
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done


The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done

The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done
The 8 hardest jobs, bookmark them and see how many you have done

"The 8 hardest jobs, collect them and see how many you have done." That night, my friend Lao Zhang shared the topic at a party, and we all fell into deep thought.

"Really? What is the hard work? I asked curiously.

Lao Zhang smiled and began to list them one by one.

"First and foremost, it's the construction workers." Lao Zhang said, "They work under the scorching sun, move bricks, build walls, and beat concrete, which is a huge physical exertion, and they also have to face the test of high temperature, wind and rain. ”

"It's true that the construction workers are really hard." I nodded in agreement.

"The second type is coal miners." Lao Zhang continued, "Working in a mine hundreds of meters deep is not only a harsh environment, but also faces the danger of gas explosions and landslides at any time. ”

"The working conditions for miners are really dangerous." I sigh.

"The third type is sanitation workers." "They start working every morning in the early hours of the morning, sweeping the streets, collecting garbage, and keeping the city clean and tidy, no matter how hot or cold it is." ”

"Sanitation workers are really respectable." I said.

"The fourth type is the fishermen." Lao Zhang continued, "Fishing at sea is not only hard, but also facing the threat of wind and waves, sometimes going out to sea for several days, and the living conditions are very difficult. ”

"The fishermen's job is really dangerous." I agree.

"The fifth type is the peasantry." Lao Zhang said, "From sowing to harvesting, every link requires a lot of physical strength and time, especially in the busy farming season in summer and autumn, which is even harder. ”

"The hard work of farmers is our food security." I sighed.

"The sixth type is the courier." Lao Zhang continued, "Especially during shopping festivals like Singles' Day, they have to deliver hundreds of packages every day, day and night, rain or shine. ”

"Couriers are really hard, especially during peak periods." I said.

"The seventh type is doctors, especially emergency doctors." Lao Zhang continued, "They need to deal with all kinds of unexpected situations, work long hours and high intensity, and the mental pressure is very high. ”

"Doctors have a lot of responsibilities and a lot of pressure." I said.

"The last type is teachers, especially rural teachers." Lao Zhang said, "They not only have to teach, but also take care of the lives of students, and sometimes one person has to teach several grades, which is a very heavy workload." ”

"It's really not easy to be a rural teacher." I sighed.

After listening to Lao Zhang's story, I feel that these jobs are very hard, and practitioners in every industry deserve our respect and gratitude.

When I got home, I started to reflect on what I was doing and what I was doing. In contrast, my work is stressful, but I am much happier than the hard work. So, I decided to cherish my work more and respect everyone who works hard for life.

A few days later, I talked to my family about it. After hearing this, my wife said: "These jobs are really hard, and we need to respect and understand these workers more." ”

The children also agreed, especially the eldest son, who said, "Dad, I will also work hard in the future and be a useful person to society." ”

Since then, our family has begun to pay more attention to these hard workers and respect the fruits of their labor. Whenever we see the hard work of couriers, sanitation workers, etc., we express our gratitude and respect.

Friends, these hardest jobs are really worth our collection and see, and I hope you can also get inspiration from them and respect everyone who works hard for life. No matter how many jobs you've done, every labor is worthy of respect and gratitude. Let us cherish our work together, be grateful to every worker, and build a better society together.

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