
Lintan: The joint construction of the branch will enhance the empowerment of party building and promote development

author:Lintan release

Lintan: The joint construction of the branch will enhance the empowerment of party building and promote development

This year, Lintan County conscientiously carried out the action of "full coverage of branch joint construction", comprehensively built a work pattern of "upper and lower linkage, joint activities, joint development and promotion, and joint service", and vigorously promoted the quality and efficiency of grassroots party building and strived for advanced positions.

Lintan: The joint construction of the branch will enhance the empowerment of party building and promote development

Deepen the joint construction mechanism and link the cohesion up and down. In accordance with the principle of "organization and co-construction, team co-management, joint activities, and joint governance", the list of tasks was refined and the time arrangement plan was clarified, and the party branches of 141 state and county organs, enterprises and institutions carried out pairing and joint construction with 141 administrative villages and 6 community party organizations, and selected 147 "part-time secretaries" and 147 "specially invited members" of the joint construction villages, effectively integrating resources and strength, giving full play to the role of bridges, taking the initiative to strengthen work exchanges, and forming a new situation of party building, co-construction, sharing and joint promotion. At present, in combination with the "two festivals", 2,111 people have been visited in the village to carry out condolences and care, 159 research seminars have been held, 150 surveys have been carried out, and 147 joint construction agreements have been signed.

Lintan: The joint construction of the branch will enhance the empowerment of party building and promote development

Enrich the carriers of joint grasping, and jointly organize activities to promote promotion. Party organizations at all levels are guided by the needs of making up for the shortcomings of grassroots governance, taking serving the masses and contacting the masses as the starting point and end point, giving full play to the complementary role of the joint construction of party branches, cultivating new "teams" for the grassroots level, improving governance and service capabilities, innovating activity carriers, enriching the content of activities, and strengthening the results of learning and education through organizational life, holding knowledge competitions, cultural and sports activities, visiting education bases, etc., so as to realize the sharing of party building resources and the mutual promotion of party organization construction. Establish 62 training mechanisms for "part-time secretaries" and village-level reserve cadres, arrange 6 college students and village (community) cadres to study on the job, coordinate 7 village-level reserve cadres and unemployed college graduates to practice and exercise in enterprises, and jointly build more than 150 times of organizational life for the party branches of both sides, more than 4,160 party members participated, 114 party lectures were given to each other, 67 farmers and herdsmen were trained, and 283 various activities were carried out.

Lintan: The joint construction of the branch will enhance the empowerment of party building and promote development

Explore the path of joint conspiration, and develop joint promotion to improve quality and efficiency. Pay close attention to the development and expansion of village-level collective economic goals and tasks, implement the joint construction unit and the joint construction village to develop and expand the village-level collective economy bundled responsibility system, and the joint construction unit actively strives for project financial support, supports the village branch to lead the cooperative, and does everything possible to promote income increase. At present, 147 plans have been jointly formulated to develop and expand the village-level collective economy, and 41 lists of assistance and consumption have been formulated, with 273,200 yuan of consumption assistance. For example, Dianzi Town united three village branches to lead cooperatives to form Gansu Huishenghe Agricultural Development Professional Cooperative Association, integrated 4 million yuan of village-level collective economic funds, built a new green and yellow storage feed processing plant with an annual output of 8,000 tons, absorbed more than 7,000 laborers, and issued more than 80 yuan in labor remuneration; Shubu Village, Shubu Township, has built a demonstration base for morel mushroom and black fungus planting, absorbing more than 60 households and realizing land circulation and labor income of 540,000 yuan.

Improve the level of joint office, and increase the efficiency of service joint work. Actively participated in the revision of about 78 village rules and regulations in Lianjian Village, and more than 300 rules of procedure and financial management systems for villagers' meetings and villagers' representative meetings, clearly stipulating the responsibilities of village cadres and the rights and obligations of villagers, so that village-level affairs are "put on the table". In order to realize that the masses reflect on the matters "everything has been settled and everything has an echo", it has taken the initiative to negotiate and dock with the joint construction branch, jointly resolve contradictions and disputes, participate in the development of the village-level collective economy, and rectify weak and sloppy grass-roots party organizations, so as to achieve mutual communication of public sentiment and public opinion. At present, the party organizations of joint construction units at all levels have resolved 57 contradictions and disputes, helped to do 146 practical things, and distributed more than 860 rolls of degradable mulch, 1,050 kilograms of pea seeds, and 820 bags of fertilizers, effectively guaranteeing spring production.

Contributed by the Organization Department of the County Party Committee