
The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

author:Jade Mask Small White Fox

It has been three days since the new season of King of Glory S36, and the strong T0 heroes have basically been figured out, mainly with three dumb shots, two kings and one fatan. Today, let's take a look at what stable sinkhole heroes there are in the new season to avoid in the follow-up points.

First place: The son of the mage Yuanliu

The new hero Yuanliu Son is divided into tanks and mages, of which the tank's performance is not bad, and the control is more and more meaty. But the mage is a big sinkhole, the control is short, the mobility is poor, and only the ultimate damage is improvised, and some players have just launched what they call the "mobile small turret", which is actually the opposite "mobile small vault", and the current ranking win rate is only 42.5%, ranking in the penultimate place.

The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

Second place: mirror

After the mutation of the new season, the difficulty of operation has indeed been reduced, and it has become more capable of operating, but the sequelae of damage being cut have also come. Despite the amazing infinite fly, the damage can't keep up, and the current ranked win rate is only 39.1%, which is the only hero with a win rate below 40%.

The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

Third place: Lu Bu

Lu Bu is a model of reverse strengthening, after many changes to the experience server, tested for two months, and finally Lu Bu won only 47.3% in the new season, and the win rate in the high segment was as low as 45.1%, completely becoming a waste hero, but it has been strengthened in the experience server, and it is expected to be implemented in the official server next week.

The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

Fourth place: Luban No. 7

Luban VII has reduced its percentage damage in the new season, but the HP of all heroes has increased, causing the ranked win rate of the boiled eggs to drop to 46.7%. However, fortunately, the planning was discovered early, and the Luban No. 7 has been strengthened in the experience server, and the adjustment plan is expected to be launched in the official server next week.

The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

Fifth place: Sun Shangxiang

Sun Shangxiang is an inexplicable shooter with a lying gun, although the hero has also increased the range, but compared to those 825 dull shots, it is obvious that Sun Shangxiang's 725 is not enough to see, and it is difficult to guarantee survival in the later stage, and the current ranking win rate has fallen to 45.8%.

The five waste material heroes of the S36 season were announced, each of which is a popular hero, and Sun Shangxiang successfully made the list

These are the five popular scrap heroes in the new season, and don't take them to score points until they are strengthened. If you want to score points, you should choose the three dumb shots, two Dharma Kings and one Fatan mentioned earlier, that is, Baili Shouyue, Jia Luo, Hou Yi, Zhou Yu, Zhen Ji, and Liu Bang, these five versions of heroes have the best score. For more latest information on Honor of Kings, please pay attention to the jade-faced little white fox!

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