
These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

author:Xinzhou Net

When people reach middle age, the young momentum is less, and the days that were once full of vitality and inexhaustible energy are now in the past when you think about it.

There must be many old brothers who feel the same way, especially friends who love to drink, when they were young, they were called unscrupulous, mixed with liquor and beer, and blowing bottles were common. It's like now, after drinking two more sips, my head starts to get dizzy, and I have to worry about whether it will hurt like cracking tomorrow, and the massive amount of the year is long gone.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

I'm here myself, so I have to remind you middle-aged and elderly drinking friends that you have to drink more leisurely when you are older, and don't be as greedy as you were when you were young. Especially when buying wine and picking wine, you have to pay attention to it, and you have to drink less than some good wine, and you can't touch those inferior wines mixed with water.

Especially the following three kinds of wine, don't drink it for free, in case there is a problem with drinking, the money for medical treatment is much more expensive than wine, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The first type is the bulk wine sold by small workshops

Some people have a special affection for bulk wine, which they think is cheap and convenient, and it is still made from pure grains, which may taste better than those big-name wines in the supermarket. However, this idea has to be changed, most of the bulk wines on the market are not guaranteed, many small workshops do not even have brewing licenses, equipment and technology cannot keep up, impurity filtration is not in place, and the wine produced has a lot of fusel and aldehydes, which is not harmful to the body.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

Not to mention the large amount of alcoholic liquor now, these small workshops buy some low-cost blended wine, known as home-brewed grain wine, you can't tell the difference.

Second, don't touch the "three nos" liquor

Even those liquors that do not have a production date, manufacturer's name and address, just have a liquor name, such liquor is likely to be unhygienic from raw materials to the production process, and it is difficult to find an explanation if something goes wrong.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

The third type, blended, alcohol-blended wine

Although the law does not say that this kind of wine is not allowed to be sold, it is better for us to encounter it less, especially for elderly friends, who drink too much of this inferior wine, and the liver and body are prone to major problems, and the gains outweigh the losses.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

Blending wine or alcoholic wine is actually very common, not only some miscellaneous brands, but also many big brands will have some such product lines under them, we must pay more attention when buying, don't just look at the packaging box brand.

These three kinds of wine can really be seen everywhere in life, either it is a fake blend, or it is a bargain of poor quality, which is not good for health, especially for the elderly, it is simply a big enemy of health, don't try to buy it cheaply. In fact, there are many pure grain wines with suitable prices and good quality on the market, and the descendants of many well-known manufacturers are very good, such as the three I want to talk about next, which have good taste and guaranteed quality, so you can try them.

Yanghe series: the blue of the sea

In the wine of the Yanghe family, the blue of the sea is responsible for sales, although it is not the top in terms of taste, but if you look at the cost performance, the blue of the sea really has few opponents, it can sell 1 billion bottles a year, and the strong flavor wine is definitely at the boss level.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

This wine is made from the old cellar pool of Yanghe, the old traditional Wuzhen process, the wine is clean and refreshing, it tastes continuous, the aftertaste is long, and the most important thing is that it is not sloppy, it is very smooth. Many people say that Yanghe is based on advertising, but if you really want to talk about quality, in fact, people have been doing very well, and it is also an old brand.

Guokang 1935

Guokang 1935 is not very famous, but everyone who has drunk it gives a thumbs up. This wine is made of traditional Daqu Kunsha craftsmanship, and also adds a lot of old liquor flavor, 5-year-old base wine with more than 10 years of old soy sauce wine, so it tastes so mellow and delicate, as soon as you enter it, it will melt away.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

From the beginning of the selection of materials, this wine is exquisite, using Renhuai's local red tassel sorghum and high-quality wheat, sorghum and koji are cut in a one-to-one ratio, and the whole year is slowly brewed, and the base wine has to be cellared for another five years, which has that delicate and slippery taste, refreshing to drink, sweet aftertaste, and clear layers.

The key is that with such a good vintage and quality, the price is only more than 100 yuan a bottle, and the cost performance is amazing, so everyone really has to try it.

Hengshui old white dry blue and white

Hengshui Laobaigan this wine has been regarded as a member of the strong fragrance type for many years in the past.

However, in 2009, this wine was "turned positive", and the official certification gave it a new identity - Lao Bai Dry Aroma! This is the pride of Hebei, the medium-temperature Daqu made of pure wheat, which was originally prepared for our fellow villagers in Hebei, with a variety of varieties and real prices, and the wine table of our people is a frequent customer.

These 3 kinds of liquor are dirtier than gutter oil, hurt the body and have a high price, but people who don't know drink it every day

Lao Baigan is actually a high degree of good drinking, strong enough, but not intoxicating, let's not worry about him uncomfortable drinking, this wine looks strong, to the mouth is a really pure and delicate type, old drunkards don't miss it.


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