
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it


What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it

What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it
What is "conspiracy"? It's so classic, you savor it

"Do you think everything you've planned will work out?" He looked at me coldly, his eyes full of sarcasm.

I paused, trying to hide my panic. "Of course," I replied calmly, "every step is under my control." ”

This conversation kept echoing in my head. Yes, every step is under my control. I never believed in fate, let alone chance, I only believed in plans and stratagem. That's why I'm where I am today. However, the man standing in front of me now clearly doesn't think so.

The beginning of things is not complicated. That day, I received a message from him asking me to meet at a hidden café. He is my opponent, a clever and cunning man who has too many of my secrets. I had to tread carefully, both to protect myself and to try to control him.

"What do you want?" As soon as I met, I got straight to the point, with obvious impatience in my tone.

He smiled and took a slow sip of his coffee, "I wonder what you're planning." ”

I stared at him, my mind racing. This is a temptation, and he is probing my bottom line. However, I will never let him succeed.

"Everyone has their own plans, don't you?" I asked rhetorically.

He put down his coffee cup, his eyes sharpened, "Don't beat around the bush, I know what you're thinking." You think you can control everyone, but you're wrong, and there are things that you can't control. ”

His words made my heart tighten. What did he know? Is there really a hole in my plan? I can't show any wavering, I have to stay calm.

"What you're talking about, I don't understand." I spread my hands as I pretended to be innocent.

"Stop pretending, I know you've been spying on me." His voice suddenly became stern.

My heart was beating faster, but my face remained calm. "Surveillance? You're thinking too highly of yourself. ”

"Do you think no one knows about your shady deeds?" He sneered, "Everything you have done, there are traces. ”

This sentence pierced my heart like a thorn. I never thought I would be exposed, I always thought I was a perfect mastermind and all the plots were seamless. Now, however, it seems that this is not the case.

"So, what exactly do you want?" I forced myself to calm down and continued to ask.

"I want you to stop all actions against me." He looked me straight in the eye, "Otherwise, I'll leave you with nothing." ”

It's a threat, and it's a naked threat. I had to make a choice, whether to continue the confrontation or compromise.

"Do you think I'm going to be afraid of you?" I sneered and responded, "What are you threatening me with?" ”

He took a picture out of his pocket and put it in front of me. "It's just the beginning, and if you don't stop, you'll lose more."

I looked at the contents of the photo, and my heart set off a huge wave. I never thought things would get to this point, but right now, I don't have a choice.

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath, "I promise you." ”

It's an unwilling compromise, but it's also an opportunity to start over. I know that this is far from over, and I have to revisit every step of my plan because my opponent has become stronger. And I have to be more cautious and wiser.

This is the scheme, always changing, always evolving, and I am destined to keep moving forward in this game.