
When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

Desert roses are loved by flower lovers for their beautiful flowers and peculiar stems. However, with the arrival of summer and the gradual increase in temperatures, especially when the temperature exceeds 35°C, the maintenance of desert roses becomes particularly crucial. In order to ensure that the desert rose can survive the hot summer, flower lovers need to keep in mind four "nos", and I will carefully explain it to you next.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

1. Don't water blindly

During the summer heat, many flower lovers worry that the desert roses will dry up due to lack of water, so they water them frequently. However, overwatering can cause the root system of the desert rose to not breathe properly, and even cause root rot. Desert roses are native to arid regions, and their root system is very drought tolerant, and too much water can be detrimental to its growth.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of watering, which can be done every 7-10 days. When watering, make sure that the water penetrates deep into the soil, but also avoid standing up at the bottom of the pot. The best time to water is in the morning or late afternoon, when the temperature is lower and the water is less likely to evaporate and can be better absorbed by the plants.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

2. Don't bask in the sun

Although desert roses love the sun, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause damage to plants in hot weather with temperatures above 35°C. Strong sunlight can burn the leaves of desert roses, and even cause problems such as yellowing and falling off of the leaves.

To protect the desert rose, it can be moved to a semi-shaded place away from direct sunlight. You can choose to place desert roses on balconies, windowsills, and other places that are brightly lit but not exposed to direct sunlight. If you don't have the conditions to move it, you can build a shade net or use a shade cloth on top to reduce the intensity of direct sunlight and avoid damage to plants from high temperatures.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

3. Infrequent fertilization

During the summer heat, the growth of desert roses slows down, and the need for nutrients decreases. Frequent fertilization not only does not promote its growth, but may cause fertilizer damage and damage to the root system.

In the summer when the temperature exceeds 35°C, it is recommended to suspend fertilization or reduce the frequency of fertilization. A thin liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month to ensure that the plants are getting enough nutrients. When applying fertilizer, care should be taken to avoid splashing fertilizer on the leaves and stems to avoid burns. Within a few days after fertilization, observe the growth status of the plant to ensure that no fertilizer damage occurs.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

Fourth, do not over-prune

Summer is the dormant period of desert roses, and in the high temperature environment, the growth vitality of the plant is weakened, and the resistance to the external environment is also reduced. Pruning at this time will not only fail to promote the germination of new branches, but will increase the burden on the plant and affect its health.

If pruning is necessary, it is recommended to do so in early spring or late fall, when the temperature is suitable and the plants are more resilient. During the summer heat, try to avoid pruning and maintain the natural form of the plant. For some leaves that have withered yellow or branches with pests and diseases, you can prune them properly, but be careful not to overprune them so as not to cause damage to the plants.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

Other maintenance recommendations in hot weather

In addition to keeping the above four "no's" in mind, there are some tips that can help desert roses better survive the summer heat.

1. Keep ventilation. In hot weather, good ventilation can help cool down plants and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. Desert roses can be placed in a well-ventilated area and avoid a stuffy environment.

2. Pay attention to pest control. Summer is the high incidence period of pests and diseases, especially in the environment of high temperature and humidity, pests and diseases are more likely to breed. The leaves and stems of desert roses should be inspected regularly, and pests and diseases should be dealt with in a timely manner. Some safe plant protection agents can be used to avoid chemical damage to plants and the environment.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

3. Adjust the position of potted plants appropriately. In hot weather, desert roses can be placed indoors in a cool place away from direct sunlight. If possible, it can be placed in an air-conditioned room, but be careful not to blow directly to avoid dehydrating the plants.

When the temperature exceeds 35°C, desert roses need to "rest and recuperate", keeping in mind the 4 "nos" in order to survive the summer smoothly

In general, desert roses need special care from flower lovers in hot weather with temperatures of more than 35°C. Keep the above four "no's" in mind in order to make the desert rose survive the summer smoothly. Let's take care of it together, enjoy the fun of gardening, and witness the tenacity and beauty of desert roses in the hot summer.


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