
The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

author:Vegetarian dishes

Wake up in the morning craving a warm bread with a cup of coffee to start your day? Today, I will share with you one of the most simple and practical bread practices, just remember two key points, you can easily make soft and brushed bread, no need to knead the dough out of the film!

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

Prepare the ingredients:

Gluten flour, yeast powder, sugar, salt, warm water, corn oil, water, salad dressing, desiccated coconut

Here's how:

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

1. Today I would like to share with you the practice of a 100% successful home bake, without kneading the dough, let alone kneading the membrane. We explain from two aspects to ensure that the bread we make is not dry or hard, and it is better than the one we bought. First of all, the first point, if you want to make bread that is not dry or hard, and dough is very important, prepare 300 grams of high-gluten flour, add three grams of yeast, 40 grams of sugar, the amount of sugar increases or decreases according to personal taste, and then add two grams of salt to increase the gluten of bread. With 80 to 120 ml of warm water, the yeast is dissolved first, and the yeast must be dissolved, so that it will start when we refrigerate. Then stir in one direction until the batter is delicate and sticky, and it must be like this kind of dryness, and it is very difficult to stir.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

2. Then we add 30 ml of corn oil, use it instead of butter, so that the taste of the baked bread is the same, not worse than butter at all, and then press it flat with your hands, cover it with plastic wrap and let it refrigerate and let it rise overnight.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

3. After a night of low temperature proofing, you can see that the dough at this time has come out of the film, we don't have to rub it hard, saving a lot of effort and time.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

4. We divide it into six dough agents, knead the bottom surface of it smooth like kneading steamed buns, and knead it into a small round dough, so that our green dough is ready, because our dough is particularly soft, so when we finish the shape of the green blank, we must press and flip it inward like this, so that the green body is as high as possible, and the shape of the bread will look better in this way.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

5. Brush the bottom of the baking tray with oil, put in the green billet, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise to 2 to 3 times the size, it is best to put it in the oven to proof, and the temperature will rise faster.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

6. When we go to proof, we prepare some cooking oil, and then add a little salt, because we make coconut bread, a little salty will be more delicious, add a little water to stir and set aside, and then prepare a bottle of salad dressing, some desiccated coconut for later use.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

7. To make this toast, we can proofrise to 2 to 3 times the size, the bigger the proofing, the softer the taste, because we are baked in the oven, so even if it is overproofed, it will not collapse, after being coated with cooking oil, we squeeze in the salad dressing, sprinkle a layer of desiccated coconut, and finally be drizzled with a layer of oil to lock in moisture.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

8. Next, let's talk about the second key point of making bread, that is, the heat of baking, the oven must be preheated to bake bread, we bake this kind of bread at 160 degrees and bake it in the middle for 20 minutes. The maximum temperature of the toast does not exceed 180, and if the temperature is too high, the crust will definitely be thick and hard.

The simplest and most practical bread method, remember 2 key points, do not knead out the film, to ensure soft drawing

9. In fact, making bread is very simple, as long as you remember the above two points, ensure that the bread is golden on the outside, soft and delicate on the inside, not dry or hard.

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