
【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

author:Qinghai online network official micro
【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Lv Xia (second from right), deputy director of Qinghai Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and first-class inspector, visited and guided the booth of Pujia

Qinghai Online Network (Wentu/Liu Zhiqiang) In the ancient and mysterious land of Yushu, Qinghai, Pujia is a highly respected inheritor of metal forging skills. He has been learning the art of blacksmithing from his grandfather since he was 16 years old and is now in his sixth generation. Pujia not only inherited the traditional skills of the family, but also injected his own innovation and enthusiasm into them, so that the intangible cultural heritage of the Anchong Tibetan knife glows with new vitality.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Citizens visit and buy Tibetan knives in front of Puga's booth

On June 28, the summary and observation ceremony of the 2024 Qinghai Provincial "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day" and "Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival" series of publicity and promotion activities was held in Xining Central Square. Pujia brought his own series of Tibetan knife products from Yushu to participate in the exhibition, "This time I went to the intangible cultural heritage exhibition hall mainly to promote my products. During the Intangible Cultural Heritage Shopping Festival, people came and went in front of Pujia's booth, and the citizens were attracted by his exquisite Tibetan knife, and everyone came forward to admire it.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Citizens visit in front of the Puga booth

The 67-year-old Pujia is a native of the Yingqun Community of Laze Village, Anchong Township, Yushu City, and has been engaged in Anchong Tibetan knives for more than 50 years. In 2019, he was named the representative inheritor of the Tibetan metal forging technique (Tibetan knife forging technique), an intangible cultural heritage of Qinghai Province; In 2018, he went to Tsinghua University Academy of Arts and Design to study, which enhanced his cultural consciousness and enhanced his ability to inherit. In December 2021, he participated in the "First Provincial Intangible Heritage Representative Inheritor Training Course in the Province", where he met new cultural friends and improved his cultural knowledge.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Puja's Tibetan knife making skills are exquisite, and he focuses on creating Anchong men's and women's Tibetan knife jewelry, and each piece embodies his hard work and wisdom. He accepts private orders and carefully crafts unique Tibetan knives according to the needs and preferences of his customers. These Tibetan knives not only have practical value, but also exist like works of art, and are deeply loved by collectors and enthusiasts.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Citizens visit and exchange in front of Pujia's booth

Over the years, Puja has not only adhered to his position in the forging technique, but also actively cultivated a new generation of inheritors. So far, he has trained 15 disciples who have gradually mastered the forging skills of Anchong Tibetan swords under the guidance of Puja, injecting new vitality into the inheritance of this intangible cultural heritage.

Puja's family is also full of blacksmithing. His three sons, all of whom were learning to forge Tibetan knives, grew up with a passion and awe for the craft. Puja often taught them to feel the texture and temperature of metal with their hearts, and to shape perfect works with their hands.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Pujia's Tibetan knife products

In order to let more people understand and appreciate the Anchong Tibetan knife, in recent years, Pujia has brought his works to Beijing, Sichuan, Tibet and other places for exhibition and publicity. His works have won wide acclaim and praise for their exquisite craftsmanship and unique style. In 2023, Pujia's income will reach 200,000 yuan, which is the best reward for his hard work.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Pujia's Tibetan knife products

Anchong Tibetan knife is known for its long history, exquisite selection of materials, and unique style. On the basis of inheriting the tradition, Pujia constantly tries new materials and techniques, making the Anchong Tibetan knife more exquisite and unique. The external inlay materials of these Tibetan knives mainly include metal blades, shark skin, coral, turquoise, etc., and the scabbard is engraved with dragons, phoenixes, flowers, vases and other patterns, each of which has been carefully carved to look simple and elegant. The appearance of the male knife is straight and the decoration is simple, revealing a kind of masculinity; The women's knife is inlaid with gold and silver, delicate and gorgeous, full of feminine tenderness and delicacy. The biggest feature of the Anchong Tibetan knife is that the handle part is cross-inlaid with metal materials of different colors such as gold, silver, copper, brass, etc., which makes the Anchong Tibetan knife stand out among many Tibetan knives.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Pujia's Tibetan knife products

Long Zhou, head of the intangible cultural heritage of the Yushu Prefecture Bureau of Culture and Tourism, told us that Pujia and his disciples still use the ancient hand-making process, and each Tibetan knife needs to go through dozens of processes to complete. Most of the tools they use are hammers, tongs, chisels, scissors, files, etc., but these seemingly simple tools have become magical in Puja's hands, and they collide with metal to create a beautiful melody, and also shape a piece of exquisite Tibetan knives.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Pujia's Tibetan knife products

Today, Pujia has established Yushu Laze Handicraft Industry and Trade Co., Ltd., specializing in the production and sales of Anchong Tibetan knives. At the Qinghai Provincial Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition on June 28, 2021, Pujia's works were favored by the citizens, and many people stopped to admire and buy, "I am very grateful to the governments at all levels for building a platform for us to better promote our products, and yesterday's income of 2,000 yuan is already very good." ”。 Puja said that he will continue to work hard to inherit and carry forward the forging skills of Anchong Tibetan knives, so that more people can understand and love this intangible cultural heritage.

【Yushu Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritor】Pujia: An Chong Tibetan knife forging master in inheritance and innovation

Puga shows off his Tibetan knife