
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire


You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire

You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire
You can lie flat on how much pension you can get after you retire

"How much pension can you get when you retire and lie flat?" Lao Li sat across from me, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

I was stunned for a moment, and this question made me suddenly realize that I had never seriously thought about life after retirement. After decades of work, I have been busy and busy, and I never seem to stop thinking about what life will be like when I really retire.

"You said this lightly," I smiled, trying to hide the fluctuations in my heart, "What about yourself, Lao Li, how much pension are you going to take to lie flat?" ”

Lao Li laughed, picked up the teacup and took a sip, "I, just have one or two thousand, enough to eat and drink, and there is no luxury." ”

One or two thousand, is it enough? I thought to myself. The mortgage has been paid off, the children have started a family, and life seems to be much simpler. But with only one or two thousand, can you really live an ideal retirement life?

I fell into deep thought, recalling all these years of running around for work. I go out early and return late every day, for that salary, for the responsibility of the family, I have hardly lived a good life for myself. Suddenly, I felt like life should be more than that.

"Lao Li, you said it easily, but I always feel that this is not enough," I sighed, "We have worked hard all our lives, aren't we just to live comfortably in the future?" ”

Lao Li put down the teacup and looked at me seriously, "Old man, life is not made by money. You have the basics, the important thing is to find what you really want to do, and the most important thing is to have a happy life. ”

His words made me think deeper. What is life like after retirement? I imagined jogging in the sun every morning, learning a new craft in my free time, traveling with old friends, and these images came to mind as if they were within reach.

"You have a point," I nodded, "but you still have to have a certain economic foundation to enjoy life without worry." ”

"Of course," Lao Li smiled, "but don't be too yourself, just moderate enough." ”

When I got home, I began to carefully calculate my future pension and living expenses. The house is no longer affordable, the daily expenses are not high, and the children can stand on their own. After all the calculations, what Lao Li said is not unreasonable. A pension of one or two thousand, plus some savings, is enough for me to live a comfortable life.

In the evening, I talked to my wife about it. She smiled and said, "Actually, we don't need much money, the important thing is that we can be together and enjoy every day of life." ”

Her words warmed my heart. Yes, after working hard for most of my life, I should now live for myself and enjoy every ordinary and beautiful moment. Money is important, but what is more important is peace and contentment.

I decided not to worry too much about the amount of my pension and started planning for a real retirement: learn a musical instrument, plant a small vegetable garden, and go on a trip with my wife. No matter what my pension is, I want to make my life rich and fulfilling.

This is my retirement life, no longer just "lying flat", but full of energy and hope.