if I only have one or two seats, I won't sit because I don't know if the next passenger will need to sit on the bus, unless there are many seats.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(I was a soldier)

I saw that the police officers on TV were handsome and righteous, and I really wanted to be a police officer. But when I was in junior high school, I was taken by some friends who not only smoked but also went to Internet cafes to surf the Internet, which affected my studies.

After graduating from junior high school in 2008, I didn't get into high school, so I went to work as a small worker on a construction site.

In the scorching sun, my co-workers and I mixed the concrete and loaded it into buckets, either lifting the concrete upstairs, hanging the buckets with ropes and pulling them upstairs, sometimes climbing up and down the rack pipes. We also carried sand and cement, from morning to night, and the sweat never stopped.

Although it was hard to work on the construction site, I was happy because I had work to do.

One day, my uncle asked me to go to Xi'an with him to do red wine sales. Selling is a particularly difficult thing for me. As expected, after a month of drying, not a single bottle of wine was sold.

One day in 2011, when I was selling red wine, I passed by the gate of Xi'an Jiaotong University and saw a conscription notice. I immediately contacted my family and asked them to sign me up.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Me and my comrades)

During my time in the army, I felt that I was worthy. I am the kind of person who must do things well, obey orders when he should obey, train well when he should be trained, and be loyal when he should be loyal.

When I was a recruit, when others were resting, I would train myself in various ways because I wanted to become a strong soldier. When I was taking recruits, I didn't play with my phone or smoke in order to lead by example. What the recruits are asked to do, I have to do first.

Only when we become stronger can we stand up and defend our country when the country and the people need us.

During training, I always like to challenge the hardest and hardest work. I hope to make myself stronger and more patient through this. And I'm willing to do things that others don't want to do. Because if no one wants to do it, then no one will do it.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Me and my comrades)

In normal times, my comrades-in-arms and I will help some old people. Once, a grandmother who sold popsicles had a flat tire, and my comrades and I went to help fix the car. When I repaired it for the first time, I didn't know how to use tools, so I broke my nails and cut my hands.

When I was about to leave the army, the old woman knitted a collar out of wool and gave it to me. On the day we returned from the army, it was the middle of the night, and there was a group of grandmothers seeing us off, all of whom we usually helped. When I looked at them, my heart ached, and I wanted to cry.

At this time, I didn't know that after I was discharged from the army, a catastrophe that changed my fate was waiting for me.

One day in 2014, my friends and I ran home from dinner, and then what happened, I don't remember at all, and when I woke up, I was already lying in the intensive care unit of the hospital.

I found out that it was a car that knocked me down, but luckily my friend was fine.

The doctor came up to me and asked, "Can you hear me, young man?" Blink when you hear it. "I winked at the doctor. The doctor said, "The consciousness is still awake. ”

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My recent photo)

At this time, I couldn't speak, I couldn't move my hands, and the way I communicated with others was to blink my eyes. But the nurse said to me, "Young man, cooperate well with the treatment, and you will recover in half a year at most." I believe it.

In the intensive care unit, families only have half an hour to visit. I looked at the clock on the wall, and the second hand jumped from day to night and from night to day.

I couldn't breathe, so the doctor cut a trachea in my neck and connected it to a ventilator; I couldn't eat, so the doctor put a nasogastric tube in my nose and gave me a liquid diet.

Because I couldn't drink water, my lips were so chapped that even if I rubbed lipstick, it didn't work. The nurse had to dip a cotton swab in water and touch it to my lips.

Later, I had a high fever and burned badly. It was a winter of minus 10 degrees Celsius, and it was snowing, but I wanted my family to throw me into the snow and ice on the ice. Sometimes the stove was right in front of me, and I was covered with three or four layers of quilts, but my whole body was shivering. Once, I saw my sister standing at the head of the bed watching me cry.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My wife and I)

This ordeal lasted for a year, and I spent almost every day in this pain.

When I had a high fever, I dreamed like a dream, dreaming that I was floating everywhere, sometimes at the bottom of the sea, sometimes in the sky, sometimes in the hospital, sometimes elsewhere, and it seemed like I was floating everywhere for a day.

At one point, I felt like I was out of my body. I was standing in the corner and saw several doctors and nurses resuscitating me, and suddenly I was lying on the bed again.

My condition was so serious that the doctor didn't think it was necessary to have surgery, and I was afraid that it would cost money. But my family knelt down in front of the doctor and said that they were bankrupt just to save me.

The doctor had to perform surgery on me for cervical spinal cord injury, which cost me more than 100,000 yuan a day. Although the operation was successful, they said that this was the only step to be done, and the rest could only depend on my creation.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Participate in the competition)

Later, I was bleeding from the place where my neck cut my trachea because of a severe infection in my lungs due to the tracheotomy.

The doctor cured the bleeding neck and lung infection, but thought I was only on medication. Once the drug is stopped, people may not last long, so they suggest donating organs so that the family can still get 100,000 yuan in compensation.

My family was unwilling to keep me in the hospital for 100,000 yuan, but they couldn't afford the medical expenses of more than 10,000 yuan a day in the intensive care unit, so they pulled me back to Xiji Hospital and relied on infusions to maintain my life.

At this time, I got a pressure sore, because I forgot to tear off the fever patch on the back of my butt. After a long time, a large piece of flesh rotted, the size of two palms, and the bones were exposed.

The advice given by the hospital is to have a skin graft, but it may not be cured by spending hundreds of thousands, and you will eventually die.

At that time, people from the village came to the ward every day to accompany me. I didn't understand what it was, but I didn't understand until later.

It turned out that the doctor told the family to be prepared. My family even bought a shroud, waiting for me to be gone one day and send it away at any time.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Participation in athletics competitions)

At this time, although I was paralyzed and unconscious, I didn't expect my life to be very hard, and it dragged on day after day. When they saw it, they had a bottom in their hearts, and slowly, only my family was left with me.

At this time, a very good doctor came, and he recommended that the ventilator tube and nasogastric tube be removed and I should try to breathe and chew on my own. If I can't eat, chew out the water and then vomit, because chewing absorbs the water of the food and is more nutritious than just infusion. The family followed the doctor's advice.

It's almost the New Year, and they took me home to take care of me. At home, my mother used scissors to cut off the rotten flesh of my buttocks, and then cleaned and smeared the medicine.

Mom sat at the head of the bed almost 24 hours a day, with her forehead next to mine, and spent every day with me. I was like a vegetative person, only my head was conscious, and my body was unconscious. My mother was next to me, and my heart was very steady.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(I won the "Most Beautiful Veteran")

Every hour or two, my mother would turn me over, and it would take me about ten minutes to turn over once, and she had never slept well.

I have lost the ability to urinate and urinate, and the first time I pooped was my sister, who was a doctor. That time, I had been holding it for almost 20 days, and my sister understood when she saw my bulging belly, and took out the stool for me with her hand.

Later, for nearly five years, my mother gave me laxative medicine every three or four days, opened the plug, and helped me poop with her hands.

Day after day, year after year, my body slowly recovered, and the pain slowly decreased. After more than a year, my physical condition stabilized, and my family would pull the four corners of the sheet and lift me to a flatbed truck with a mattress when the sun was at its warmest, and then cover me with a quilt.

I had been lying in bed for many years, and I couldn't see the light, so my family blindfolded me. They took me around the village and felt the air outside. Through the gap in the towel, I could see the sky, the branches and the wires.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Participation in the Speech Contest)

When I'm not outside, I'll look out the window in my room at the sky, and the sky will change colors, sometimes it's dark clouds, sometimes it's sunny, and birds can fly by. I thought I could only lie like this for the rest of my life.

When I was at Xijing Hospital, I thought about dying when I knew that I might not get better. Because I couldn't move my whole body, I thought of biting my tongue and killing myself.

I took advantage of their inattention and started biting my own tongue, and the process was painful. But every time there was a bad change in my body to be rescued, my mother was very anxious, crying very much, constantly calling my name and slapping my face, very afraid that she would lose me.

After a few times, I sensed that my mother needed me very much, and even if I became like this, she still needed me. If something happens to me again, she'll be even sadder.

It doesn't matter what I do, but I can't hurt my mom more. I decided to survive one day at a time and live well. Since I chose to live, I should always do something.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(I won the "Good Man of Ningxia")

I don't know what else I can do, I want to see if there are any people in the world like me, what they are doing. I went online and added the disabled group, and I found that there are some disabled friends who are in a similar situation to me, but they are doing all kinds of things. Their positive attitude towards life inspires me. I thought, they can do it, and so can I!

I can't move my hands, but I can simply move my arms. I use the movement of my arm to make the joints in my hand touch the phone, type and communicate with voice, and then convert speech into text.

I followed the disabled people in the group to do the task of swiping orders, sent a friend Quan, and sent the screenshot back, and others will give you a dollar or two. When I followed and got a dollar, I was shocked and happy, because it was not someone else's charity, it was the income of my labor!

I also try my hand at writing, and I also do live broadcasts and speeches. I hope that I can ease the financial burden on my family a little.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Win the award for live streaming)

I don't want everyone to pity me and give me charity because I am disabled. I learned to sing, shout microphones, and share inspirational stories. I hope to express my experience through live broadcasts and speeches to encourage more people. I also sell some small local specialties through live streaming, although the income is relatively small.

Not only did I make a lot of friends because of the live stream, but I was also lucky enough to meet my wife.

I used to think that the people who chose me in the future would definitely be physically handicapped, disabled, or someone who no one wanted, something went wrong. I never thought that a girl who was so beautiful would want to be with me. When I saw her leave a message in the comment section saying that she wanted to take care of me, I thought she was joking.

Later, I got in touch with her in the live broadcast room and chatted slowly. When we learned about each other's life experiences and families, we found that the two had the same three views. We fell in love and our relationship became deeper and deeper.

Later, I had concerns again, after all, she was a healthy person, I was already like this, and I didn't want to hurt her.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My wife and I)

But she said to me: "Whether you can stand up or not in the future, I have decided to accompany you through this life, love you and take care of you well." For the rest of my life, if you don't leave me, I will live and die. "She decided to come and see me.

The night before the meeting, I was in a hurry. Lying on the bed, my head was spinning around like a rattle. I finally got through to dawn, and when we could meet, I hurriedly contacted my comrades-in-arms and said that my girlfriend was coming.

My comrades-in-arms were more anxious than me, and they came after receiving the call. The comrade-in-arms was so happy that he told the news to the second comrade-in-arms. That comrade-in-arms couldn't help but say to another comrade-in-arms who had a better relationship with me, after all, we are good brothers. Another comrade-in-arms was injured, and I didn't want to trouble him, but when he found out, he told us to drive to his house and change to his good car. My comrades-in-arms tore off the bandages on their hands and drove several of us to the station in an Audi.

We thought that people would come over and buy something to eat, so we went to order a boxed lunch, but my comrades-in-arms and I didn't eat it. I looked around nervously and excitedly, searching for her.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My wife and I)

When I was still a few hundred meters away, I saw a figure of a person, and she was crouching there. I recognized her because I had seen her as she was. The people and buildings around me seemed to be mosaic, and only she shone like a magnet that attracted me deeply.

When she got in the car, she looked at me and smiled, and she held my face with both hands. I said a little shyly: "Don't worry, there are comrades in the car, let's go home and talk slowly." ”

When I got home, I said to her, "I'm a family with nothing, and I can't afford to get married. I don't want to burden my family anymore. Let's work hard and get married again when we have the ability, is it okay? She supported my idea, saying, "We're all on our own." ”

We decided to be together, but all her friends threatened her not to be with me by breaking up their friendships. It turned out that my friend braved the heavy rain to intercept her at the station that day, but she came to me without hesitation.

Then one day, her family asked her to hurry home, saying that her mother had a heart attack and was being rescued. When she got home, she found out that it was my family who knew about me and her and objected to us being together.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Me and my family)

My wife communicates with my family every day to let them know about my situation. My mother-in-law saw that she was sad every day and finally agreed that she would come to me.

Ever since my wife came to me, she has taken care of me for my food, drink, and Lazar. I was touched by the fact that my wife also pooped for me. She never disliked me, but cared more about my body than I did. She was afraid that it would not be good for my health to hold my stool for a long time, so she remembered the time and helped me deal with it.

My wife took me out of the village, out of the county, out of the city, and even all over the country to participate in activities and speech contests for the disabled.

Every time you go out is a challenge.

The wife's height of more than 1.5 meters has to take a person who is 1.76 meters and more than 140 pounds and can not take care of himself at all, walk out of the house, get on the bus, get on the train, and go outside.

When I met a coach at the rehabilitation center and became a para-athlete after rehabilitation, my wife took me to training and competitions.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(I'm playing)

To train, you should get up early and stay up late at night, get up at four o'clock in the morning to train, rest and eat in the middle, and practice physical fitness by yourself in the evening until ten o'clock. I was unconscious, and I often paddled with my hands, and when I lifted it, I found that it was bleeding, and the blood stained the tires red.

Sometimes, I want to give up, not because I'm tired or injured. The most painful thing in my heart is that when I was training, my wife worked so hard under the scorching sun.

The up and down racing cars used for training need to be carried by people, and they are all done by wives and other family members. We swoop the discus, the javelin, the shot put that we throw out every second, and they have to run over and pick them up.

My wife not only helped me pick it up, but also helped other athletes pick it up, because there were few people to accompany me. In addition, the wife has to clean and cook with the family.

I have lost my sweat sensation, I can't sweat, I can't get rid of heat. In summer, when the weather is a little hot, the body will be hot, and you may face heat stroke at any time.

My wife always holds a kettle, and when I make a circle in front of me, my wife follows and pours cold water on me with the kettle, and pours it as soon as the water is dry. I practice for a day, my wife walks with me for a day, spraying water for a day.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up


Athletes are not allowed to use drugs, laxatives can contain stimulants, and I didn't go to the toilet once during the competition. The longest tournament lasted about 20 days.

My wife was afraid that something would be wrong with me, but I said, "If I use laxatives, I may be tested for stimulants, which will discredit the whole team, and I won't use drugs no matter how long I hold them back." ”

The honors obtained by participating in various competitions are half of the credit of his wife. I couldn't even get out of bed without her.

The most similar thing between my daughter-in-law and me is our filial piety to my family. The kindness of the family is never finished, so we are not thinking about what to ask for from the family, but what we can do for them.

Over the years, we have always been of one mind, no matter what our family says or does, we always care about our family. Even if you can't make much money and it's hard to make a living, you still have to buy clothes and daily necessities for your parents and do your filial piety.

Sincerely, the gold and stone are open, the wife's mother's family from the beginning of the opposition, to the later non-expression, and then to the wife every time she comes back from her mother's house, the mother's family let her bring her own hand-made delicious food and Guizhou specialties.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My wife and I)

In the end, they even agreed to our marriage, because for so many years, they have seen that we are sincerely working hard together, not blindly impulsive without thinking about the consequences.

In 2022, we got married. My wife's family came, local leaders, people from all walks of life who cared about me, my relatives and friends, including my fans, and even friends I hadn't been in touch with for many years.

Many people think that my wife chose me because I had a huge amount of compensation. In fact, the driver didn't even pay enough for the medical expenses, and only paid half of the medical expenses. My wife took a fancy to me because of my character, and she didn't want anything else. The relationship between my wife and I is pure and unadulterated.

My wife and I have been together for six years since June 2019. We have been through a lot of things, overcome a lot of difficulties, and each other's hearts remain the same.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(My wife and I)

For the sake of my family, for the sake of the people who love me, and for the sake of the love in my heart, I strive to move forward. No matter what lies ahead, I'm going to stick with it.

Whenever I feel that I can't hold on, I encourage myself with a song "Watch Me Prancing Horse Whip". This is an episode of Journey to the West.

This song inspires me that the current difficulties are temporary, can be overcome, and will eventually pass.

At no point did I ever think about giving up. Every time I face a difficulty, I tell myself that it is a matter of time and method to solve the difficulty, and it can be solved in the end. I will do what I want to do and get to where I want to go.

I, a young man born in the 90s, suffered a car accident and was hopeless, and the doctor recommended organ donation, but my family did not give up

(Welcome to pay attention to the protagonist self-media "Jia Jiandong fights for love")

[Dictator: Jia Jiandong]

[Author: Guan Qing]

[Editor: Xiaoqi]

We can't experience different lives, but we can feel different life trajectories here, every photo here is a bit of life, every story is a real life, if you also like it, please click to follow! @真实人物采访

(*This article is based on the oral statements of the parties, and the authenticity is the responsibility of the oral narrator.) Friendly reminder from this account: Please identify the relevant risks by yourself, and do not blindly follow the trend to make impulsive decisions. )