
Zhongjin Lingnan: Deeply practice the group's FAITH business philosophy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the construction of a world-class enterprise of Rising Holding Group

author:Southern Magazine

Drawing wisdom from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the new leadership team of Rising Holding Group has extracted a corporate culture system and FAITH business philosophy that not only have the characteristics of the times, but also have the characteristics of Rising and can reflect the common philosophy, values and visions of Rising people, and provide a strong ideological guarantee, favorable cultural conditions and specific action guidelines for the high-quality development of the Group. Zhongjin Lingnan actively practices the group's FAITH business philosophy, with a fighting attitude of having a beautiful dream and daring to work hard and dare to create, cohesion and strength of party building, precise efforts to improve quality and efficiency, highlight key reforms, break conventions and innovate, optimize the structure of new forces, strictly control risks, and maintain a development trend of improving and improving quality while maintaining stability.

Loyalty to the party, firm faith, party building leads cohesion. The fundamental attribute of FAITH's business philosophy is not to forget the original intention, keep the mission in mind, and to be faith, belief, loyalty, and confidence. Zhongjin Lingnan has always put loyalty to the party in the first place, thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises and party building, kept in mind the important political responsibility of the "six forces" of state-owned enterprises, accelerated the implementation of the project of supplementing the chain, strengthening the chain and extending the chain, promoted the enterprise to become stronger, better and bigger, and accelerated the construction of a world-class enterprise. Adhere to the concept of "practical work" in party building work, deeply integrate party building work with production and operation, cost reduction and efficiency increase, and climb high and pursue innovation, organize and carry out party building theme practice activities of "igniting a strong engine for party building and activating strong momentum for cost reduction and efficiency increase", and create brands such as "party building + cost reduction and efficiency increase", "party building + triple work" and "party building + performance ability", and transform the "soft power" of party building into "hard support" for development. Solidly carry out party discipline study and education, deepen the case as a reference, use the case to promote reform, pay close attention to the special rectification in the field of engineering construction with a strict style and practical measures, announce 19 "blacklist" units and individuals, and strengthen the prevention and control of integrity risks in key areas and important positions, and maintain a clean and honest political ecology of entrepreneurship. We paid close attention to the construction of corporate culture, formulated the "Implementation Plan for the Promotion of Corporate Culture and FAITH Business Philosophy of Zhongjin Lingnan Propaganda and Implementation Group" and the three-year publicity and implementation plan, and completed the hanging of the LOGO of Rising Holdings in 19 buildings of enterprises in 4 provinces and 9 cities in Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangxi and Hunan with high quality, so as to continuously enhance the popularity and influence of the group's brand.

Zhongjin Lingnan: Deeply practice the group's FAITH business philosophy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the construction of a world-class enterprise of Rising Holding Group

Foshan Precision Company, acquired by Zhongjin Lingnan Technology Co., Ltd. Photo courtesy of Zhongjin Lingnan

Focus on the main business (Focus) and fast (Fast) action, and the industrial structure has been continuously optimized. Focus on the optimization and development strategy of the main business. In accordance with the goal of high-quality development and building a world-class enterprise, we will actively adjust the development strategy, on the basis of consolidating and expanding the advantages of lead, zinc and copper smelting and deep processing industries, and based on the "national strategic needs, industry development directions, and enterprises' own capabilities", vigorously develop gold, silver, gallium, germanium, indium, selenium, tellurium, bismuth, platinum, palladium, rhodium and other rare, scattered and rare precious metal industries, cultivate small metals into large industries, and contribute to the security of the national industrial chain and supply chain. Increase mergers and acquisitions around the main business. Focus on lead, zinc, copper and other non-ferrous metals and deep processing, accelerate the mergers and acquisitions of major projects, and achieve new breakthroughs in extending the chain, supplementing the chain, and strengthening the chain. After 127 days, in June 2023, it successfully acquired Foshan Precision, the largest hot bimetal manufacturer in China, completed the leapfrog layout in the new material sector, realized the complementary and coordinated development with the existing production capacity, and became the leading enterprise in the high-end metal composite materials industry. Accelerate the digital and intelligent transformation of traditional industries. We will go all out to promote the 300,000 tons/year expansion project of the Shiling East Mine Section of Phase I of Fankou Lead-Zinc Mine Resource Integration, and the 6,000 tons/day mining and dressing expansion and transformation project of Guangxi Mining, further enhance the possession of mineral resources, and make full use of emerging technologies such as 5G, industrial Internet, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to carry out all-round and full-chain transformation of traditional industries such as mining and smelting, so as to achieve high-end, intelligent and green transformation.

Actions speak louder than words, alliance synergy, quality and efficiency improvement have achieved remarkable results. Keeping in mind that "sweat is heavier than saliva, and actual performance is more important than words", we actively responded to the complex and severe economic situation, comprehensively launched the special action to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and formulated 26 key measures from the five dimensions of incremental efficiency, quality and efficiency, cost reduction and efficiency, innovation and efficiency, and coordination and efficiency, so as to lay a good "golden abacus", tighten the "money bag", and live a "tight life". Give full play to the synergistic advantages of production, supply, marketing and finance, change the name of the trade division to the supply chain division, promote the upgrading of trade to supply chain integration services, and use the domestic and foreign markets, futures and spot two means to increase raw material procurement and product sales, to ensure the safety and stability of the supply chain industrial chain. Give full play to the professional and technical advantages and talent advantages of domestic geology, mining, mineral processing, machinery and equipment, and collaboratively solve the technical problems of overseas mines, and send 11 people to overseas mines this year to investigate and participate in production management, so as to improve the management and control level of overseas enterprises. From January to May this year, the company's concentrate lead-zinc-copper metal volume and smelting copper-lead-zinc products all achieved growth, the operating performance remained stable, and the production cost decreased significantly.

Innovation and Inner-control to promote the steady and far-reaching development of the enterprise. Concept innovation and thinking "to solve the problem". At the beginning of the year, Zhongjin Lingnan organized a reform and development retreat of "working together to overcome difficulties", and the company's leaders, affiliated enterprises and the main persons in charge of various departments and offices of the headquarters had the courage to break the ice of "ideological solidification", and actively explored new ideas, new methods and new measures to promote the high-quality development of the enterprise, forming a vivid situation of thinking in one place and working hard in one place. Scientific and technological innovation is the "way to answer questions". Revise Zhongjin Lingnan's "Administrative Measures for Scientific and Technological Innovation Awards" and "Administrative Measures for the Responsibility System of Scientific Research Project Leaders" and other systems, establish an incentive mechanism for scientific and technological talents, strengthen in-depth cooperation between industry, university and research, appoint experts from Central South University, Lanzhou University, Shanghai University and other experts as members of the company's science and technology committee, sign a number of major scientific and technological projects, accelerate the transformation and application of scientific research achievements, enhance the level of scientific and technological innovation in the fields of high-end manufacturing, "three rare" and new metal materials, and strive to create a source of original technology. Compliance control builds the foundation for development. Zhongjin Lingnan has introduced 16 systems, including the "Great Compliance System Construction Plan", "Compliance Management Measures" and "Compliance Management Manual", improved the compliance management operation mechanism, strengthened internal audit in engineering construction and other fields, rectified risks and hidden dangers with an iron hand, took precautions to prevent flood control and heatstroke prevention and cooling, actively promoted the construction of smart mines and smart factories, and made every effort to prevent and resolve risks.

Zhongjin Lingnan: Deeply practice the group's FAITH business philosophy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the construction of a world-class enterprise of Rising Holding Group

Danxia Smelter Smart Center. Photo courtesy of Zhongjin Lingnan

Technology self-improvement, optimization strategy (Tactics), activate the development of new quality productivity momentum. Adhering to the concept of "finding resources from resources", since the beginning of this year, it has invested more than 100 million yuan in scientific research to tackle key core technologies in the fields of comprehensive recovery of mineral resources, resource utilization of tailings, high-purification of rare, scattered and rare precious metals, high-value separation and purification of industrial wastewater salts, development of high-end parts of new energy vehicles, and development of new energy storage materials and functional materials, so as to realize the strong chain of the industrial chain and accelerate the development of new quality productivity. Among them, Shaoguan Smelter successfully prepared 6N high-purity gallium, germanium and indium, and independently synthesized gallium arsenide, indium phosphide polycrystalline and monocrystalline and ultrafine germanium dioxide, taking a solid step towards the field of semiconductor materials; Danxia Smelter has carried out in-depth "research on the technology of improving the direct yield of gallium and germanium", and focused on overcoming the whole process of gallium and germanium rare and precious metal recovery, which has greatly improved the recovery rate of gallium and germanium dispersed metals, and the output of gallium and germanium has reached a new high year after year. CICC Copper was selected as the "chain master" enterprise of the landmark industrial chain of advanced materials in Shandong Province, accelerating the construction of a modern copper metal material industrial cluster with outstanding characteristics and strong competitiveness.

Zhongjin Lingnan: Deeply practice the group's FAITH business philosophy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the construction of a world-class enterprise of Rising Holding Group

Shaoguan smelter successfully prepared indium phosphide polycrystalline rods. Photo courtesy of Zhongjin Lingnan

Human-oriented, the pursuit of excellence (High-quality), to create a talent to strengthen the enterprise new advantages. Adhering to the development logic of "gathering talents from all over the world and enlightening a better future", we have launched a series of reform measures to stimulate the vitality of talent development. Cadres are selected through open competition. Implement the market-oriented competition mechanism, carry out 5 rounds, involving 11 enterprise leadership teams and 27 middle-level management positions in the headquarters open competition, the average age of the enterprise leadership team decreased by up to 3.63 years old, 3 doctors, 3 masters, 8 post-80s, and promoted post-90s to middle-level positions in the company for the first time. Implement the tenure system and contract management. The tenure system and contractual contract rate of the company's middle-level and above management personnel are 100%, the strict rigid assessment is cashed, and the performance appraisal rate, final adjustment and incompetent exit rate of all employees are 100%. Talent recruitment strengthens the team. We have done a solid job in the recruitment of college graduates in 2024, and 384 graduates have been recruited, and the enrollment plan of 360 college graduates has been completed ahead of schedule with high quality. Among them, there are 89 graduate students, 75% of whom have a bachelor's degree or above, and more than 70 graduates from 985, 211 and double first-class universities. Differentiation of remuneration distribution. Strictly implement the differentiated income distribution mechanism, the remuneration of the company's middle-level managers is linked to the remuneration of the company's main persons in charge according to the coefficient, and the differentiated salary system of the enterprise is built by grading and classification, which not only pays attention to efficiency but also takes into account the difficulty of management. Talent training through multiple channels. Outstanding talents are selected to participate in the overseas talent class and youth talent class of Rising Holding Group, and the internal lecture hall of Zhongjin Lingnan, the reserve talent class and the learning lecture hall of Zhongjin Copper are set up to create a team of high-quality professional talents who are loyal to the party, love the country and the enterprise, dare to innovate and have an international vision. At the same time, we care for employees with heart and affection, organize and carry out collective weddings and friendships, mental health services, parent-child family days, visits and condolences to model workers, and cool in the high temperature season, creating a good atmosphere of "labor creates happiness and struggle achieves dreams".

Zhongjin Lingnan: Deeply practice the group's FAITH business philosophy, accelerate the formation of new quality productivity, and contribute to the construction of a world-class enterprise of Rising Holding Group

Zhongjin Lingnan has appointed experts from Central South University, Lanzhou University and Shanghai University as members of the company's science and technology committee. Photo courtesy of Zhongjin Lingnan

In the next step, Zhongjin Lingnan will continue to practice the FAITH business philosophy, strengthen confidence, work hard, go all out to do a good job in party building, quality and efficiency improvement, comprehensive recycling of "three rare" metals, reform and innovation, etc., and make every effort to forge ahead towards the goal of "climbing plan", accelerate the cultivation and expansion of new quality productivity, and make new contributions to building a world-class enterprise with dreams, responsibilities and contributions to Rising Holding Group.

Correspondent丨Jiao Xiaogang Zhou Changqing

Co-ordination丨Jiang Yu and Liu Shuqiang

Editor丨Chen Bingqing, Mo Qun

Proofreading丨Hua Chengmin

Source丨Zhongjin Lingnan

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