
Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

author:Lintan release

Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

Since the beginning of this year, the Lintan County Committee of the Communist Youth League has adhered to the work idea of "party building leads to league building, and league building promotes party building", taking the improvement of the cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the league organization as the starting point, and in-depth implementation of the "four actions" of political guidance, cohesion and empowerment, comprehensive training and volunteer service, and continued to promote party building and league building.

Politics leads to "consolidate the foundation" and build a solid ideological foundation

Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

Focusing on the theme of "studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important speeches on youth work", we have always put the ideological and political guidance of young people in the first place, organized and carried out online group classes of "Youth Learning" and "Red Scarves Love Learning" on a regular basis, organized leagues (teams) at all levels to carry out theme league (team) days and league (team) classes, extensively carried out ideological education for young people, strengthened the construction of ideological and political courses in primary and secondary schools, and continued to strengthen the youth league members to "listen to the party and follow the party" The ideals and beliefs of the party have promoted the party's theories, principles, and policies to penetrate into the ears and minds of the youth of League members. Focusing on the spirit of "General Secretary Xi Jinping's May Fourth Youth Day Message, General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Reply Letter on Children's Day", organized outstanding young people in Lintan County to send a message to the "May Fourth" youth talk, released a total of 16 hot discussions and insights to study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's May Fourth Youth Day message, and organized representatives of the Youth Federation Lecture Hall and Red Scarf Tour Group to carry out 20 lectures in key areas such as organs, schools and enterprises, and effectively used Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to strengthen ideals, temper party spirit, and guide practice. Push the work.

Cohesion empowers "communication" and improves the management system

Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

Establish a leading group for the reform of the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League of Lintan County, convene a joint meeting on youth work, and a mobilization and deployment meeting for the reform of the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Youth League at the county level, and form a work pattern led by the leaders of the county party committee, implemented by the youth league and county committees, and coordinated by departmental units, so as to ensure that the top and bottom work together, horizontally and in the same direction. Formulate and issue the "Implementation Plan for the Reform of the Grass-roots Organizations of the Communist Youth League at the County Level in Lintan County" and the "Notice on the List of Key Tasks for Further Strengthening Party Building and League Building in Lintan County" and other documents, and incorporate the grass-roots party building and team building work into the party building work deployment and performance appraisal, and incorporate the league building work funds into the overall plan of party building funds, integrate research, deployment, and promotion, and effectively enhance the effectiveness of party building and league building. Improve and improve the mechanism of the joint conference on youth work, regularly listen to reports on the work of league building, and study the key work of party building and league building under the new situation and the implementation of the medium and long-term youth development plan. Comprehensively do a good job in the work of team connection and party group connection, print and distribute the "Lintan County Implementation Plan for Recommending Outstanding League Members to Join the Party", and carry out the demonstration activity of "promoting excellence to join the party" on a regular basis, which effectively plays the role of the party's assistant and reserve army, and provides an important guarantee for cultivating and cultivating socialist successors, strengthening the construction of the party's team, and providing new forces for the party organization.

Comprehensively cultivate and optimize the "strong foundation" and promote quality improvement and expansion

Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

Actively carry out youth contribution to the new rural employment and entrepreneurship training project, hold the second Lintan County small and micro enterprise "Taozhou Chuangyi Cup" entrepreneurship competition, implement skills training, policy support, entrepreneurship services, encourage and guide unemployed people to work and start a business on the spot; Make full use of the four youth social organizations affiliated to the Youth League, including the County Youth Volunteer Association, the Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Association, and the New Class Friendship Association, to realize the needs of young people from the organization's capabilities, and skillfully borrow high-quality resources from the party and government, mass organizations, society and other parties, and currently set up 17 youth homes. We have further expanded the social practice activities of "In the Name of Youth, Going to Hometown" for college students to return to their hometowns, and recruited college student volunteers to hold the "Red Scarf Summer (Winter) Vacation Love Care Class" with the "Sailing Plan" as the carrier, and carried out practical exercises such as loving companionship, safety education, and protection of rights and interests, which effectively enriched the work force of grassroots league organizations. It continued to hold the "Young Marxist Training Project" training course and the training course for League members and cadres, and trained more than 90 youth League members, League cadres and Young Pioneer counselors in the county; Relying on the favorable opportunity of counterpart support from the east and west, we continued to organize outstanding League cadres to go to Tianjin to carry out exchanges, exchanges and integration activities, which effectively enhanced the political literacy and ability of League cadres to perform their duties, and laid a solid foundation for the League building work in the new era and the work of the Young Pioneers in the new era.

Volunteer service to "build dreams" and contribute to the strength of youth

Lintan: "Four Actions" to write a new chapter in party building and league building

Conscientiously implement the provincial government's "practical work for the people" college funding project for graduates from difficult families, and after many times of communication and docking with the civil affairs and education departments, the county's students from difficult families who meet the funding conditions have been investigated in detail, and a total of 55 students who meet the funding conditions have been identified; Launched the "High-Flyer Project" funding project, subsidized 137 poor students, and distributed a subsidy amount of 137,000 yuan. Actively establish Chinese New Year's Eve schools, set up special courses focusing on the needs of young people, and make every effort to open up the "last mile" of connecting and serving young people. Give full play to the role of the Communist Youth League as a bridge and link between the youth, serve the youth, and organize the youth, and strive to do a good job in the series of reading activities of "Standing Up for Chinese-style Modernization - Youth and Youth, Reading Hard", and organizing and carrying out 45 volunteer service activities such as "Learning from Lei Feng and Practicing My Action in Civilization", "Casting the Soul - 2024 - Qingming Festival for Heroes and Martyrs", helping the disabled, saving energy and low carbon, and caring for the disabled, which further stimulated the enthusiasm of the majority of young people in the county to take responsibility and start a business, and contributed to the high-quality development of the county's economy.

Contributed by the Youth League and County Committee

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