
Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

author:Science Award Center

The 2023 National Science and Technology Award has been announced. 2 National Highest Science and Technology Awards: Academician Li Deren of Wuhan University and Academician Xue Qikun of Tsinghua University; 49 National Natural Science Awards: 1 first prize and 48 second prizes; 62 National Technological Invention Awards: 8 first prizes and 54 second prizes; 139 National Science and Technology Progress Awards: 3 special prizes, 16 first prizes, and 120 second prizes;

Due to the suspension of the National Science and Technology Awards in 2021 and 2022, the 2023 National Science and Technology Awards have accumulated a large number of outstanding achievements, which can be called the most difficult year in the history of the National Awards.

The 2023 National Science and Technology Award can be called the fastest, least awarded, and most difficult one.

|Overall situation

  • The highest science and technology award: about 13 experts were declared, and finally 2 academicians were awarded.
  • Three grand prize general projects: 1,240 were declared, 1,216 were accepted, 243 passed the preliminary evaluation, 200 were finally awarded, and 43 were unsuccessful in the preliminary evaluation, with an overall award rate of only 16.4%;
  • Special projects for the three awards: about 150 projects were accepted, 58 were passed in the preliminary evaluation, 48 were finally awarded, and 10 were unsuccessful in the preliminary evaluation, with an award rate of about 32%.

|Characteristics of the 2023 National Awards

The evaluation of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award highlights the following three important aspects.

Highlight the national strategic orientation. Adhere to the "four aspects", take serving the major strategic needs of the country and making creative contributions as an important principle of nomination and review, optimize the setting of the review team and the composition of experts of the review committee around the national strategic needs, and strengthen key areas.

Improve the nomination mechanism. Formulate the "National Science and Technology Award Nomination Measures", consolidate the nominee's responsibilities for material checks, assist in objection handling and verification, and require the nominator and the candidate's unit to do a good job of reviewing and checking the candidate's politics, conduct, style, and integrity.

Strengthen the review and control. In accordance with the requirements of high level and hard work style, the review committee of the expert group shall be strictly selected, the management of review reputation shall be strengthened, discipline and restraint shall be strengthened, the integrity review of candidates shall be strengthened, and the handling of objections shall be done in accordance with regulations.

Awards of each judging group

1. Among the natural science awards, the mechanics group has the highest elimination rate, with a winning rate of only 10%, and the earth science group and basic medicine group have the highest winning rate, reaching 22.22%. The average award rate was 16.84%.

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

2. The chemical and textile group of the Technological Invention Award is the most miserable, with an award rate of only 7.41%, while the advanced manufacturing group has the highest award rate, reaching 30.0%. The average pass rate is 20.8%.

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

3. The surgical group has the highest elimination rate in the Technological Progress Award, with a winning rate of only 6.25%, and the popular science group and the high-tech talent innovation group have the highest winning rates, reaching 28.57% and 33.33% respectively. The average award rate was 14.95%.

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

|2023 Special First Prize Project

In the nomination system for the 2023 National Science and Technology Award, the first prize (special prize can be added), the first prize or the second prize, and the second prize are filled in, which will make some projects that choose the first prize or second prize get more than 2/3 of the votes, so that they will be publicized as the first prize. In this year's preliminary evaluation, there were 29 special prizes and first prizes (excluding special projects), including 3 first prizes of the Nature Award, 5 first prizes of the Invention Award (general), 4 special prizes for progress, 16 first prizes for progress, and 1 for innovation team (general). Among the award-winning projects of special projects, there are 3 first prizes for technological invention, 2 special prizes and 2 first prizes for progress awards.

The changes in the final award of the special first prize general project are as follows:

  • First Prize of Nature: 3 first prizes in the preliminary evaluation, 1 won the first prize, 1 won the second prize, and 1 was unsuccessful.
  • First Prize of Invention: 5 first prizes in the preliminary evaluation, and finally all of them won the first prize of invention.
  • Progress Grand Prize: 4 special prizes in the preliminary evaluation, 1 of which won the final prize and 3 were reduced to the first prize.
  • Progress First Prize: 16 first prizes in the preliminary evaluation, 9 won the first prize, 1 was reduced to the second prize, and 6 were unsuccessful.
  • Progress Award Innovation Team: 1 preliminary evaluation, and 1 final award Innovation Team of Progress Award.

Attached: 2023 Special First Prize Winning Project (General)

First Prize of the 2023 National Natural Science Award

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

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First Prize of 2023 National Technological Invention Award

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

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Special Prize of 2023 National Science and Technology Progress Award

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

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First prize

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

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Innovation team

Preliminary evaluation and awarding of each review group of the 2023 National Science and Technology Award

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