
If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

author:Dr. Lilac
If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

If you want to talk about the characteristics of summer, in addition to watermelon, air conditioning, and


Those who love to take a nap

After lunch, the water is full

With a hiccup~ gushing out of a thick sleepiness


The disturbances of the world have nothing to do with him

All they have in their minds is to lie down and sleep

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

Taking a nap is the yyds of summer!

Because, it's really good to take a nap in summer!


Really, Life-sustaining artifact"

Napping is actually a well-deserved thing in the workplace

Really, Life-sustaining artifact"

Those who have a nap habit may be more productive.

Taking a nap can refresh your mind (anyone who has slept knows it.)

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!


A 2008 study published in Behav Brain Res compared the refreshing effects of coffee and napping and found that:

Compared with the coffee group, the people in the napping group had a more significant improvement in memory ability; The increase in alertness was more pronounced in the coffee group.

At the end of the paper, the authors analyzed that although the coffee group increased alertness, this improvement did not translate memory and higher cognitive functions.

In other words, naps may be more effective at work than coffee. After drinking coffee, some people just feel that their eyes are big and not sleepy, but their heads are still "a mess", looking at the document opposite, or it is it, you are you [1].

(But as a mature worker, of course, it's both napping and coffee.) )

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

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Taking a nap can also give migrant workers who like to stay up late a second chance to make up for the damage to the body caused by lack of sleep at night!

Friends who often stay up late (playing with mobile phones) to study should have the experience that if they don't sleep well the night before, they will almost ...... the next day Scrapped!

Walking lightly and in a trance;

When the leader talks to you, it seems that he heard it and it seems that he did not have it;

The whole person's soul wandered.

Yes...... It's just too much of an impact on productivity.

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

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A study published in 2021 found that if subjects didn't sleep well at night, their levels of norepinephrine increased by 2.5 times; Interleukin-6 concentrations, which are related to immune function, also changed.

Norepinephrine is a hormone that the body releases during stressful situations, causing an increase in heart rate, heart rate, and blood pressure, and when you don't get enough sleep, your body releases this hormone to stabilize the neuroendocrine levels in your body [2].

But! If they don't sleep well and take a nap at noon the next day, their norepinephrine levels will not change; Interleukin-6 concentrations also normalized.

The most important thing is that the afternoon nap is still an emotional stability machine, which is simply a rigid need of people in the workplace.

Professionals who have the habit of napping are more likely to maintain a beautiful mood for the remaining half a day. (Here is a private poke and poke suggestion: If you haven't taken a nap, I advise you not to mess with him in the afternoon)

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

Image source: Internet

A study published in Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences recruited eight young, strong, mentally normal, insomnia-free graduate students (average age around 30) to ask them to take a nap and not to take a nap. The nap group takes a half-hour nap between 1~2 p.m. [3].

The results also surprised 😱 the researchers.

The 3 emotions of anger, happiness and relaxation all rose significantly after the nap, and the change in happiness was the most obvious. Seven of the eight experimenters were significantly happier after spontaneously waking up from a nap.

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

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There is nothing that cannot be solved by a beautiful nap.

According to the researcher's explanation, the "anger" here does not mean "angry", but a state of "full of energy", which means that the nappers are more motivated in the afternoon and are more able to complete their work happily with their colleagues!

Other studies have also found that nappers are more likely to experience frustration and control their negative emotions better than those who do not nap [4].

Some researchers also concluded with the boss of Aite Company: "Letting employees take a nap may be a cost-effective and simple strategy to improve the company's safety, and the boss who has a nap compartment or extended rest time in the company has made their employees more productive!"

(We've made it clear here.)

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

Hot summer

More need for naps

In this hot summer, migrant workers who have the habit of napping will find that their desire is more urgent;

In summer, it's really easy to not sleep well!

So it's even more necessary to take a nap to compensate!

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

For example, in Hainan, if you don't take a nap at noon, it's terrible

Image source: Internet

Speaking of which, there are 3 things that can have an impact on our sleep: light, sound, and heat.

Of these 3 points, summer occupies 2 points: it is too hot to sleep at night; In the morning, the light was so bright that I couldn't sleep.

The first is heat 🔥.

The hot temperature really affects human sleep.

How many people on summer nights, sticky sweat dripping down their bodies, wetting the sheets, turning over and over, just not a little sleepy......

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

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This is not a human tragedy 😢 that you are experiencing alone

An increase or decrease in ambient temperature of about 3°C is associated with a significant decrease in sleep quality compared to a lukewarm environment (around 26°C), and the environmental impact of high temperatures is greater, such as 33 minutes longer to fall asleep and 50 minutes less time to fall asleep at 29°C[5].

In fact, the human thermoregulatory system also regulates your sleep in accordance with the circadian rhythm, and summer can disrupt this process.

Under normal circumstances, when you fall asleep, your body temperature drops and you feel sleepy; After the end of deep sleep, the body temperature rises and the person gradually wakes up.

If the weather is too hot when you sleep, in order to maintain a constant body temperature, the body's metabolic rate increases, the heart rate increases, the awakening level increases, plus a little bit of work/life troubles, it is easy to fall asleep!

(What, you said you can turn on the air conditioner at night?) Electricity is expensive, and, shh......h 🤫 Don't let the boss hear it.)

As an aside, global warming has made people on earth sleep shorter.

A team from the University of Copenhagen followed 47,628 people in 68 countries and found that as the global climate warms, the world of actual sleep is getting smaller, with an average of 14 minutes less sleep in environments above 30°C[6].

In addition to the heat, there is also the amazing "wake up" function of the light.

Those students whose bedrooms face the sun and the curtains are not thick should feel the same way

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

Light affects the secretion of melatonin, which is the ambassador of circadian rhythms! [7]

The concentration is low during the day, which keeps people awake. High concentration at night to promote sleep.

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

This is how melatonin is affected by the secretion of melatonin in your body

Image source: Ref. 7

Melatonin is very sensitive to light, and in the summer, when the sun rises early, even if you hang thick curtains, even if there is only a faint light, it can interfere with sleep [8].

All these reasons are combined, in the summer, which is particularly prone to poor sleep, how can a nap be missing?

Teach you 3 tricks

Make napping more productive

There are many benefits of napping in the summer, but if you want to really enjoy the benefits of napping, there are also conditions

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

If you're full and ready to take a nap at the moment, here are 3 important points to pay attention to.

➊ Posture should be right.

Try not to lie on the table and take a nap, otherwise you will experience numbness in your legs, arms, feet, cervical spine, and shoulders......

Lying on a chair, or choosing a camp bed, are good choices~

➋ Be on time.

The best time to take a nap is 10~20 minutes, never go to bed longer than 30 minutes. At this point in time, it is guaranteed that those napping stars can not only refresh their minds; And you won't sleep too long and fall into sleep inertia and wake up groggy.

The best time to take a nap is 13:00~16:00, and napping too late may affect your sleep at night [9].

➌ For patients with low sleep.

The benefits of napping may not be suitable for everyone, and people who often suffer from insomnia at night should try not to take a nap, otherwise it may affect sleeping at night.

Seeing this, do you have the urge to yawn (~O~)...... ( - . - )🥱🥱🥱

Don't hesitate anymore, it's not only to make yourself more comfortable, but also to be more productive in the afternoon.

You're right, boss?

Welcome to all workers in the workplace

Use this article as an invitation

and colleagues from front to back

Let's have a grand immersive nap!

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!

This article is reviewed by experts

If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!


‍[1] Mednick SC, Cai DJ, Kanady J, Drummond SP. Comparing the benefits of caffeine, [naps and placebo on verbal, motor and perceptual memory. Behav Brain Res. 2008; 193(1):79-86. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2008.04.028

[2] Brice Faraut, Samir Nakib, Catherine Drogou, Maxime Elbaz, Fabien Sauvet, Jean-Pascal De Bandt, Damien Léger. Napping Reverses the Salivary Interleukin-6 and Urinary Norepinephrine Changes Induced by Sleep Restriction. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2015; jc.2014-2566

[3] Luo, Z. and Inoué, S. (2000), A short daytime nap modulates levels of emotions objectively evaluated by the emotion spectrum analysis method. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 54: 207-212.

[4] Ninad Gujar, Steven Andrew McDonald, Masaki Nishida, Matthew P. Walker, A Role for REM Sleep in Recalibrating the Sensitivity of the Human Brain to Specific Emotions, Cerebral Cortex, Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2011, Pages 115–123

[5] Lan L,Lian Z W,Huang H Y,et al. Experimental study on thermal comfort of sleeping people at different air temperatures. Build Environ,2014,73:24–31

[6] Kelton M, Andreas BN, Sigga SJ, Sune L, Nick O. Rising temperatures erode human sleep globally. One Earth. 2022; 5(5):534-549.

[7] Vasey C, McBride J, Penta K. Circadian Rhythm Dysregulation and Restoration: The Role of Melatonin. Nutrients. 2021; 13(10):3480. Published 2021 Sep 30.

[8] Brown TM, Brainard GC, Cajochen C, Czeisler CA, Hanifin JP, et al. (2022) Recommendations for daytime, evening, and nighttime indoor light exposure to best support physiology, sleep, and wakefulness in healthy adults. PLOS Biology 20(3): e3001571.

[9] Dutheil, Frédéric et al. “Effects of a Short Daytime Nap on the Cognitive Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.” International journal of environmental research and public health vol. 18,19 10212. 28 Sep. 2021

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策划:张小乙、三角肌 | 监制:Murphy、Feidi

Cover image source: Picture Worm Creative

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If you don't take a nap, you'll regret it!