
What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

author:Beijing-France Internet Affairs
What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

How to properly handle classmate relationships?

How may adolescents be exposed to narcotic drugs?


Beijing Internet Court, Yanqing Court, No. 1 Intermediate People's Court

Xicheng Court, Shunyi Court, Huairou Court

The Third Intermediate Court and the Fourth Intermediate Court

A variety of legal popularization activities have been carried out

Nets Junte brings you a collection of activities

You can click on the picture to view the event details~

June 18th

Enhance awareness of the rule of law on the Internet and improve cyberspace literacy

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

Judges of the Beijing Internet Court were invited to participate in the "e-Shang Pinggu Internet Protection" activity of the Cyberspace Administration of Pinggu District, Beijing to prevent minors from becoming addicted to the Internet on campus, and went to the No. 11 Primary School in Pinggu District to give a lively and interesting online legal literacy lesson to 100 teachers and students of the school.

June 21

Explain the law with cases and strive to be a person who understands the law

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In order to further popularize the relevant knowledge of the Civil Code and enhance the awareness of the rule of law among the people in the jurisdiction, the president of the Yongning Court of the Yanqing Court was invited to Pearl Spring Township, Yanqing District, and relied on the "Farunquan Township" Law Popularization Station to carry out special lectures on the rule of law. Members of the party committee and government team of Pearl Spring Township, responsible persons of government departments and legal experts from all villages in the jurisdiction attended the lecture.

Highlight the point

01 The core values of socialism are deeply integrated into the Civil Code

02 Violating the principle of public order and good customs shall bear adverse legal consequences

03 There are skills in distinguishing between labor relations and labor relations

June 24th

Prevent substance abuse and live a healthy life

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In order to effectively prevent the spread of the abuse of addictive substances such as narcotic drugs, and to educate and guide the majority of young people to correctly understand the harm of the abuse of addictive substances such as narcotic drugs, the cadres and police of Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People's Court went to the middle school affiliated to Beijing Institute of Technology to carry out anti-drug law popularization activities with the theme of "preventing drug abuse and enjoying a healthy life" for more than 1,000 students in the first and second years of high school of the school.

Highlight the point

01 What are drugs? The relationship between drugs and drugs

02 Substance abuse

03 How to avoid substance abuse

June 24th

The rule of law has entered the campus and created a clean network and blue sky

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

Nowadays, while the Internet is immersed in all aspects of minors' life and learning, it also brings considerable challenges to their physical and mental health. In order to effectively protect the "juvenile him", the judge of the Financial Street People's Court of the Xicheng Court was invited to the Beijing Xicheng Vocational School, where he is the vice principal of the rule of law, and gave a vivid lecture on the rule of law on the topic of "Prevention of Legal Risks on the Internet for Minors". The lecture was presided over by Zhang Tao, director of moral education of the school, and all teachers and students of the school participated in the lecture online and offline.

Highlight the point

01 Compare consumption, cheat money and make friends

02 Shopping for wild animals online, the girl in the flower season was sentenced

03 Online shopping game account, 12-year-old student was deceived of 30,000 yuan

June 24th

Preventing Campus Crime and Supporting the "Blue Sky of the Rule of Law"

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In summer, the popularization of law "increases" knowledge, and the rule of law breeze sends coolness. The judge of the Niulanshan Court of the Shunyi Court was invited to the Shunyi Affiliated Primary School of the First Normal University to give a lecture on the rule of law to all teachers and students in the fifth grade. With the theme of "Preventing Campus Crime", the lecturer gave a detailed explanation from four aspects: criminal legal provisions, common types of crimes on campus, the consequences of juvenile crime, and how to correctly handle the relationship between classmates, so as to enhance the safety awareness and self-protection ability of teenagers and children with real cases, and build a solid campus security defense line.

Highlight the point

01 age delineation

02 Common types of crimes on campus

03 Consequences of juvenile delinquency

04 How to handle the relationship between classmates correctly

June 24th

Healthy life, so that youth is not "poisonous".

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In order to further improve the anti-drug awareness and ability of young people to resist drugs, and create a green, healthy and harmonious campus environment, the assistant judge of the Criminal Division of the Huairou Court went to Yangsong Middle School to carry out the anti-drug publicity activity of "Healthy Progress, Youth Without Drugs" to prevent drug abuse among young people, and distributed anti-drug publicity materials.

Highlight the point

01 The origin of the International Anti-Drug Day

02 The dangers of drugs

03 The new trend of drug crimes

04 Youth anti-drug should be kept in mind

June 25th

Drug-free youth, green campus

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In order to further enhance the awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and rejection among young people, and create a green, healthy and harmonious campus environment, on the occasion of the International Anti-Drug Day, judges and judges' assistants of the First Criminal Division of the Third Intermediate People's Court of Beijing went to the High School Affiliated to the University of International Business and Economics to give lectures on drug popularization to students.

Highlight the point

01 Is drug use a crime?

02What is hemp medicine?

03 How may teenagers come into contact with narcotic drugs?

June 26th

Prevent illegal fundraising and be vigilant against the dangers of drugs

What are the penalties for the crime of illegal fundraising? 丨Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall(126)

In order to welcome the "6.26" International Anti-Drug Day, improve the public's legal quality, enhance the people's awareness of law-abiding and law-abiding, and at the same time effectively promote the crackdown on illegal fund-raising in accordance with the law, prevent and resolve risks from the source, and form a good social atmosphere, the Criminal Court of the Beijing Fourth Intermediate People's Court set up a law popularization station in Zhaofengyuan Community, Fengtai District, and carried out special law popularization publicity activities, with nearly 100 middle-aged and elderly residents in the community participating in the activities.

Highlight the point

01What are the conditions for the act of absorbing funds from the public (including units and individuals) to be recognized as illegal fundraising?

02What other circumstances may constitute illegal fundraising?

03 What kind of punishment will be imposed for the crime of illegal fundraising?

04 What does "transportation" mean in the crime of transporting drugs?

05 What does "smuggling" mean in the crime of drug smuggling?

06 How to judge smuggling, selling, transporting, and manufacturing drugs?

——— END ———

The Jingfa lecture hall is taught every day

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We'll see you next week~

Editor: Shi Yang

Review: Zhang Zhongtao