
It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

On June 30, the groundbreaking activities of the Nansha International Smart Supply Chain Base Project (Start-up Area) of Puyuetou were held in Nansharon Cave Island. An "International Trade Center Model Project" will be built here, which is expected to drive the import and export volume of Nansha to be no less than 30 billion yuan per year, and the first and second phases of the project will pay a total of about 270 million yuan in taxes and fees, which can indirectly create more than 20,000 jobs.

It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

The project will make full use of the advantages of Nansha port to serve shipping and logistics enterprises, cross-border e-commerce, manufacturing and third-party logistics enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, etc., which is of great significance to further promote the economic and social development of Nansha District, help Guangzhou build a "future city" in the era of AIOT (Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things), empower Guangdong to build a model project of international trade center, and help the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to build a world-class bay area and a world city agglomeration.

Xie Wei, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone (Nansha Area of the Free Trade Zone), said in his speech at the event that the commencement of the project marks a solid step for Nansha to build a "model of future park" and "international trade base".

Xie Wei mentioned that the current global supply chain system is being deeply reconstructed, deepening international cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain, and improving the competitiveness of the supply chain is the responsibility that Nansha District should shoulder as a "major strategic platform based on the Bay Area, cooperating with Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world".

As the geographical and geometric center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Nansha District carries multiple national strategies such as the National New Area, the Pilot Free Trade Zone, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Comprehensive Cooperation Demonstration Zone, and also superimposes the 15 policy advantages granted by the three national ministries and commissions to support Nansha to relax market access, one of which is a series of policy support for deepening the innovation of service trade.

It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

In the context of this global development, Nansha has an international port, up to now, Nansha port opened up to 161 foreign trade container liner routes, last year's container throughput exceeded 19.3 million TEUs, sea-rail intermodal transport exceeded 300,000 TEUs, barge branch line to achieve the Pearl River Delta major inland terminals and full coverage.

As a trade hub, Nansha has also been approved as a comprehensive bonded zone for the National Import Trade Promotion and Innovation Demonstration Zone, and has built the country's largest port cold storage. Therefore, Nansha has the foundation and confidence to participate in the reshaping of the global supply chain and link the world to a win-win future.

Xie Wei also said that in June last year, Nansha formally signed a framework agreement with GLP Group and Guangdong Pearl River Investment Management Group (hereinafter referred to as "Pearl River Investment Management Group") in Singapore. Today, a year later, the agreement has taken root in Nansha, and the project parties, GLP Group and Pearl River Investment Management Group, have seized the opportunity to continue to deepen cooperation and accelerate the construction of an international smart supply chain base in Nansha.

It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

It is reported that the Puyuetou Nansha International Smart Supply Chain Base project is located in Longxue Island, Nansha District, Guangzhou, with a planned area of about 465 acres, developed and constructed in two phases, with a fixed investment of more than 2 billion yuan, and is an international smart supply chain base integrating import and export trade, testing, packaging, cold chain, trading, cross-border e-commerce, logistics, research and development, finance, supervision, commercial support, digital operation and other functions, and is committed to building an international smart supply chain base with "supply chain integration, service integration, and intelligent operation" as the highlight International Trade Centre Model Project".

Among them, the first phase of the project has a land area of about 325 acres, with a fixed investment of 1.4 billion yuan, and is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2025; The second phase has a land area of about 140 acres, with a fixed investment of 600 million yuan, and is planned to be put into operation by the end of 2026.

The project is a strategic cooperation project between GLP Group, Pearl River Investment Management Group and Nansha District, and it is also a key industrial project under the implementation of the national strategic layout for promoting the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the in-depth implementation of the deployment arrangement of "enhancing the function of an international shipping and logistics hub" in Nansha District.

It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today
It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today
It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

△ Project renderings

It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today
It will drive more than 20,000 people to work! This smart supply chain base started in Nansha today

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Text: Luo Ruixian

Image: Lo Chung Yin

Editor: Zhang Jinxin

Proofreading: Hu Xiaxia

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Li Lizhi

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )