
What is sold in the gourd

author:Customs release
What is sold in the gourd


Recently, Guangzhou Customs seized a batch of live ants entering the country in violation of regulations in the delivery channel of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, which were identified as toothed tarsal shield fierce ants, Senegalese bellied ants, and longitudinal archback ants, a total of 71, all of which belong to alien species.

What is sold in the gourd

The customs officer of Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, which belongs to Guangzhou Customs, found that there was an abnormality in the X-ray machine image of the express when supervising the inbound express mail declared as "African drum instrument". The image shows that there are a large number of small items in the "ball" shape of the shipment, and there is a risk of entrapment. Customs officers immediately intercepted and further inspected the package, and found that the package contained a complete gourd shell, which contained 8 plastic boxes and 20 plastic test tubes, which contained different numbers of live ants. After being sent to professional institutions for identification, it was determined that a total of 71 ants were intercepted this time, including 54 toothed tarsal spear shield fierce ants, 15 Senegalese belly ants and 2 longitudinal archback ants. None of the above-mentioned ants have a natural distribution on the mainland and belong to alien species.

What is sold in the gourd
What is sold in the gourd

Customs reminds: According to the "Biosecurity Law", the "Law on the Quarantine of Animals and Plants Entering and Leaving the Country" and their implementing regulations and other laws and regulations, it is forbidden to introduce alien species without approval, and it is forbidden to carry or deliver live animals and plants into the country. In case of violation of the regulations, the customs will investigate the legal responsibility in accordance with the law.

Please indicate the source of the reprint: "Customs Release"

Contributed by Guangzhou Customs

Executive Producer / Tao Yong

Reviewer / Bao Yinghui, Kang Yue

Editor/ Dai Jun

Art Editor / Wei Hao

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