
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

author:Dr. Lilac
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

Do you also like to rub your eyes?

It is difficult to get up and rub it!

Eyes into the dust, rub it!

Stay up late to brush your phone and rub it!

When pretending to be cute, cute and ignorant...... Knead!

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

This is under the MRI shooting, people rub their eyes, the changes that occur in the eyeballs, and they are a little panicked after watching it.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

It can be seen that the eyeballs are constantly squeezed and deformed, and there is a feeling that they are about to explode at any time, but the person who rubs the eyes is unaware of it, and it may even be a little cool.

I don't know such behavior......

It really hurts the eyes

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

A foreign study that observed the frequency of people touching their eyes with their hands in public places found that adults were 2 times / hour, children were 4 times / hour, and the maximum number of people reached 14 times / hour!

Many people don't care about the habit of rubbing their eyes, and think that rubbing them twice is nothing......

I don't know how serious the consequences can be: your eyeballs will be deformed, and in severe cases, they will become sharp, which is medically called "keratoconus".

👇 This is a normal cornea with a spherical shape.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

👇 This is keratoconus, which is noticeably protruding and accompanied by an extremely high degree of astigmatism.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

Although keratoconus is less likely, eye rubbing is one of the important risk factors for this disease.

A review of 24 related articles found that eye rubbing is a major contributor to a large number of eye injuries, especially keratoconus.

The eyeball is a very soft tissue, especially the outer "cornea" part, which is thin and elastic.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

The cornea gathers light rays in just the right curvature and maps them onto the retina under the eye, allowing us to see the world.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

But it's so soft that it will deform when you rub it.

You may have had the experience that if you rub your eyes too hard, you will not be able to see clearly for a while, and you need to slow down for a while, which is actually because the degree of "astigmatism" has increased in a short period of time.

The cornea will be deformed after being rubbed, and the light will not be able to focus accurately on the retina, and there will be some dispersion and deviation, so you will be in a trance.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

Fortunately, the cornea is elastic and can heal in a few seconds, and this astigmatism experience is also temporary.

However, if you rub it like this often, it may affect the shape of the cornea for a long time, so that the healthy eye will appear astigmatism, or the astigmatism will increase, and seeing things will become a starlight lens.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

For people with congenital corneal structural abnormalities, or patients with suspected keratoconus, frequent eye rubbing may aggravate corneal lesions and develop into the aforementioned "keratoconus".

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

An irregular cone, the blow to the refractive power of the cornea is devastating.

As shown in the figure: the light scatters to the fundus of the eye like a headless fly, and severe keratoconus, astigmatism generally starts at 700 or 800 degrees, and cannot be corrected by lenses, so it can only be transplanted.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

The more common result of rubbing the eyes is "conjunctivitis".

Compared to other parts with rough skin and thick flesh, the eyes are sensitive and fragile, and they are easily infected by various bacteria and viruses.

It may be because you stay up late to watch too much on your mobile phone, have dry eyes, and accidentally get infected and inflamed when rubbing your eyes, or it may be because your children's hands are not clean and rub their eyes with dirty sleeves of their hands or clothes, resulting in inflammation.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

The whole eye is bloodshot, edema, and there is a lot of eye feces, but these are fine.

The scariest thing is that the discomfort of conjunctivitis will make you want to rub your eyes even more, and enter a vicious circle. The more you rub it, the more uncomfortable it becomes, the harder it is, and you can't control it at all, just like a mosquito bag that can't help but scratch, which further aggravates the damage to the cornea.

So, what should you do for people who like to rub their eyes?

The first is, of course......

If you can rub less, you won't rub it!

Keep this picture in mind and think about it whenever you want to rub your eyes.

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

And then if you really owe your hands and can't stop yourself, you must rub it......

Please wash your hands well

Gently press around the eyes

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day
A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

If you rub your eyes subconsciously even when you sleep!

That's a way too.

You can wash your hands well before going to bed and then put your hands under the covers to sleep; If you can't do it, buy a hard clear plastic eye mask, such as the one used after eye surgery, to keep you safe at night.

Put this article

Turn it on to the person around you who loves to rub your eyes the most

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

Let them know that it's the best thing to care about!

This article is a collaboration with experts

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

Decreased vision, worsening astigmatism?

Dry, painful, photophobia?

👇 You can try to ask your doctor 👇 online

A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day


[1] Wilson AM, Verhougstraete MP, Beamer PI, King MF, Reynolds KA, Gerba CP. Frequency of hand-to-head, -mouth, -eyes, and -nose contacts for adults and children during eating and non-eating macro-activities. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. 2021 Feb; 31(1):34-44. doi: 10.1038/s41370-020-0249-8. Epub 2020 Jul 15. PMID: 32669669; PMCID: PMC7362609.

[2] Najmi H, Mobarki Y, Mania K, Altowairqi B, Basehi M, Mahfouz MS, Elmahdy M. The correlation between keratoconus and eye rubbing: a review. Int J Ophthalmol. 2019 Nov 18; 12(11):1775-1781. doi: 10.18240/ijo.2019.11.17. PMID: 31741868; PMCID: PMC6848869.

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Curator: Yang Dafeng | Executive Producer: Feidi

Cover source: VCG.COM

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A small action that distorts the eyeball, you probably do it every day

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