
The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

author:Guangzhou Nansha release
The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

On June 30, the 2024 Guangzhou High School Entrance Examination officially opened. Xiaonan learned from the Nansha District Education Bureau that a total of 7,619 people in Nansha District signed up for the high school entrance examination this year, an increase of 656 over last year.

A total of 10 test centers have been set up in the district, namely Guangzhou Nansha No. 1 Middle School (junior high school), Guangzhou Nansha Huangge Middle School, Nansha Zhujiang School affiliated to Guangdong Second Normal University, Guangzhou Nansha Dongchong Middle School, Guangzhou Nansha Dagang Middle School, Guangzhou Nansha Tanshan Middle School, Guangzhou Nansha Lanhe Middle School, Nansha Middle School Affiliated to South China Normal University, Guangzhou Second Middle School Nansha Tianyuan School, and Guangzhou University Affiliated High School Nansha Experimental School.

"Riding the wind and waves to fight the high school entrance examination, full of confidence and jumping over the dragon gate"

The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

This year, there are many high school entrance examination centers in Nansha

Red arches are set up to welcome candidates.

The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam
The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

Early in the morning of the 30th,

These "champion doors" and "success doors"

ushered in a festive red suit

Sending teachers to the exam,

They are with parents


The red carpet leading to the exam room,

By high-fives, hugs, etc

Send encouragement and blessings to students.

The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam
The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

According to the Nansha District Education Bureau, during this year's high school entrance examination, Nansha strengthened the provision of a series of heart-warming services:

  • Timely convey the new requirements of examination affairs, weather forecasts and examination guidelines to candidates through phone calls, text messages, official account pushes, etc., to assist candidates in preparing for the exam calmly;
  • Instruct each test center to carefully prepare umbrellas, towels and other items for candidates, provide catering and accommodation services, and do a good job in providing logistical support for candidates;
  • Guide schools to organize psychological adjustment and counseling activities before the exam, and provide scientific exam preparation suggestions for candidates who are prone to anxiety when preparing for the exam, so as to alleviate the anxiety of examinees;
  • Conduct a comprehensive inspection of the operation of the power supply line of the test center, guide and urge the test center to maintain, clean and disinfect the air conditioning of the test room in advance, and create a "cool" test environment for candidates;
  • Carry out the special work of warm-hearted examination delivery, plan in advance the operation route and time arrangement of the bus sending to the examination of each school, and provide services such as traffic police road opening, traffic control, and iron riding to send the examination for candidates to go to the examination, so as to escort the candidates in the whole region to take the examination smoothly.

Take dreams as horses, fight the end of the world!

I wish Nansha students an easy battle,

Wonderful answers, live up to youth,

The future is promising!

  • Tips: During the high school entrance examination, temporary traffic control → will be implemented on these roads in Nansha

The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam
The high school entrance examination started today, and 7,619 students from Nansha went to the exam

Xiao Nan will show you

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Text: Luo Ruixian

Correspondents: Li Boyang, Li Zhuhao

Photo: Nansha District Education Bureau

Edited by Lucy

Proofreader: Zhang Jinxin

Second trial: Li Xiatong

Final review: Li Lizhi

Producer: Nansha District Rong Media Center

Submission email: [email protected] (This article was originally published by "Guangzhou Nansha Release", without authorization, any media and public account shall not be reproduced and adapted, welcome to share it with friends.) )

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