
Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

author:New glamorous campus
Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

Home-school music joins hands to nurture the heart

2023-2024 School Year Parent-Teacher Conference

Meeting is the best beginning, and hand in hand is the warmest co-cultivation. In order to enable parents to have a more comprehensive understanding of students' performance in school, further strengthen the relationship between home and school, create a good and harmonious educational atmosphere, and build a bridge of home-school collaborative education, on the afternoon of June 13, 2024, Xuanwu District Special Education School held a parents' meeting for the 2023-2024 school year. The meeting was chaired by the Director of the Moral Education Division, Yao Qiuzhi.

Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

Parent-teacher conferences

Principal Zhu Liling first welcomed the arrival of the parents and expressed her gratitude to the parents for their long-term support. She emphasized the importance of family education in the process of children's growth, the necessity of home-school cooperation, and called on parents to pay attention to family education, care about children's growth, and join hands with teachers to contribute to the children's bright future. Principal Zhu said that the school has always been student-centered, and hopes that with the company of the school and family, children can pursue extraordinary achievements in ordinary life.

Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

Xu Jing, director of the Academic Affairs Office, focused on how the school scientifically sets up courses and reasonably allocates teachers according to the characteristics of the school period and the laws of students' physical and mental development; Detailing the changes and progress made by students in the process of education and teaching; The path of teachers' professional growth and the honors they have received are briefly reported. Director Xu also communicated with parents on how to correctly guide children to develop good study habits and labor habits, and answered their concerns.

Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

Yao Qiuzhi, director of the Moral Education Office, led the parents to review the various student activities organized by the Moral Education Office this year, praised the little experts and pacesetters who emerged in the class evaluation every month, and exchanged views on the development of school-home-community collaborative education. Finally, Director Yao introduced the income and expenditure of the school canteen from February to June 2024 to all parents, and listened to the parents' opinions and suggestions on the work of the school canteen.

Xuanwu Special School held a parent-teacher meeting for the 2023-2024 school year

Education is a two-way journey of love and trust, which is inseparable from the joint efforts of family and school. In this cohesive exchange, there is recognition, understanding and support in the eyes of parents, teachers have gained allies in education, and parents and schools have established a bridge of communication. Xuanwu Special School will take this parent-teacher meeting as an opportunity to work together with parents and schools to build a harmonious campus, and write a new chapter in education.

Source: Nanjing Xuanwu District Special Education School

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group

Graphic production: Jiangsu New Charm Campus Media Center

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group