
Take pictures of happy smiling faces for old party members

author:Hebei News Network
Take pictures of happy smiling faces for old party members

On June 28, members of the Lincheng County Photographers Association were taking pictures of Li Faying, an old party member of Xidu Village.

June 28th

Lincheng Middle School hand in hand

Lincheng County Photographers Association

It was carried out in Xidu Village

Volunteering activities

For the old party members of the village

Take pictures of happy smiling faces

Welcome the birthday of the "July 1st" party

Take pictures of happy smiling faces for old party members

On June 28, members of the Lincheng County Photographers Association were printing photos for the old party members of Xidu Village.

Take pictures of happy smiling faces for old party members

On June 28, two old party members in Xidu Village, Lincheng County, were admiring their "happy photos".

Photo report丨Hebei Daily reporter Zhao Yonghui correspondent Song Jichang

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