
BYD's price involution has caused controversy, and it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke

author:Z Technology

Nowadays, new energy vehicles are in an era of rapid development, and there are many discussions about the entire industry on the Internet, and everyone's remarks are different. Among them, BYD, as the leader of the industry, can be said to have been at the center of the whirlpool of public opinion, and there are often various Internet Vs, media, etc., on the Internet, making relevant remarks.

It is worth mentioning that at the 16th China Automobile Blue Book Forum held recently, Jia Ke, as the chairman of the China Automobile Blue Book Forum and the editor-in-chief of the "Automobile Business Review", also expressed his own views, such as "the volume is unruly, the volume is to destroy the market order, and the volume is bad money to drive out good money." ", "The volume is better than who has no bottom line", etc., which sparked heated discussions on the Internet for a while.

BYD's price involution has caused controversy, and it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke

Although Jia Ke's remarks did not mention BYD, the meaning of the words was alluding to BYD, which also made BYD the focus of everyone's discussion. Moreover, after carefully studying his speech, I found that it was actually very illogical.

It is important to know that in the current fiercely competitive new energy vehicle market environment, everyone is constantly involuting, and BYD has also been innovating technology. For example, the newly released fifth-generation hybrid technology of BYD also brings fuel consumption to the 2nd era, further refreshing the limit of the industry.

Moreover, because the sales volume of BYD cars is very high, it can better control costs and has better pricing power. In addition, the cost of batteries has decreased a lot now, just like BYD executives said, can't the price of batteries go up, the price of cars has risen, the price of batteries has dropped, and the price of cars has not fallen, right?

Therefore, BYD did not deliberately destroy the market in the price reduction of new cars, but made concessions to consumers, so that everyone has more opportunities to experience the charm of new energy vehicles.

BYD's price involution has caused controversy, and it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke

In addition, I went to the Internet to search for Jia Ke's information, and I also found that there was so much material behind Jia Ke. For example, one of his titles is the president of Xuanyuan University, which was previously reported to be "Pheasant University", and was even publicly named, which can't help but make people more suspicious of him.

At the same time, there have been some stories between Jia Ke and BYD before. In April this year, the news of the sudden death of a taxi driver in Taiyuan, Jia Ke was crazy with rhythm, saying that it was caused by the leakage of the car, maliciously smearing BYD, which can be said to have had a great impact on BYD's brand image, and later he also publicly issued an apology statement.

BYD's price involution has caused controversy, and it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke

It is worth mentioning that the "China Automobile Blue Book Forum" mentioned at the beginning of the article is sponsored by the "Automobile Business Review" under his name, and the co-organizer and organizer is the "Xuanyuan Zhixue" and "Shanghai Jia Ke Shuo Education Technology Co., Ltd." founded by him, which can be said to be a closed forum held by himself without official endorsement.

Obviously, Jia Ke's remarks are really undesirable, and it is easy to mislead everyone's judgment and have a bad impact on the development of domestic new energy vehicles.

BYD's price involution has caused controversy, and it turns out that there are so many materials behind Jia Ke

Finally, in today's new energy vehicle development environment, I still hope that everyone can express their views fairly and justly, so as to better promote the healthier development of the industry.