
When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

author:Yan Xiaoxiao

In the hot summer, when the temperature exceeds 30°C, many flowers require special care. At high temperatures, the transpiration of plants intensifies, and the demand for water increases significantly. The following five types of flowers need plenty of water in the summer, otherwise problems such as yellow leaves and wilting will occur. These flowers should be raised as "buffaloes", and they can only be scattered when they are full.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

1. Petunia

Petunia is a luxuriantly flowering plant with a long flowering period and abundant flower color. It has a very high demand for moisture in summer, especially when the temperature exceeds 30°C, and transpiration is intense. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves of petunias can easily turn yellow and the flowers will wither. Watering once a day, morning and evening, is key to ensuring healthy growth of petunias. At the same time, be careful not to allow the pot to accumulate water to prevent root rot.

In hot weather, you can place a tray at the bottom of the pot and put some water in the tray, which can increase the humidity of the air and reduce the evaporation of water from the leaves. In addition, regular pruning of yellowed leaves and withered flowers can promote the growth of new branches and leaves, making petunias more lush.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

2. Marika

Jasmine is loved by flower lovers for its rich fragrance and white flowers. However, jasmine needs plenty of water during the summer heat, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow quickly, affecting the ornamental effect. Jasmine prefers a moist environment and needs to be watered once a day when the temperature is above 30°C. If the weather is particularly dry, you can increase the number of watering times appropriately.

In order to keep the soil of jasmine moist, you can water it in the morning or evening to avoid watering in the middle of the day when the heat is high and the water evaporates too quickly. In addition, jasmine has a well-developed root system and needs to be watered deeply to ensure that water can penetrate the roots. When maintaining, you can also spray some water around the pot to increase the humidity of the air and help the jasmine flowers maintain good growth condition.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

3. Hanging bamboo plum

It is a common species in indoor green plants, with rich leaves and strong ornamentality. It also has a very high demand for moisture during the summer heat. If the water is insufficient, the leaves of the bamboo plum will quickly turn yellow, curl, and even wilt in severe cases. In order for the plum to grow healthily in summer, it is necessary to water it at least once a day to ensure that the soil is always moist.

It prefers a humid environment, but is not tolerant of stagnant water. Therefore, be careful not to let the water accumulate at the bottom of the pot when watering. Choose pots with good air permeability and loose soil to ensure that water penetrates quickly. In addition, regular pruning of excessively long branches and withered yellow leaves can promote the metabolism of Phoenixa japonica and keep it in a vigorous growth state.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

4. Impatiens

Impatiens is a plant with a large amount of flowers and bright colors, which is suitable for planting on balconies, courtyards, etc. It has an extremely high water requirement in summer, especially when temperatures exceed 30°C, and it needs plenty of water every day. If the impatiens are dehydrated, the leaves will quickly turn yellow and the flowers will wither, affecting the overall ornamental effect.

In order to ensure that the impatiens have sufficient moisture, they can be watered once a day in the morning and evening to keep the soil moist. At the same time, impatiens have certain requirements for ambient humidity, and some water can be sprayed around the pot to increase air humidity. In addition, the root system of impatiens is more developed, so it is necessary to pay attention to deep watering when watering to ensure that water can penetrate into the roots and promote the healthy growth of the root system.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

5. Longevity flowers

Kalancho flowers are popular for their long flowering period and bright colors. It also has a very high demand for water during the high summer temperature, and if the water is insufficient, the leaves will quickly turn yellow, affecting the ornamental effect. Kalancho flowers prefer a moist environment and need to be watered once a day when the temperature is above 30°C. If the weather is particularly dry, you can increase the number of watering times appropriately.

In order to keep the soil moist of the kalancho flowers, you can water it in the morning or evening to avoid watering at noon when the water is too high and the water evaporates too quickly. In addition, the root system of longevity flowers is more developed and needs to be watered deeply to ensure that water can penetrate the roots. When maintaining, you can also spray some water around the pot to increase the humidity of the air and help the longevity flowers maintain good growth condition.

When the temperature exceeds 30 °C, 5 kinds of flowers should be raised as "buffaloes".

In the summer heat, these five flowers need plenty of moisture to maintain a healthy growth state. Petunia, jasmine, hanging bamboo, impatiens and longevity flowers all need to be maintained like "buffalo", and they can only be sprinkled with water every day. When maintaining these flowers, flower friends should pay special attention to keeping the soil moist to avoid problems such as yellow leaves and wilting caused by lack of water.


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